There isn’t one Bernie bot who believes us when we tell them the truth, based on fact about their idol Bernie Sanders. All of them who have challenged my tweets about the Sanders facts have gone full fledged denial with nasty comments written in anger and either blocked me or doxed me or gathered together to ridicule the facts. They talk about the Democratic establishment, about Hillary Clinton the representative of the democratic establishment; about hating the moderate dems—these are left wing dems hating moderate dems...doesn’t it just boggle the mind! This is the secret Sanders sauce-get the supporters to hate something or someone make that person place or thing the scapegoat, blaming them for all the problems they have personally and financially...to Divide us in confusion of the real facts...you get the drift.

Ironically when it’s pointed out to them that Sanders is establishment too, that he is a millionaire (after the 2016 run) they say oh but he wrote a book...no, I say, he bought the summer house before he wrote the book “our revolution”, most of which are sold to Sanders revolution members so how can he possibly make a million or more from that? Common sense has departed these folks. BUT...BUT I say...

They remind me of other supporters-those who support Trump, those Trumpkins will tell me about how Trump has saved the economy, how the q-anon will be dealt with, no-Trumpers will be sorry; how they intend to take Hillary Clinton down, how she was instrumental in the Uranium One deal, and Benghazi, oh those email..LOCK HER UP! LOCK HER UP! but I say she has nothing to do with Uranium One nor has she been found culpable in Benghazi or the email scandal... the numerous investigations done by Republicans, costing millions of tax payer dollars, failed to find her guilty of any wrong doing. The FBI also found nothing to charge HRC with, except they did find more email 2 weeks before 2016 voting day, a letter by Jim Comey, released by Jason Chaffetz that put a huge damper on turnout on Election Day 2016. Was it a plan?

Did Mueller find a plan, or was the real nuts and bolts of proof, and TRUTH destroyed by Barr when he ordered Mueller to stop his investigation?? Is it the REAL Mueller Report or an unfinished version, or doctored to show Trump as being too stupid to have agreed to a plan cooked up by Putin...and GOP were never complicit. LOL!

All “manufactured facts“ spouted by these supporters, that, when put side by side you can hardly tell the difference between the Berniebots or the Trumpkins.

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People need to listen to his home state. If more of us had listened to New York we wouldn't have Cheeto Jesus.

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It's amazing to me the magical thinking and messianic belief of many of the Sanders supporters. It's like they feel the intensity of their attachment to him will mesmerize other people in the electorate to instantly jump on board. This notion of a wave of new and non-voters wanting to vote for him or other avowed socialists has no basis in reality and has repeatedly failed over the decades. Yet, they are still going to hang on and attack anyone who challenges their dream.

It's really easy to throw verbal bombs attacking the "system" and the "establishment" but beyond hypocritical to sit on the sidelines self-righteously attacking people like Pelosi and Adam Schiff who get things done. For all their noise, somehow these folks don't want to trouble themselves with the dirty work of, you know, winning elections and passing legislation.

I have this terrible vision of him winning the nomination and then running an hybridized campaign mess of McGovern in 1972 crossed with Jeremy Corbin in 2019. The followers in those campaigns were so convinced of the righteousness of their cause they couldn't see all the blinking lights saying their guy would get blasted in the general election. The lefties in the Labour party are saying even now that even though they got hammered last December that they brought in a lot of new young voters as if that's all that matters. That's nice but doesn't mean squat when you decisively lose major elections and can't do anything to implement your cherished policies.

I'd be a lot of money that if the same thing happens here with the Sanders nomination, fools like Ms. Sarandon will still be spewing self-righteously about the glory of their upcoming revolution while everyone else will be fighting the real fight against fascism here and abroad.

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Marianne Williamson endorses Bernie Sanders after his Nevada win

By Kenneth Garger

Published Feb. 23, 2020

Updated Feb. 24, 2020, 7:39 a.m.

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(by Greg Olear, article)

Bernie does not initiate the bills himself; he just critiques the bills of his Democratic colleagues and forces mild concessions he can hold up as trophies—rather like Don Junior posing with the tail of a slain lion. Writing bills—that is, coming up with and then implementing viable policy—is hard work, after all, and the guy who was kicked out of a commune for not doing his fair share, who didn’t have a real job until he was 40, who has a whopping seven bills to his name in 30 years in Washington, has always been lazy.

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This man is Chris Butler (b. 1948), aka Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa. He's the founder of the Science of Identity Foundation (SIF), a fringe yogic sect based in Hawai’i.

(By Greg Olear, article, Twitter, August 9, 2019)

He is the “guru” of #Tulsi Gabbard, who was a child of the Science of Identity cult.

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