Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Great essay Greg, and spot on. Thank you!

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Thank you, good sir!

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Greg, I have only read your introduction, but felt compelled to comment even before reading the rest. Your comparison of Mariano Rivera to VP Harris and Roberts as the umpire was spot on, as you usually are.

We all know that Trump will stop at NOTHING and will do ANYTHING before going away, and all his storm troopers and his establishment enablers and allies will follow his lead. Therefore, after seeing the abomination of the immunity decision, I am terrified for these next months. Only if the entire political class from McConnell on down to the local R’s step up, do we have a chance I fear——no matter the election results. And will the election even go off without chaos, threats, violence??

Watching 2020, I expect the “leaders” of this country to fail miserably again. What will VP Harris and President Biden do when the Supreme Court says “Trump won, you know, because, reasons…...”

Talk me off this ledge please. Trump wants civil war he really does, always has, and who is going to step up and say “no more.” I do not see the cavalry I continued to wait for these last 9 years. They never come. Mike Pence, the quintessential sycophant, miraculously saved us last time. I pray there is someone this time. I feel like Justice Barrett might. Can she convince one of Kavanaugh or Roberts to actually put country over Trump? I fear not, they scare me so much after watching their embarrassing actions this year. Leonard Leo appears to run the country.

Keep sounding the alarm. Thank you.

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

We are the cavalry. Working on massive turn out, especially for early voting to diffuse Election Day threats,

I do and leaving no doubt about the will of the voters. Call it a tsunami, juggernaut, a rout, smackdown or whatever, we need the kind of win that will scare the feces out of the fascists.

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What do they call it when a star explodes? Supernova? It'll be that!

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Mariano Rivera is the greatest PITCHER of all time, not just the greatest closer. That's a hill I'll die on.

Biden is still in the White House, and SCOTUS said he can do whatever he wants as long as it's an official act. If Kamala wins and they try and get cute, he can simply declare the whole thing a coup against the will of the people (true), designate anyone who participates as an enemy combatant, and lock them up until the Fourth of July. Problem solved.

(Do I think he'd go that far? No way. But I also don't think he'd sit back and do nothing.)

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

‘JD Vance admits he is willing to ‘create stories’ to get media attention‘ (From this link https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/sep/15/jd-vance-lies-haitian-immigrants )

Huh. Who else has ‘created stories’ to get to their desired outcome? Hmmm. I wonder.

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I follow Andy Borowitz also. He’s a comedic genius.

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Andy (and you) have kept me mostly sane since 2016. ❤️

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

I fully expect that some MAGA with a grudge is going to set off an Oklahoma City style bomb either before or after the election. Before to give Trump and Vance more fuel for the "Biden/Harris are incompetent. Migrant bombers on the loose" bullshit, or after because Trump/Vance has lost big and taken the MAGA Republican Party down with them. The cognitive dissonance will be too much for more than a few violence prone cultists. It's inevitable.

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All the more reason why we all have to keep up our guard, especially the ones whose job is to serve and protect us. If you see something, say something, etc.

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Dark days ahead, for sure, Greg. And yet, through it all, we have our sheroes and heroes in Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, who are not afraid to put themselves on the frontlines to save our democracy. We must support them and the other like-minded down ballot candidates with our vote.

Houston, Texas' Rev. Terry K. Anderson of Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church said it best:

"All this brouhaha, all this rigamarole is about white people trying to keep brown people out of a country that belongs to red people that was built by black people." Somehow Asian people (yellow?) got left out.

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It's not quite that simple, but maybe it is. They are white nationalists. That's what they are.

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Great work, Greg. It's time to take down the Fascist Trump Party!

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JD Vance today complained about being called a fascist. Ha!

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Excellent analysis. Here is a link to an informative article from Ohio Capital Journal about the latest from Springfield:


I went ballistic yesterday morning while watching local NBC affiliate frame events in Springfield as "debate about immigration" so many mainslime media outlets will continue to obfuscate and sane wash coverage which is why I wanted to share this piece written by a real reporter with 30 years of experience as a journalist and it shows. What upset me more was that on Sunday morning a reporter on the same channel had excellent fact based run down which threw no punches. It was as if the station manager got some heat on Sunday and changed the narrative.

