The only question that comes to my mind, after reading everything I could about Bernie Sanders, in 2016, knowing that his political standing in senate was a dismal C- that he hadn’t done much despite his long years in office from being mayor of Burlington, Vermont, to understanding that one of the only friends he had in senate was Harry Reid; everyone else just tolerated his I “Know it all” attitude when in fact he didn’t really know. So, after all of this I ask myself why would this guy ”suddenly” change his independent status to that of Democrat when he said numerous times he hated the democrats, so just why did he run in 2016? Why? what was his impetus to go against his very socialist ideals, to run against the Democratic Party favourite? Hillary Clinton, who raised millions if not billions of dollars for the party, had all kinds of experience, was endorsed by all. Why oh why did he do it? my conclusion is different than yours Greg, I believe Sanders was compromised, asked to run against the ”Clinton machine”; this is a fellow facing poverty in old age, he would need to sell everything to just exist in retirement, God help him if he were to get sick without health insurance...but offered another way...by NRA, or by Tad Devine who may have come aboard or spoke to him before Sanders agreed to run...would you consider it? if you were facing poverty after 45 years of public service? freedom to do the travel he’d wanted to do...even his first trip was suspiciously odd...his first trip was to see the Pope, taking his entire family to Italy cost more than $7.5 million...but more, why did a Jewish man want to see the Pope? None of his odd, strange behaviours make sense not then and certainly not now..Trump keeps saying he wants to run against Sanders...we know Trump wants another easy win with help from his friends...including Bernie.

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I guess you just want Americans to not have healthcare, Mary.

Just kidding...that was my feeble attempt to be a Bernie bro.

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No, Greg, I want you to have a choice of whatever healthcare works for you...Elizabeth Warren has a plan that will phase in over time, because what I do know is that you can’t get “Medicare for all” in your first year in office..even if the individual states would support that plan...BTW, Sanders would have been eligible for a Medicare...no frills though...

To be a real Berniebot Greg,you have to show the red rose or a red (🌹, 🌺) flower on your Twitter page

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Wait. You have to accuse Dems of everything Gop does and steadfastly IGNORE the Gop. Any leader shoveling that BS is treacherous or compromised

Probably both.

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Using if you accuse one you need to accuse the other got us Trump...every time legitimate concerns were raised about Trump, his business acumen, his bankruptcies, his tax returns which he still hasn’t shown to American voters, the media chimed in “but Clinton’s email” it was not in any way equal.

When you take Clinton’s senate record you see a very active engaged senator from New York, who cared about her constituents, when 9/11 happened she insisted on extra cash for the first responders who inevitably suffer from lung disease, cancers etc...Then there’s Sanders...when you look at his senate record alone, you see he has done virtually nothing with all of the time in senate, you see he hasn’t gone together with any other senator to bring legislation or review legislation that he and another proposed but was rejected, no, Sanders has done nothing, McCaskill has said that no one likes Sanders in senate, so just how would he ever get any senator to work with him on any of his promises? Just how would he get his very far left program past any of the GOP? I say it would be a complete catastrophe for America to vote Sanders in as president, when he has a penchant for extreme laziness? Not only that, Trump has screwed up many of the real issues that affect most Americans, health care, education, social programs, Medicare, social security, and aid for the poorest among us (lunch programs, food stamps), vets healthcare etc. We need a person who can hit the ground running, who has experience and plans to follow through in the right path that every one in both parties would likely agree upon, because of their previous experience of that candidate-Biden, with Warren or another as Vice President

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I believe is role is to destroy the Democratic Party, which, like it or not, is the last thin blue line we have against full blown fascism. The media are fully on board with this mission, as they have never fully vetted him and seem hell bent on hyping is presidential prospects. I've maintained that election night 2016 was the culmination of a slow moving coup, the first evidence of that being the Snowald psyops, which I believe was targeting Obama. There are many dots begging to be connected. Sanders and his movement pose just as much of an existential threat as Trump and the Rethuglican party.

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Bernie Sanders' supporters are the same disaffected males as are Trump's. The differences are superficial. Inside, they are all angry losers, lacking insight into themselves, who yearn for a powerful-seeming father figure.

I am almost apoplectic tonight because Sanders withdrew/didn't withdraw from campaigning. He well knows that he can ruin Biden's chances for election by forcing his far left agenda into the platform. His presence will stifle African American voter interest.

Without him, we could attract disaffected Republicans and actually build a powerful coalition against Trump.

The only solace is that hopefully, this is his last run for President. Nature will likely usher him, kicking and screaming, off the national stage.

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What irks me about Bernie is that he takes advantage of people's good nature. His policy ideas, if we can call talking points policy ideas, are appealing. I understand why people fall for it. But we will get a progressive agenda with a leader who can actually, you know, do shit.

Not surprised by his half-in, half-out position. He has to keep the grift alive. Those three houses cost $ to maintain. But now Biden can pick his VP and basically move on.

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P.S. One more thing to like about Greg (besides the cats)...he owned his shit in this article. Dayum!

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(by Greg Olear, article)But, like, I didn’t invent the idea that Bernie’s campaign was helped by Moscow—it’s in the fucking Mueller Report. Just because one did not read the Mueller Report doesn’t mean that the findings therein are somehow invalid.

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