Thanks for this enjoyable post, Greg. I needed that. I'm also relieved to know I wasn't the only one who wasn't sure whether "God's" tweets about Carolyn Gombel were satire or true. I don't know whether that confusion says more about our own mental state, or the very sorry place we as a country find ourselves in - that our so called president could, indeed, be guilty of a murder covered up for years by the pandering press and corrupt politicians.

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So beautifully written and so necessary this morning...share your appreciation of nature and the feeling that this week was just too much. My small joy this morning is knowing I'm not alone. Peace...

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Your first sentences are troubling. Are you okay? It's not fair to tease something dreadful and not follow up. Tell us you're all right,

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I'm sorry, and you're right. I don't mean to be coy. Yes, I'm okay, everything will be okay. It's a minor issue in the grand scheme of things, not related to health or anything like that, but it hit me hard. I appreciate you checking in.

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Thank you for asking just the way you did.

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Sorry I can't think of anything that doesn't sound trite, hang in there we will get through this. Your work is important to me.

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Stopping to take in the scenery around you us possibly the sanest thing you could do at a time when everyone else is losing their cool. It helps put things into perspective. Know that you are okay, the world will go in about it’s wild and wooly way, whether you are in the midst of it or as spectator.

We are going to get through this awful, awful time, just wait and see. My motto of life has always been this: Imagine the worst that could happen, accept that, then go on about your way, doing the best you can; if your imagined worst doesn’t happen well, that’s a bonus! The future may not be as we would have it, but we can always find a way to make a niche to fit around us.

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Definitely an Oriole.

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I thought so, but I just looked at pictures, and it's not. I saw him again this morning. All black, but with bright orange stripes, and I think the underside of the wings are orange, too.

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I had to stop feeding the birds over the winter because all those birds attracted a huge sized hawk..then there was that snarky raccoon...it’s too bad because my boy Wookie loved watching the birds (and squirrels) cavort on the deck in winter, he’d watch them for hours..

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Redwing blackbird?

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Love all of this. Coincidentally I opened up my local paper to see this as the headline. Photo Gallery: Sandhill crane visits Barnstable Village.

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I had composed a post sharing in the commiseration of our current times but have changed my mind. Neither you nor anyone else need to share in the details of my misery, we are all experiencing our own personal Hells. Suffice it to say that you are not alone.

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Thank you.

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I created a backyard for my husband & I a few years back (we bought a 100 yr old house 30 yrs ago) that is our sanctuary. It has a squirrel feeder, humming bird feeders, 2 bird feeders and a pond ( came with the house) a couple garden boxes & lots of flowers. There is endless joy in watching the birds, And flowers grow and this year we have 2 frogs. With the depressing endless shit show politically, sitting outside is our peace. I hope you find more of that outdoorsy calm. Who knows you might become a birder! Thanks for your research & writing - has answered my many questions & facilitated me to do more research. E.

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I'm glad you're here and I hope you can transmute your cosmic funk into something that comforts you. The constant buzz is like white noise. It's always there and it insinuates itself into the bones.

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I'm glad to read that you're ok. And thank you so much for sharing. Sometimes, the things we hold close are the most difficult to share with the rest of the world. And to be short, I appreciated this piece more than you'll ever know. Thank you for this much-needed perspective.

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I don't who you are but send you all love and respect.

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Please take good care of yourself. We need you and yr voice. Like I said the other night right here: Many of us have known for eons now that it would always come to this, and so here we are. Thanks for the adorable ducks. My kid showed me a youtube thingie about 4-week old Maltese puppy infants. Almost unbearable cuteness. So damn sweet and real, and, OMG, so human. This is revolution. It hurts and it thrills and one feels so obscenely conflicted. Shame and sorrow. 45 must be totally freaked out tonight. Good. This country only learns the extra hard way.

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