Keep it coming, brother👊

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100% about the AG -- it's on him now, not Biden

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Shoot the bastids.

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Brilliant! 💯

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Welcome back. This is spot on.

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Why is everyone seemingly afraid of FOX? Murdoch should be arrested as a conspirator too.

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I wish I knew.

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OK, I’m remembering back to being late night secret meeting between Murdochs and his thugs in the offices of none other than Senator Grim Reaper Moscow Mitch. If I remember correctly it happened during Thanksgiving recess in 2017. No one expected the media to still be around becomes film crew caught it. Methinks the answers to your wish in the bowels of that meeting.

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Why is everyone seemingly afraid of FOX? Murdoch should be arrested as a conspirator too.

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Amen! And why are those murderous insurrectionists being let off with merely a slap on the wrist?

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This is such an incredible read! Didn’t know about Fawkes nor Sir Walter Raleigh. I grew up in NC where he was revered and, of course, Raleigh cigarettes were named after him. Let me barf now.

So my take on these despicable men is that yes, the pardons should have been strongly contested right at the “git-go”. Infuriating that they weren’t. Flynn should be apprehended and dropped, blindfolded, in the middle of Afghanistan with only a small backpack and a flip phone that has to be powered by the sun. No numbers will be provided beforehand. Erik Prince is just one very evil m’effer and should be indicted, like you say, but needs to take his sister along with him. Birds of a feather….

Have you seen where Stone is begging for money because of his wife’s cancer diagnosis? Is that even real? Horrid horrid man!

On to Garland…big disappointment, but I am just wondering if he and his crew are planning a really big sweep of these guys, plus Fake 45, at one time. Maybe in this way, their asses cannot get out of going to jail/prison.

Thanks for stirring up my emotions and also the laughter.

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Now I'm worked up, glad you're back.

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I'm proud to follow someone who gives a Guy Fauke!

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"His remains were put in a canon and fired..."

If you're in the canon, you're immortal!

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I'm STILL waiting to see on Garland. So far, not much to crow about. Well, not anything really. I GET that they're passing through the "insurrectionist-adjacent" people fast to be able to get to the really bad guys, but what's the line? The adjacent people are being charged with trespassing, being unlawfully in a closed federal building and the like, but I still haven't heard a peep about any possible sedition charges coming, or even insurrection charges. I mean, I thought that kind of thing was a little more than frowned on!

Glad you're back Greg, although going down memory lane for a few weeks was a trip too! I also love that it seems the ONLY reason for not having Bannon's head on a pike is because we'd have to see that face again. True. "Sloppy Steve." 🤣

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Right On! Thank you for this clear history and perspective on treason. Shoot, are we even allowed to call this treason much less prosecute it? But I have much more faith and hope in our AG Garland than you do. I think he is not only making the solid cases for these f$#%&rs, but is laying the groundwork so future traitors can be nailed (crucified?) from the get go.

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