As my wife and I celebrate our 75th year on earth here in Europe, my gift to myself is a news vacuum, my only read is Prevail. No Heather Cox Richardson, no Joyce Vance no MSNBC. No Lincoln Project. As I write this I find I am a creature of confirmation bias as all these current non reads are part of the bubble in which I live. Yes WaPo and my favored Financial Times do bring non bubble news but do so in a bubble friendly way.
Hearing what Fox has to say, apart from making my blood boil is part of the confirmation bias syndrome. Their words are in essence a confirmation of what I know, in essence a back to front form of confirmation, so sure am I of my point of view, MAGA is evil and destructive, the anti-Christ that is 45 and Project 25 will destroy us, nothing they say will alter my POV, only affirm it.
This helps me perhaps to understand the kool-aid drinking MAGA-ITES. So sure of their POV. Two sides, one consuming facts and believing, the other accepting prevarication as the gospel truth. This stand-off sends shudders down my spine, makes me truly believe we are one November 5th step away from the abyss. In every church I visit here in Florence (there are so many), I drop my one Euro coin into a donation box and light a candle, begging, not praying that the light we cannot see will guide us to vote for democracy. AMEN!
Good for you, Old Man! I also managed that a few months ago when all of the Substack subscriptions I had were taking up a significant portion of my day, EVERY day. News vacuum! I unsubbed from everyone except Greg. I don't watch news if I can help it, except local news where anything Trump is relegated to a 30-second story. I love that! And Florence; GODS, I loved Florence when I was there in 1975 as a 16-year-old on a trip with my grandfather to the "old country." I haven't managed to get back and probably won't, but I'm sure I'd appreciate it even more, these 50 years later. Have a great weekend!
Thanks. You would love it here. People smile, are so polite and the FOOD. Hope life let's you visit granddad's old country and experience. the charm and history of Italy. I have to remind myself that they survived Mussolini and fascism. May we be so lucky!
I am waiting to buy the book until I can order it for pickup at my neighborhood bookstore, Copperfield’s. When they see it come in they’ll likely order more. I gave up Amazon for Lent and am trying to stick to buying local!
Bought it. Read it, including the Acknowledgements -- thanks for the shout-outs to all our regulars! And have already given 5-star reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. Getting a paperback copy for my mom, because she will very much appreciate it. Ooooh, she hates Trump like poison! LOL
If someone here hasn't gotten it yet, GET IT!! It's a great, succinct book, like Greg's BEST columns but much more. And as a student of etymology for a very long time, I highly appreciated describing Deborah Birx as "bescarfed." It fits, it's funny, and I giggle every time I think of it. HA!
Thanks, Steve. I appreciate you buying, reading, and leaving the reviews, which are important.
I tried to put everyone in the Acknowledgements, and I'm now living in panic that I've forgotten someone who will take offense. But the main takeaway is, I'm grateful!
It is, in fact, my best columns, put in the blender, repurposed, and shaped just so, with new stuff added in.
I hope Stephanie will be a regular interviewer! Wonderful conversation. Confirmation bias is such an important topic because it helps explain to some extent what's going on with MAGA. Remember, we are all prone to confirmation bias because the brain is wired to help us sift through all the input. CB is problematic when we don't question our beliefs and why we do what we do. Unchecked, we're on auto-pilot.
If I have understood and believed something to be true, confirmation bias can lead me to see only what I expect to see and to not be open to anything that counters that belief or understanding. It gets really thorny when I've committed time, money, reputation in someone or something and then, even if it could potentially be clear that I made a mistake, I refuse to look at new information and adopt a new understanding. It can become so fundamental to my identity that my belief in that person, for example, is who I am. Changing that is not a function of logic and argument.
Thanks, Joel. She had a good time doing it, so I hope she'll be back.
I hadn't thought about the bubble using that term before, but it all makes sense. if one's entire identity depends on Trump being what he claims to be -- if you have the hats and the flags and the profane lawn signs -- it is nigh impossible to get you to change.
Me, I'm always trying to make sure my mind is open, no matter what, even though I am, of course, and always have been, a highly opinioned person.
I'm a new subscriber, just got the book (love it), and I enjoyed listening to your pod today! I have a different understanding about confirmation bias than what I think was presented on the pod. My understanding (and, I could be wrong about this--I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed!!!) is that confirmation bias is a way we have of seeking out or allowing in only the information that confirms our biases or our prejudices. But perhaps both definitions are true!
Anyway, I'm grateful for all you do! I suck at talking to people who don't agree with me, and I know I will need to leave my comfort zone to talk to folks so that I can, as AG and DG say, "bring everyone with [me]" to the polls this November to prevent the scary apocalypse that is looking more possible than ever! Your book will definitely help me do that.
