WHEW! That was a lot of information. Great article; would be a terrific guest on your podcast.

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This article should be called “Wait, What?” Or more appropriately, “Wait, WTF?!?!” as there are so many bizarre connections and corrupt characters throughout. Once again PREVAIL gives us a comprehensive rundown of the many villains who threaten to destroy the country with their sociopathic criminality, insatiable lust for power and base corruption. This piece is amazing; thank you Nia (and Greg).

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“vulgar, thirsty, attention-whore freak of nature came down the escalator of his gaudy Tower of Babylon” - excellent opening

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Great stuff! I do want to defend Voice of America a little bit. In the Soviet Union of the 80s it was one of the radio broadcasters referred to as "enemy voices", along with Radio Freedom / Radio Free Europe. It was banned, but people with shortwave radios, like my grandfather, were listening to it even as it was being jammed by authorities. It played a significant role in the fall of the Soviet Union, telling people the truth about what was really going on in the world and in the Soviet Union itself. For example, this is how my family knew the truth about Chernobyl in the first days of the catastrophe.

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Oh, for sure. Most of VOA's "propaganda" is telling the truth in closed societies where the truth is repressed. Propaganda isn't inherently bad.

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Wow! I am blown away! Thanks Nia. I hope Rachel Maddow gets you as a guest. Between Greg, Dave Troy, Zev, LB, Jennifer Cohen and others, a giant puzzle with tiny missing pieces is filling in. Themes of Russia inserted in our politics, traitors from all corners of the Republican party, white entitled mysoginistic men who’ve ‘master’ed bullying, cruelty, cheating, abuse, supremacy, manipulation, murder & colonization in this country & around the world for centuries (imagine that first ‘Thanksgiving’- Pilgrim: “Savage, we come in peace”- Indigenous host: “Welcome to our land …” of course we all know it’s down hill from there.), Christians (the wolves) getting away with their appearance in sheep’s clothing and ultimate nihilism (Jan6) for a history of ultimately losing to the strength & integrity of those who are good & united. Wow! I think of Tucker as I remember the atheist Karl Rove, during the Bush years, caught off mic mocking ‘Evangelical Christians’ brought into the Republican voting folds. Reading this article, my first thought was a clear memory of the Dough Boy Karl Rove’s manipulative behavior, seemingly motivated by the same dark force that created Trump, Tuck and others- his mother committed suicide. In other words that Oedipal thing- so many Republicans have repressed sexual issues and mommy issues that seem to motivate their rage.

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Wow. I count myself as one of the lucky women in the world who never watched this frat boy - maybe it was the affinity to the bow tie? But having read this, I am in need of a shower!

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Rejected by his mother as a child, drowned in preppy privilege, front row seat to father’s international Russophile gop operators, taste of high octane sex in Nevada desert at bf’s brothel, fueled no doubt by excessive amounts of cocaine …equals possible kompromat . Now, Tucker, (who goes by his step mother’s name)? is a cynical and destructive man intent on retaining the power he needs to keep his past under wraps. Excellent reporting.

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A threat to society

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Tucker isn't just a weirdo -- he's *sinister* ... Nice exposé 👍

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Great read.

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Great article. Regarding the term “Christo-fascist”: would “Malthusian Eschathologist” perhaps be more accurate? I think Carlson and his ilk welcome mass death from pandemics and climate catastrophe because they are convinced they are part of an elect that can profit from catastrophe, and the losers who die deserve their fate.

It’s an amoral apocalypse they are engineering. Their son of God is John Galt, not JC.

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Sadly that group, Entangled and repleat with self importance, connected deeply between privileged white boy and vapid opportunists- have soared in their individual and group quest for a twisted involvement and dare I say “leadership” in our govt., which all too openly misses most of their shenanigans, well hidden under a rampant, overindulgence of free speech- better referred to as “free lies”.

This well written, relevant article is about Tucker Carlson- but oh so much more- thank you! well done!

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'...Reagan sent his speechwriter Dana Rohrabacher to this meeting, as an emissary...'(article)

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Opinion Tucker Carlson, a terrible individual, leaves Fox News

By Erik Wemple

Media critic

April 24, 2023 at 4:21 p.m. EDT

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