On the bright side, after the 2024 election both Manchin and Sinema will be gone. Manchin replaced by a real Republican, Sinema replaced by a real Democrat. And with, in my opinion, the likelihood that the House MAGA Majority so pisses off the country with shutdowns and phony impeachments, Cruz is gone and with him one or two more obstructionist Republicans.

And then the filibuster can be eliminated or more likely, reformed. My opinion - bring back the talking filibuster. Let the obstructionist hold the floor for as long as he or she can. Then when he/she drops from exhaustion, proceed to the vote. And with this caveat - catheters and Depends are not permitted as a way to extend the time on the floor.

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You're forgetting that the Democrats have to defend 20 Senate states this cycle, 12 of which are in red states which means people like Sherrod Brown and John Tester are in dire straits and likely not to return in January 2025. And the Republicans have to defend only 10, all of whom represent safe red seats.

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Call me a starry eyed optimist, but I think that there are very few safe red seats where statewide elections are concerned. Even the reddest states have blue cities, and blue cities are full of angry motivated Democrats. Add to that millions of women still pissed about Dobbs and guns, and that puts Republican senators back on their heels. I wouldn't want to be Ted Cruz, Rick Scott or Josh Hawley, nor would I want to be Marsha Blackburn. All have formidable opponents who are already scoring points against them. Tester can win in Montana, especially since the Pubbies are likely to nominate a MAGA loon. As for Brown, Ohio Democrats are furious with the Ohio GOP over their machinations and lies about the state constitution and abortion. They will come out in force. He will be reelected easily.

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From your lip to goddess' ear. :-)

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I may be an optimist, but not a starry-eyed one. Cruz is as popular as Taylor Swift in Texas. I’m pissed that Allred is giving up his seat to lose to Cruz. If Ted didn’t cheat, Beto would be our Senator. The cheating is tried and true in Texas. Otherwise, Putin fan, Kay Granger would be gone.

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I sure hope Taylor Swift has better than a 43-45 approve disapprove with 13% undecided in Texas. That said, I would think that Dobbs might be enough to push Allred over the top. But I understand, the angry white racist good ol' boys in rural Texas would vote for an angry rattlesnake before they would vote for a Democrat.

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Texans loved Dems before Rove came to town. Old folks remembered the depression, WW2, and who gave them hope. Propaganda (Rove and Rupert style), along with Limbaugh, pushed hate, especially in churches. Why I ran for my life.

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I understand from friends of mine who have experienced it that the first question newcomers are often asked is "Which church do you attend?" The right answer being Rev. Billy Ray Bighair's First Church of the Almighty White Dollar. Catholics, Jews and others need not expect much of a welcome.

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But Allred isn’t the only one running against Cruz. Roland Guttierez is also going to be on the ballot. Allred has quite a bit of money in his coffers but I get what you’re saying, Jeri.

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Dems need to focus on one, not divide. I’m sick of them being stupid.

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I understand Republicans being popular in Texas. I don't understand Cruz being popular anywhere.

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Had a Cruz nut come to my door several years ago soliciting my vote. Boy, did he pick the wrong door. He is vile by any definition. He even looks vile. Kay Granger doesn’t but she is. BTW, when I moved here, I loved Texas. When Rove brought W here in 1994, things went to hell.

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I continue to have hope on this...a lot depends on the presidential race, as huge turnout there tends to carry the boats downticket. Biden has to be healthy and not being pilloried by the media. Lots of bad things could happen to torpedo that. Trump's slow goodbye will help. But who knows...

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I'm with you all the way on that. I learned from my old boss, Willie Brown, to "run like you're ten points down regardless of the polls, until the polling places close. Then celebrate."

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I hate that they did away with the talking filibuster. Bunch of lazy shits. If you REALLY want to filibuster, filibuster. Don't just raise a hand and obstruct.

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Or even lazier - have an aide send Mitch or Chuck an email stating that you intend to filibuster.

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A performance duo, no doubt

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🙌🏼 Awesome!

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Grow a pair and apply the 14th amendment, section three to the Senate renegades. Fixes the problem tout suite

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True dat Defendario, bring charges to all the traitors who hold political office, then see what’s “left”!

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Keeping in mind that service in our government is a *privilege* not a right

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It's sickening that they are still there. I have a good imagination but I could never have dreamed up that scenario. Too fantastical to be believed. Rid ourselves of them by any legal means. Soon.

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Which - unfortunately - will be a great way to insure that civil war the other side wants.

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We won before and will again. As I said, grow a pair. Cowardice loses every fight

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They do want it, and have been preparing since 2008 (or 1865). At least in Texas…

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AG posted someone saying this, regarding another civil war: "Your leaders are already surrendering in Atlanta. How many times do we have to do this?"

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Love it, MSM, focus on the crimes, not the times that money can piss on justice

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I worry less about civil war ad more about them using it on us for no good reason. Like now, GOP will impeach every Dem president no matter what. Ridiculous.

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The GOP needs to be declared officially "a terrorist organization."

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I don't see that happening, alas...and I'm not sure how that gets adjudicated, or by whom.

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It should have happened immediately after Biden assumed the Presidency.. I think a Special Grand Jury of ordinary citizens overseen by a prominent retired judge would be a fine mechanism. They could create a report of their findings and recommend charges, but those officials found to be involved with J6 should be removed immediately. And stick to the guns, no matter what, if we are to honor the sacrifices made to preserve democracy. Let it not perish

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💯 for “It’s time to pass the car keys to Amy Klobuchar, who at least understands what we’re up against.”