Thanks so much, Marji. I'm glad you found me. Welcome to what is a lovely community here on the comment boards.
I think my wife was explaining it in a way that makes it click for her. I think your explanation is also correct, and it's all the same underlying idea. To me, it all boils down to the very human desire to be right.
That's an interesting human thing, isn't it?! The need to be right. Something to think about as we (I) figure out how to talk to folks to help them shift their position and ... you know ... save democracy! :-) I'm very, very grateful for the work you do, Greg, and as soon as your audiobook is available, I'll be getting that, too!
Greg, bought the book, " Rough Beast" on Amazon & received the other day. Just cracked the cover & hope to devour this weekend.
I was born in a borough ( Staten Island) of NYC. Knew some about trump & loosely "followed" some stories about him over the years. Knew that many of the established " polite" society knew of him as well & laughed behind closed doors.
Much of this "stuff" about trump was out there in 2016, IF ONE cared to look for it & not believed the hype & Bannon construct. Even had a cousin who was employed by a business in CT. that was employed by the trump organization & allegedly was shorted on a job or two. They chose to work with him
despite being forewarned, sadly. But there were stories about the gal who, when she was 13 & a runaway, ended up at Epstein's home in NYC in the early 90's, accused both DT & Epstein of raping & threatening her. Stories about trump & all the lawsuits. Deutsche Bank & ties to Russian oligarchs; while DT could only get loans there because NY & surrounding area banks wouldn't loan to him again. Numerous bankruptcies. Swindled charities. The story about DT's wife Ivanna's filing of a deposition with NYC police
for him " raping" her in anger. This was in regards to an incident relating to being sent to a doctor she knew of, about his receding hair & his subsequent pain from a treatment, which he blamed her for at that time. It was said she later retracted the statement, saying she guessed a wife couldn't call it rape since they were married. ( paraphrased) Your story on trump regarding ties to the mob & the Russian mob cemented what I had already suspected. And further to that his own sins talking in a golfing magazine about how the could get millions from Russian oligarchs for assisting in building their golf courses.
So I'll dive in because I want to refresh my memory & support your efforts. Truth, democracy, even a sometimes flawed one, is important enough to fight for today, tomorrow & over our lifetimes. As he's proven, he's no friend to a democracy or our Constitution. He'd jettison it down his gold-plated toilet in a heartbeat, if he had a real "heart."
Thanks for doing this, keeping track and writing the book. Sometimes the public gets caught up in the day to day tasks of work, life & family. BUT..Truth matters. Voting for someone that will strive to improve conditions in America & not destroy it for his/ her own selfish purposes & vanity, is important. Voting towards that goal, is very
Thanks, Bonnie. Trump is so awful, and has done so many shady and criminal things, that it's hard for me, as I'm sure it is for most honest people, to wrap my mind around it. We've only begun to scratch the surface with this guy, especially with all the really dark stuff: Epstein, Maria, and whatever Putin has on him.
Your book just arrived today (Saturday), Greg. Yay! I'll be reading it very soon. I purchased two; so, not sure whether I'll be taking both to the library or keeping one. What to do; what to do; what to do...
I am one old enough to remember and revere Walter. I had no trouble recognizing the Fox bullschittery in my BFF’s tv in the 90’s. Her whole household bowed to Bill O’Reilly. I never did. However, I did see lying crap spewed on the population at machine gun speed, non-stop since the mid-nineties. Things were primed for the cult when chump vomited his views on us. Nothing has ever convinced me that Fox is not evil, repubs are not power- hungry shysters, and chump is not a spoiled carnival barker. Nothing will ever change this.
Confirmation Bias reminds me of Confirmation Class -- mysteriousness frequented by all children in our Italian-Irish town. Except me. Flashbulb memory: leaving Mass with my dad (who attended on the odd holiday, only), wondering why, in obvious haste to escape, so many loving faithful were trying to run us down in the parking lot. It didn't add up. Since that age of about 5, I've pondered pros and cons of life without a CB gene. Harsh. MAGAs have all that fun. But I have Greg Olear. And democracy, I hope. Except fun is so popular. I'm truly worried. Olear writing for the underground resistence. Me reading from a cramped attic. No, please. I don't even have an attic...
You know them well.
Wonderfully put.
It still burns me that Rupert Murdoch was one of the first humans to get the vaccine, even as his network told people it was bad.
Good point, William.
Yeah… Got it yesterday! 📖… ☕️!
Thank you!
As my wife and I celebrate our 75th year on earth here in Europe, my gift to myself is a news vacuum, my only read is Prevail. No Heather Cox Richardson, no Joyce Vance no MSNBC. No Lincoln Project. As I write this I find I am a creature of confirmation bias as all these current non reads are part of the bubble in which I live. Yes WaPo and my favored Financial Times do bring non bubble news but do so in a bubble friendly way.
