“Are You Washed in the Blood?” is an Evangelical hymn. The concept of a bloodbath might be more appealing (if subconsciously) to some of his base than the sane part of the population would imagine. I’d also note that for those who believe they are saved by virtue of a crucifixion are conceivably more accepting of violence. I doubt that D…
“Are You Washed in the Blood?” is an Evangelical hymn. The concept of a bloodbath might be more appealing (if subconsciously) to some of his base than the sane part of the population would imagine. I’d also note that for those who believe they are saved by virtue of a crucifixion are conceivably more accepting of violence. I doubt that DJT is aware of hymns or theological concepts, so I doubt that this association was intentional.
DJT may not be that aware, but he can sniff the air. With Alex Jones' broadcasts touting 'possible' assassinations, and Michael Flynn assembling his chorus and choir of 'Armored Christian Soldiers' with Erik Prince and all the deVos money, I see plenty of intentional motivation and herding ongoing. There's millions of dollars being spent in these pursuits to strain our common agreements about this nation. It is insidious with implicit intent. The limits of 'free speech' and the 1st amendment are being seriously stretched.
Wow, Earl, thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure someone mentioned it to him in passing and he glommed onto it. He is very adept at knowing which lines to steal.
“Are You Washed in the Blood?” is an Evangelical hymn. The concept of a bloodbath might be more appealing (if subconsciously) to some of his base than the sane part of the population would imagine. I’d also note that for those who believe they are saved by virtue of a crucifixion are conceivably more accepting of violence. I doubt that DJT is aware of hymns or theological concepts, so I doubt that this association was intentional.
DJT may not be that aware, but he can sniff the air. With Alex Jones' broadcasts touting 'possible' assassinations, and Michael Flynn assembling his chorus and choir of 'Armored Christian Soldiers' with Erik Prince and all the deVos money, I see plenty of intentional motivation and herding ongoing. There's millions of dollars being spent in these pursuits to strain our common agreements about this nation. It is insidious with implicit intent. The limits of 'free speech' and the 1st amendment are being seriously stretched.
There are no limits on free speech if you're a protected class of traitor, apparently. Flynn, Prince, Kushner, Musk, Rudy, etc.
Wow, Earl, thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure someone mentioned it to him in passing and he glommed onto it. He is very adept at knowing which lines to steal.