I have "deep thoughts" about what it will take to vanquish the fascist terrorists but I have to do some work!

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I could never quite put my finger on what was off about the reporting I was reading and hearing until I read your comment, Kathleen, that the events are being framed (wrongly) as a "debate about immigration." Clear as a bell to me now, thanks.

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You are welcome! I appreciate your thanks!

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Thanks, Kathleen. This is important, because there is plenty of really great journalism being done, especially at the local level. It's the legacy media that can't stop themselves. They are ride or die with the fascist.

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The Ohio Capital Journal is invaluable resource and it's free! I should put it on my monthly donations list. I thought this piece was outstanding.

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

good one Greg......do know who Donald tRUMP and Joseph McCarthy have in common as mentors for fomenting UnAmerican values and maneuvers, using sabotage for personal gain and disregard for common decency and Truth?.........attorney Roy Cohen...enough said?

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Oh yes, Trump's mentor, who died miserably and alone.

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he lived miserably and alone.....I find that the people who are concerned about dying might benefit from being aware of how they are living, and the choices they are making/not making!

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Yep and Donald left him high and dry to deal with his ailment. That right there, showed people what a shithead he is. Get all the help you need and then drop ‘em like flies. I truly hate Trump and Co. as much as he hates Taylor Swift!

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear


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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Greg, now I read your whole article. Everything you said!!! The chaos, terror, violence and intimidation and lies, lies and more lies is going to happen. After reading your entire article, I am now even more terrified if that is possible. Our media is now almost exclusively part of the MAGA propaganda group. It is terrifying and shocking and beyond belief for someone who has been around for as long as I have………..

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I can't believe it. I really can't.

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Bwaaaaaaahaaaaa....."peckerhead running mate'.

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Thanks, Francis. Welcome to the comment board! It really is a perfect name for him.

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Spot on! Harris victory should be a walk over home run but dipshit 45's appartchiks have too many tricks up their sleeves to allow this to happen. Will the forces of good overcome evil? There certainly are more good people than bad to tip the balance in good's favor. The most apt political expression "when we work' We Win. Thank you Greg for working so hard.

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Thanks, Old Man. I always believe that good will prevail, Always.

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Sep 17Liked by Greg Olear

Let us hope DOJ, the CIA, the FBI and others have this playbook on hand and are prepared to address whatever nefarious events he creates.

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I'd like to think so. But people knew about J6 well before and they did nothing. Hopefully they will be on higher alert now.

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I remain hopeful that the VOTE, including the electoral college, goes to Harris. All the violence rhetoric is preaching to the cult and unlikely to win any more than the 40% that claim to be MAGATs. The aftermath may be nasty but I doubt a violent reaction will get anywhere. The tool Biden has that he can now use without fear of reprisal is declaring an emergency and calling out both the National Guard and ALL the armed forces. Few will mourn the bodies beyond the actually good people bewildered that their relatives have been so deluded.

One minor quibble. It wasn't a "trump" abortion ban that killed the women in Georgia. It was a trump INSPIRED abortion ban. Strictly speaking it was a ban that resulted from the poorly reasoned Dobbs decision, the result of trump's appointment of god awful justices, several of whom ALSO want to eliminate contraception and gay marriage. Now how you fit all that into your rhetoric is a different question. But we DO need to keep being precise in describing things because the one thing that may keep a wavering Republican voting for trump is an actual example of a technical "Democratic Lie."

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Thanks, Susan. You're right. Although Trump DID take credit for killing Roe, even at the debate. I'm just going with what he himself claims (which I probably should not...)

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Yes. Probably the most efficient way of saying it is “the state ban that tRump takes credit for.”

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Thank you for your factual rundown Greg of what we are facing. I believe those supporting Trump are unAmerican and racist. This includes almost all elected GOP, many relatives and “friends”.

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I know. The poison in the discourse is deep and ugly.

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Write on scribbler! Help America understand how it is going to be. Potus Harris will soon be… Billserle.com

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Thanks, Bill!

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