Hearing what Fox has to say, apart from making my blood boil is part of the confirmation bias syndrome. Their words are in essence a confirmation of what I know, in essence a back to front form of confirmation, so sure am I of my point of view, MAGA is evil and destructive, the anti-Christ that is 45 and Project 25 will destroy us, nothing they say will alter my POV, only affirm it.
This helps me perhaps to understand the kool-aid drinking MAGA-ITES. So sure of their POV. Two sides, one consuming facts and believing, the other accepting prevarication as the gospel truth. This stand-off sends shudders down my spine, makes me truly believe we are one November 5th step away from the abyss. In every church I visit here in Florence (there are so many), I drop my one Euro coin into a donation box and light a candle, begging, not praying that the light we cannot see will guide us to vote for democracy. AMEN!
Good for you, Old Man! I also managed that a few months ago when all of the Substack subscriptions I had were taking up a significant portion of my day, EVERY day. News vacuum! I unsubbed from everyone except Greg. I don't watch news if I can help it, except local news where anything Trump is relegated to a 30-second story. I love that! And Florence; GODS, I loved Florence when I was there in 1975 as a 16-year-old on a trip with my grandfather to the "old country." I haven't managed to get back and probably won't, but I'm sure I'd appreciate it even more, these 50 years later. Have a great weekend!
Thanks, Steve, for sticking with me!
Thanks. You would love it here. People smile, are so polite and the FOOD. Hope life let's you visit granddad's old country and experience. the charm and history of Italy. I have to remind myself that they survived Mussolini and fascism. May we be so lucky!
I am honored to be your one lifeline to all the horrors of the news, and it is a responsibility I take seriously.
I continue to be jealous of your trip, not least because we finished RIPLEY.
Thanks, Old Man!
Thank you for your efforts. Perspective is everything and I truly respect yours.
What a great idea! Who better to interview you?!
Thanks, Marie! Exactly my thought.
I am waiting to buy the book until I can order it for pickup at my neighborhood bookstore, Copperfield’s. When they see it come in they’ll likely order more. I gave up Amazon for Lent and am trying to stick to buying local!
Thanks, Abby. Ingram Spark has finally made some headway, and I expect stores will be able to order it early next week. I'll keep you posted.
Bought it. Read it, including the Acknowledgements -- thanks for the shout-outs to all our regulars! And have already given 5-star reviews on Goodreads and Amazon. Getting a paperback copy for my mom, because she will very much appreciate it. Ooooh, she hates Trump like poison! LOL
If someone here hasn't gotten it yet, GET IT!! It's a great, succinct book, like Greg's BEST columns but much more. And as a student of etymology for a very long time, I highly appreciated describing Deborah Birx as "bescarfed." It fits, it's funny, and I giggle every time I think of it. HA!
Thanks, Steve. I appreciate you buying, reading, and leaving the reviews, which are important.
I tried to put everyone in the Acknowledgements, and I'm now living in panic that I've forgotten someone who will take offense. But the main takeaway is, I'm grateful!
It is, in fact, my best columns, put in the blender, repurposed, and shaped just so, with new stuff added in.
And I'm glad you like the Birx line. Ha!
I hope Stephanie will be a regular interviewer! Wonderful conversation. Confirmation bias is such an important topic because it helps explain to some extent what's going on with MAGA. Remember, we are all prone to confirmation bias because the brain is wired to help us sift through all the input. CB is problematic when we don't question our beliefs and why we do what we do. Unchecked, we're on auto-pilot.
If I have understood and believed something to be true, confirmation bias can lead me to see only what I expect to see and to not be open to anything that counters that belief or understanding. It gets really thorny when I've committed time, money, reputation in someone or something and then, even if it could potentially be clear that I made a mistake, I refuse to look at new information and adopt a new understanding. It can become so fundamental to my identity that my belief in that person, for example, is who I am. Changing that is not a function of logic and argument.
Thanks, Joel. She had a good time doing it, so I hope she'll be back.
I hadn't thought about the bubble using that term before, but it all makes sense. if one's entire identity depends on Trump being what he claims to be -- if you have the hats and the flags and the profane lawn signs -- it is nigh impossible to get you to change.
Me, I'm always trying to make sure my mind is open, no matter what, even though I am, of course, and always have been, a highly opinioned person.
I'm a new subscriber, just got the book (love it), and I enjoyed listening to your pod today! I have a different understanding about confirmation bias than what I think was presented on the pod. My understanding (and, I could be wrong about this--I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed!!!) is that confirmation bias is a way we have of seeking out or allowing in only the information that confirms our biases or our prejudices. But perhaps both definitions are true!