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I’ve known Amy since her pig tails and horned rimmed glasses were in vogue. Have had many questions lobbed at her over policy issues like the “Dark Act”, which is a contentious piece of co-written nonsense she pushed forward. She would make a good replacement for a seemingly gutless Shumer, even though we have had numerous disagreements...

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We're never going to agree on everything. But that's one of the points of this sort of government. All of them have warts, especially in the Senate. But her warts I can live with.

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She’s the daughter of a favorite journalist, whose column I never missed reading as a paperboy.

She’s a decent person who’s been caught up in some idiot politics, bus good senator. Although having loved Al Franken the man, I realize that politics is fundamental fuckery!

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Schumer runs the Senate like he's casting a high schoolplay, and he can't buck the trend of seniors getting the plum parts.

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The Senate is perfect for a party that is anti-regulation and anti-legislation.

Billions of dollars continue to support a disinformation propaganda ecosystem that ensures at least half the country never finds this out.

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Ain’t that the truth…

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Well said, Rick.

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So true:

When Kyrsten Sinema won in Arizona, progressives celebrated the election of the country’s first openly bisexual senator; turns out, she just wanted to fuck everybody.

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I appreciate every one that liked my post. Thanks are all to Greg for writing this perfect line.

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Imagine Johnny Carson making that joke...you know, if he were allowed to swear.

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Oh that picture...says it all! (Cringe)

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America is a work in progress, and the archaic ECA and unrepresentative senate gotta go before we call ourselves a real democracy. 🤠

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This might not be popular, but the sirens are sounding and red lights flashing all over the place that the US Constitution no longer serves the interests of the majority of the country. Trying to operate within a system that has so many poison pills baked in makes it virtually impossible that the obstacles can be overcome, no matter how much we articulate ways to do so. Example: Supreme Court Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh and Coney Barrett should not be on the court for reasons we all know. But these people get to decide what’s legal and what’s not. It’s almost impossible to get rid of them. Expanding the court would dilute their impact, but trying to getting Sinema and Manchin to go along is as futile as getting them to eliminate the filibuster (which by the way is nowhere to be found in the Constitution).

Hopefully before our beloved America, currently hemorrhaging, lies beyond the grasp of resuscitation, enough people will wake up to the fact that the Constitution needs major surgery. As Jefferson said, “ On similar ground it may be proved that no society can make a perpetual constitution, or even a perpetual law. The earth belongs always to the living generation.”


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Koch’s just waiting for chance to do surgery on Constitution. They had their own agenda some time back. Read and weep…

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Yes. We're already seeing it with all this States Rights bullshit.

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Exactly, seems like the cretins found out how Prohibition was passed.

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Unbeknownst to me, when I wrote my comment, on Tuesday night last, Alex Wagner had Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt, authors of the new book “The Tyranny of the Minority.” They basically made the same argument. I just got the audiobook and will start listening today.

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It doesn't need to be scrapped, but it does need some tweaks, especially with the number of SCOTUS judges, the EC, and the Senate composition. Any objective observer would agree. Which is why GOP will never allow it. It erodes further their power.

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Couldn’t have said it better myself and I’ve got a long memory of egregious mis-steps of Congress. The sell out of our government by those who desire power above all else is well underway. That much is getting clearer each day. If we don’t wake up from the fug of ineptitude this country will have quite willingly flushed itself down into the sewer of has-been states.

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Some days, I think we're already in the "late Ottoman Empire" phase and haven't realized it yet. Bush did it, with the 9/11 response that was more of a victory to the anti-America crowd than anything UBL could have dreamed of.

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Wouldn’t Osama be happy

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Enough to bring on another episode of apoplexy. Had so many, life is only brief interludes of sanity between apoplexy and berserk nonfunctioning. I have blamed Mitch primarily although the team of Hastert/Delay caused plenty of consternation. You are so right. Hope plenty of ears and eyes find this Prevail

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I think Newt was to blame, originally. That pond scum piece of shit.

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Wasn’t Lee Atwater his “mentor.” Damn, so many scum buckets followed Ronnie in his quest to undo the path we were on after WW2. A path I loved and thought would be the future. And here we are.

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Greg, your statement “bills sit on Mitch McConnell’s desk until they decompose like Strom Thurmond’s corpse” gave me a sort of funny pause. So many things like RBG not giving up her seat when she was ill and Chuck Schumer being too careful and uncreative in fighting against the R’s, really set us back. That and the fact that Dems are ridiculously shitty messengers! Without people like The Lincoln Project, Dems would sink.

I am totally in agreement with you about Amy Klobuchar. She is a bulldog while Chuck is a dachshund. No doubt he is smart but Amy doesn’t fool around and takes no crap off of anyone.

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We have to be better about shooting ourselves in the foot, which we do constantly. As for messaging, a lot of the blame goes to the media, which is owned by rightwing oligarchs and reflects that.

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That photo, tho...After Judd Legum and Joyce Vance I needed to take a shower. Having read your post I need a decontamination system! Thanks to all y'all!

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From across the Ocean,it appears America is 💯 money,and Lucre Oriented.The plebians just Don't matter anymore.Outrageous Lies are repeated over and over by bought out Corporate MassMedia.Please Gen Z,save America,Save the Planet.The Corporate owned politicians are CEMENTED in place just like Mt.Rushmore..Break the Corporate Fascist hold Dear Z-ers.that your elders refuse to progress from...Get a Sledgehammer if need be☑️💙🇺🇸

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I had to force myself to read every word of this, because I am so damn tired of this shit (not you Greg, you rock).

I am not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel, and that is so depressing

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