I’m already laughing! And it’s only ☕️ my first cup. But it’s so 🎯! I’ll read the rest before I risk another. Here goes! Thank you!!

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Your guest Tony Michaels is spot on. The worse members of the gop laid the ground work and trump slapped his name on it. Also explains why the cult is so ingrained in its beliefs, they've been feed these ideas for a long time. I think the beliefs were always there but really ramped up in the 90's/Limbaugh etc. Again, another surge with covid being the catalyst during an election year.

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The first thing I thought, after I stopped laughing, was, “He should’ve gotten the vaccine!” In my eyes he’s a complete fool - athletic ability aside.

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I suggest we load up the #TrumpCrimeFamily’s Criminal Enterprise on Trump’s Force One bound for the Kremlin 🛫 Hasta La Vista, Baby!

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Newt, Rush, Roger and Donald are or were loathe obscenities. Prosecutors tackling Donald will not remove him from the playing field.

A Hamburger during half-time?

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I'm certainly of the "Sports! Ball" ilk, and even I am aware of Aaron Rodgers, especially when he lied about his COVID vaccine status and endangered anyone he came into contact with. I saw the Achilles tendon story this week and said, out loud, "that there is karma on a stick." Trump and Rodgers have something else in common too: they're both INFAMOUS, and the reasons they are aren't too different. Their lies precede them.

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I really needed this smile today! But aside from the humor, it does sometimes help to step back and take a wider view that looks at similarities but is beyond the confines of the world of politics. This, in my opinion, is a perfect analogy.

BTW, after years of running, 5 Ks and 10 Ks and one marathon, I ruptured MY Achilles tendon. It was a freak accident; surgery was required. I was on crutches and then in a boot for 3 months and had to learn to walk again. Needless to say, I never ran again. To do so, my doctors told me, would irreparably tear that tendon again to the point that I would be dragging my foot instead of walking on it. My tear was 70%. I don't know what Aaron's was, but I would bet he's finished.

Does anyone have a clue what TFG's Achilles heel might be? That might be one way of keeping him in a golf cart for the rest of his pathetic life.

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True that GOP Machiavellians of days past laid the ground work for Trump. But it’s more complicated than simply describing all the ways Trump and his minions are loathsome. With few exceptions (Dr Bandy Lee, Dr Lance Dodes) psychiatrists do not buck the so-called Goldwater Rule (no remote diagnosis of a patient not actually under your care). In doing so, they break another—the duty to warn. Trump may or may not consciously believe all the crazy stuff he says or does. However, he is so obviously mentally ill that the difference as far as our democracy surviving is moot. Perhaps decades of neglecting mental health in so many areas of American life has allowed a cult of millions to develop. The cure will not be simple or quick. But it starts with decisively defeating the cult leader—a political antipsychotic, as it were. And then a lot of soul searching as to why so many Americans were willing to follow him. A reconciliation to the truth, if you will. An example: is “rugged individualism” truly viable in a 21st Century country of 333 million? Another: is money the only true measure of success? Time will tell but I hope to see the beginnings before I shuffle off this mortal coil.

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This clarified a lot in my mind about how the dumpster fire that calls himself MAGA Trump, or as President Biden called him “Donald Hoover Trump”, got himself rocketed to the tippy top of what used to be the republican party. I remember thinking that we had dodged a bullet with Reagan. Little did I know what the long term goals of that party were until I watched the Clinton stories hit the headlines. Hillary was right all along and so many laughed at her assertions. This is why she had to be taken out of the picture and trump along with his buddy putin did the deed. It was almost as surgical as MbS’s killing of Jamal Kashogi. This is a nasty, bloody world we are seeing these days and I’m getting awfully demoralized watching it all happen.

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Very interesting analogy! But I don’t think the effects of the two men filling the respective holes in their organizations are comparable. The Jets will survive this unfortunate turn of events, I’m quite sure. The Republican Party shot itself in the heart.

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Hahahaha. The footnote was PRECISELY what I’d hoped it’d be. Still reading… but: hahaha. 😎 #niceshade

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