Everything you wrote is what I known be true, having watched Trump and his band of thugs for nearly 40 years, his desperation for acknowledgement, fame, and money so necessary to “ease” his feelings of inadequacy, a hole he never could fill, no matter how hard he tried. Understand this, Trump is a low life, it has always been so, and now he can add treason to that list of failures he calls “winning”

On Sanders I would also agree, but I would add that Sanders is closer to being like Trump than most believe. Sanders, the communist, would have everyone believe he is altruistic, but he’s not. His resentment towards those who have money is palpable, visceral and in his face everyday he’s in senate. Most senators have money, and until 2015/16 Bernie was broke...now he isn’t because he gave his citizenship away to Russia for a stab at glory, and the “Russian/NRA” cash that goes with it. Sander’s unspoken agreement to destroy the Clinton political machine is a major factor on what and why he continues to do, lying and getting paid to sabotage the election not only in 2016 but in the 2020 general election. He has help, Tulsi Gabbard is poised to be a partner with Sanders. He’s also turned AOC, but that’s another story, for another day...

Thank you for putting it all in words that we must understand and act on. To be effective folks need to understand what/who they’re up against...without that deeper understanding, which a very few have now, but armed with your articles and threads from others in law imparts that knowledge to everyone, giving them the extra reason for beating the men who have turned USA into a circus of mob characters...

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Yes, let's definitely make 2020 about Truth, Justice, and the American Way with a massive emphasis on Truth.

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'...Tomorrow, the Roaring Twenties begin again. Let 2020 be the Year of Reckoning. I can picture Justice, blindfolded with her scales, belting out Katy Perry:

I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter

Dancing through the fire

Cuz I am a champion and you’re gonna hear me roar

Happy New Year, Dear Reader. We shall prevail...'(article)

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