Spot on as usual, Greg! Quite a fall for Josh Hawley...tumbling from the pages of Simon & Schuster to the New York Post...

A malcontent at the age of 15, in his article defending the Oklahoma City bombers, Hawley also wrote: "Feeling alienated from their government and the rest of society, they often become disenchanted and slip into talks of 'conspiracy theories' about how the federal government is out to get them." He may have written that as a teenager, but he wrote the same stuff five days ago...

Uh, who does this guy remind me of? Ah yes, Stephen Miller, Trump's former "political advisor" who was the mastermind of prejudice toward anyone who wasn't a white-skinned, blue-eyed Caucasian. Miller whined about such things from the get-go, when he was in high school. The Bad Guys start so young...Just when I thought we were through with one long-faced arrogant political climber, we have a brand new horse riding into Washington society.

Makes me wonder if Caligula's mother ever worried where she went wrong...

Miserere Nobis.

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Thank you! Caligula was also intimate with his sister, so their mother probably made a few mistakes, it's safe to say...

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Joshie, my dude. Falling out of bed lol. Taking my covers with me. 9° with a brisk north east window battering. Thanks for starting it right, GO. Good morning!!

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It was 10 degrees this morning when I tried, and failed, to take my walk. Brrr.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

The sun had to rise over the beach without me this morning. It did not do a very good job. I still haven’t left the house. I am avoiding vicious rumors about a blizzard winding its way from Colorado to Maine. It can’t get there without visiting me. Damnation.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

Hmmm... Damnatio Missouriae - Damn Missouri.... Hawley reps Missouri 🤔

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I was very pleased with this title.

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I found it very clever as well :-)

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As well you should be

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

"Equine smirk" ! Great article Greg.

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"Equine smirk" is downright mean. And so, so accurate.

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These kinds of guys ALWAYS rush to step over the line in their quest for more and more power. I can only hope that Traitor Hawley is brought down very low for his support of an insurrection that not only endangered himself but the people he works with. That "White Power" salute (because that's what it is) in the iconic photograph is going to follow him for a long, long time -- probably as long as he chooses to try, or is allowed, to remain in politics.

I'm still processing the idea that we actually got Biden and Harris, but behind them (FAR behind them) came all this absolute trash to Congress. Hawley, Bobert, Taylor-Greene, and Cawthorn, joining up with the usual suspects, to build on their Sedition Caucus. It's infuriating that people like this are elected to what used to be one of the highest honors in the land; a Member of Congress. Now it seems to be just a proving ground for the worst impulses of the Republican Party. Ugh! Sickening.

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Jan 29, 2021Liked by Greg Olear

That kicker *chef’s kiss*

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Once again: yup.

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Hahahaaaaha! FCKING BRILLIANT! "If the Romans cancelled you, you were DONE". Sounds like a brilliant idea for TRAITORS who planned the attack on the Capitol LAST SUMMER, and initiated it (with #MangoWanker Turdking leading) after fcktard lost the election.

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Greg, how dare you insult our equine community. 😉

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Apologia de Sanctus Louis for this POS. Hawley is a dark money darling as Sarah Kendzior documents in her wonderful Hiding in Plain Sight. We’re kind of the national dark money lab here in Missouri, now a bellwether of hell. My oldest has been working like mad these last few months on his music school auditions. Meanwhile his legislators want to make his healthcare illegal because he’s trans. All the kid wants to do is play in an orchestra. And he can’t because these fuckers have wrecked everything and want to kill him besides. Sorry losing it a bit here.

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No apology necessary. Rage and or fury completely justified.

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It is so easy to get immersed in the drama of the moment. The latest news fad. For instance, Mag the Hag’s (Marjorie Taylor Greene’s) lunatic spewings. Heck that’s not even news, it’s an assembled collection of ancient old stuff. Even the Cori Bush story is dated by current standards. Not minimizing the importance, obviously they matter, I’m just pointing out that a news fad appears and multiple news outlets jump on the bandwagon, even if it’s recycled old news that isn’t new.

It’s just the latest junk to clutter the mind and the attention.

I’ve been reflecting on:

• Greg’s piece when he advocated for turning our attention beyond the distraction-of-the-day. Jan. 5, with the fitting title “Trump and Punishment.” Not whether he should be indicted, but rather what the punishment and outcome should be. Ref: our brief dialogue in the Comments.

• The prescient Nov. 3 Tarot reading.

Discipline. It requires discipline. The squatter in the WH got us in the habit of constantly consuming junk.

Where we focus our attention is so critical. So easy to get lost in the noise and commotion of the news fad drama of the moment.

Today was a moment, a long moment, of clarity. Instead of getting sucked into the maelstrom of the river and swirling around wildly, I was resting and observing from a secure rocky perch above the fray. Instead of being a victim of the news cycle, I was unexpectedly being treated to solutions.

The new Craig Unger book about Putin grooming DT for 40 years. Greg’s “Dirty Rubles” paved the way but didn’t get public traction, it seems. Suddenly more people are seeing why the Trumpsky and tRUmp labels. So critical that this become common knowledge. VITAL.

In Putin’s Russia, no one in the newest generations watches TV. Putin’s popularity is getting flushed down the toilet because of Navalny and TikTok, the new comms toy. Russian propaganda TV has now become obsolete and irrelevant, because nobody sees it. Putin gets constantly mocked in society as an old grandfather who is out of touch. Because guess what, Putin is an old grandfather who is out of touch, not to mention filthy corrupt.


Navalny’s group produced a target list of Putin’s male Russian whores (plutocrats in bed with him) to sanction. Now that’s an action with BITE. Like the earlier article says, Putin‘s greatest fear is a “color“ revolution like the Orange Revolution in the Ukraine. And his greatest rage is directed at financial sanctions, he despises Bill Browder and badly wants to kill him because of the Magnitsky Act and its imitators in Europe.

China’s 🇨🇳 Communist Party system in trouble

“Women in China are spurning men and babies and the government is worried”


Trump lost his legal team.

Solutions, not problems. Trump going to jail for the rest of his life. Putin being hobbled by sanctions and disemboweled by his own people. China’s Orwellian communist system in the process of disintegrating.

Solutions Baby‼️

Discipline the mind to pay attention to solutions.

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