Anyway, I'm grateful for all you do! I suck at talking to people who don't agree with me, and I know I will need to leave my comfort zone to talk to folks so that I can, as AG and DG say, "bring everyone with [me]" to the polls this November to prevent the scary apocalypse that is looking more possible than ever! Your book will definitely help me do that.
Thanks so much, Marji. I'm glad you found me. Welcome to what is a lovely community here on the comment boards.
I think my wife was explaining it in a way that makes it click for her. I think your explanation is also correct, and it's all the same underlying idea. To me, it all boils down to the very human desire to be right.
That's an interesting human thing, isn't it?! The need to be right. Something to think about as we (I) figure out how to talk to folks to help them shift their position and ... you know ... save democracy! :-) I'm very, very grateful for the work you do, Greg, and as soon as your audiobook is available, I'll be getting that, too!
Ben and i r buying the book.
Thank you, good sir!
Greg, bought the book, " Rough Beast" on Amazon & received the other day. Just cracked the cover & hope to devour this weekend.
I was born in a borough ( Staten Island) of NYC. Knew some about trump & loosely "followed" some stories about him over the years. Knew that many of the established " polite" society knew of him as well & laughed behind closed doors.
Much of this "stuff" about trump was out there in 2016, IF ONE cared to look for it & not believed the hype & Bannon construct. Even had a cousin who was employed by a business in CT. that was employed by the trump organization & allegedly was shorted on a job or two. They chose to work with him
despite being forewarned, sadly. But there were stories about the gal who, when she was 13 & a runaway, ended up at Epstein's home in NYC in the early 90's, accused both DT & Epstein of raping & threatening her. Stories about trump & all the lawsuits. Deutsche Bank & ties to Russian oligarchs; while DT could only get loans there because NY & surrounding area banks wouldn't loan to him again. Numerous bankruptcies. Swindled charities. The story about DT's wife Ivanna's filing of a deposition with NYC police
for him " raping" her in anger. This was in regards to an incident relating to being sent to a doctor she knew of, about his receding hair & his subsequent pain from a treatment, which he blamed her for at that time. It was said she later retracted the statement, saying she guessed a wife couldn't call it rape since they were married. ( paraphrased) Your story on trump regarding ties to the mob & the Russian mob cemented what I had already suspected. And further to that his own sins talking in a golfing magazine about how the could get millions from Russian oligarchs for assisting in building their golf courses.
So I'll dive in because I want to refresh my memory & support your efforts. Truth, democracy, even a sometimes flawed one, is important enough to fight for today, tomorrow & over our lifetimes. As he's proven, he's no friend to a democracy or our Constitution. He'd jettison it down his gold-plated toilet in a heartbeat, if he had a real "heart."
Thanks for doing this, keeping track and writing the book. Sometimes the public gets caught up in the day to day tasks of work, life & family. BUT..Truth matters. Voting for someone that will strive to improve conditions in America & not destroy it for his/ her own selfish purposes & vanity, is important. Voting towards that goal, is very
important. Thank you again! Be well!
Thanks, Bonnie. Trump is so awful, and has done so many shady and criminal things, that it's hard for me, as I'm sure it is for most honest people, to wrap my mind around it. We've only begun to scratch the surface with this guy, especially with all the really dark stuff: Epstein, Maria, and whatever Putin has on him.
I hope the book is helpful!
Your book just arrived today (Saturday), Greg. Yay! I'll be reading it very soon. I purchased two; so, not sure whether I'll be taking both to the library or keeping one. What to do; what to do; what to do...
Thanks so much, Lynell!
It is, I hope, a handy reference book, too. Dirty Rubles is not perfect, but it's useful to remember stuff like all the trump/Russia meetings.
I am one old enough to remember and revere Walter. I had no trouble recognizing the Fox bullschittery in my BFF’s tv in the 90’s. Her whole household bowed to Bill O’Reilly. I never did. However, I did see lying crap spewed on the population at machine gun speed, non-stop since the mid-nineties. Things were primed for the cult when chump vomited his views on us. Nothing has ever convinced me that Fox is not evil, repubs are not power- hungry shysters, and chump is not a spoiled carnival barker. Nothing will ever change this.
Bill O'Reilly. What a piece of shit that guy is. I don't miss him at all.
He certainly spread a lot of schitt before he was canned
Confirmation Bias reminds me of Confirmation Class -- mysteriousness frequented by all children in our Italian-Irish town. Except me. Flashbulb memory: leaving Mass with my dad (who attended on the odd holiday, only), wondering why, in obvious haste to escape, so many loving faithful were trying to run us down in the parking lot. It didn't add up. Since that age of about 5, I've pondered pros and cons of life without a CB gene. Harsh. MAGAs have all that fun. But I have Greg Olear. And democracy, I hope. Except fun is so popular. I'm truly worried. Olear writing for the underground resistence. Me reading from a cramped attic. No, please. I don't even have an attic...