The Chronicle of our demise orchestrated by a busload of Nazi Sociopaths raining horror and death on the World..It isn't just money .they have tons of money..It is Revenge Porn .Sport of the Nihilists

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Well put, Katie.

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Me and my Netflix documentary addiction happened on origins of First World War.. Kaiser Wilhelm in particular..it seems to me the Sociopathic "leaders" have something striking in common.Horrendous childhoods.We can't move on from the monsters for long..Maybe a decade or two..but back they come👿🌍☮️☮️☮️☮️

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Quite the rogues gallery for sure! It's sickening that they are not all behind bars already 😠

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It boggles the mind, truly. With Jared especially.

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Damn, I thought Rupert would be number 1 and chump number 2, but I ain’t gonna quibble with your line up. Had not even heard of two of the 23 so I trust your info. Glad you included the “Texas troika” and the reason Beto was hammered by their evil. Also Ginni, well, every last one deserves a spot on the most wanted list for the destruction of our humanity and our earthly Eden. But so many more lurking in the shadows. Only the Shadow knows…

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Jared will always be my #1. A million deaths is a lot.

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So well articulated! I might have put Tucker Carlson as #1 but JK is indeed a monster!

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Tucker is also awful. It's hard to rank.

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Nailed it! Serious subject + Urgency + Questionable Timing?

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All I can do is shake my head.

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Nailed it, Greg. Jared is pure evil. If even Ivanka can’t bear to stay with him, we know he’s worse than her dad. These people make me want to puke all over their fancy pants.

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Maybe her contract is up?

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"Vladimir the Puny"

OMG! Snort, cackle, laugh, titter, tee-hee, squeal, gasp, gag, choke, wheeze, hoot, hee-hee, ho-ho, ha-ha, guffaw, holler, howl, spit, lol, giggle, chortle, cough, lol, lulz, roflmao, double over, wet my pants.

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Funny, but it's not mine...an old Ukrainian woman called him that.

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All Star #TreasonTeam

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The team has an extensive farm system too, alas...

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Common thread between all of these miserable fucks - an unwillingness to admit their own wrongdoing on any level. No apologies. No explanations. No guilt or shame. Dan Snyder could sell the team. Trump could concede. Murdoch could hand his disinformation empire over to his son. Roger Stone, Steve Bannon, Alex Jones, Charlie Kirk and all of the right wing operatives could wake up to the fact they are crusading for evil causes. Not a single person on this list ever looks in the mirror for a single moment to think “wow, I really am a jerk and people are suffering and dying because of it, let me set the record straight”. Not one.

Shameless bastards.

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Bastards is a good description. Theyall act as if their fathers wouldn't recognize their existence.

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Excellent observation, Deborah. Our political system rewards psychopathy. We have to knock that off somehow, but I don't know how.

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This is an A-Level list of evil doers. Of course, there are many more--I would put in every person who supports these bastards. Thank you for shining the light, Greg.

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Thanks, Lexine. There are way way WAY too many.

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The illo!

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Maybe what's most galling is that I would bet good money that NONE of these "people" ever THINK about what they've done and continue to do. Jared has never looked at Ivanka and said, "honey, do you think I helped kill a million people?" NEVER! They go blithely on their merry way, sucking up attention that shouldn't be theirs, hoarding money that could be put to better use than making themselves even richer, and continuing to campaign for the next thing that could make them feel good. the needle on my outrage gauge is broken, so I just watch it happen now, and it remains unconscionable that these malignant humans continue to walk the earth.

Transcripts: I read Ginni's transcript yesterday and well, she SAYS that there's a hard and fast rule in their house that she NEVER discusses anything the SCOTUS might be considering with "her husband." But, you know, she regrets some of her "stolen election" texts because "emotions were high," during "that period." She may have said, "emotions were high" or "everything was very emotional," ten or fifteen times during her testimony -- I really lost count. I felt SURE she was telling the absolute truth though, because "oath" and everything. (Actually, all I kept seeing was her riding that red and blue elephant from the opening credits of the Five 8.)

Next (and last), I delved into Henry "Enrique" Torrio's transcript, and to listen to him, you'd think he'd had NO idea of what was to happen on January 6th with his Proud Boys -- why, they're just a bunch of goofy drunks; frat boys without the frat, if you will. He didn't even have a phone until after 1:00 PM because the Metro Police still had his phone from his arrest and he slept late and then he had to find an AT&T store to replace his phone, and after all, he was in BALTIMORE, so he wasn't in DC where he could have, all by himself, stopped the carnage, and I assume, the steal. It's funny that he took the Fifth a few times, I guess for form, but then couldn't stop himself from talking about almost everything. His lawyer, a piece of work in his own right, eventually gave up trying to "object" to questions because Torrio wouldn't shut up. After reading, I just CAN'T IMAGINE why he's charged with seditious conspiracy and is currently on trial for it, as he seems to be completely blameless for anything, anywhere, at any time, having to do with January 6th. I guess, in the end, NO ONE was responsible for planning, funding, and executing the insurrection of January 6th, 2021. It must have just HAPPENED! Oh, OK, all is forgiven then.

Let's hope Jack Smith doesn't Mueller this thing up! The REAL American people are tired of having that football whipped away at the last minute. No speeches. No redactions to soothe bruised egos. Let's just get some indictments going. It's LONG past due!

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Jared is the most un-self-aware person on the planet. He really thinks he's a statesman or something. That book tour as insane.

Torrio, but, I mean, you have to be kind of a nutjob to do what these guys did. None of them are normies. But they are not insane, they knew what they were doing, just horrible, horrible humans.

Ginni and Clarence do not not talk about stuff. That's ridiculous.

Jack Smith, it's Day Six of indictmentless New Year.

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A cracking great list. Some that I *almost* forgot.

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Thanks. There are too many to keep track of.

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A righteous screaming, wakeup RANT!

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I have to say, your use of the word "asshole" to describe these and other lowlifes of the right-wing persuasion over the last year has exposed the kernel of their nature. Succinct. Apt. There's simply no better word. It's downright screaming for a Pulitzer. Well done.

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Ha ha. Thanks, Allenby. It's a word the NYT can't say but I can and do and MUST.

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I've loved your lyrical writing about poetry and books and your essays on wild and wonderful times in your early years, but nothing has delighted me more than this posting, each take down of these evil bastards more delightful and satisfying than the last. I don't have a favorite, except for your hilarious description of Roger Stone.

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Thanks so much Mary. I find it cathartic! I'm glad you liked the Stone one, which was maybe a SMIDGEN extra, lol.

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