Thanks for drawing attention to this, Greg. I made a video about it back in May.


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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

How come every time I read about real pedophiles not named Epstein they are either Catholic priests or evangelical youth pastors? Why don't Republicans rant about them? Oh, right...

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Far-right provocateurs & Republican politicians want whatever it takes to take the pressure/negative attention off them!

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Nearly 80 percent of suicide deaths in the United States are among men, with White men being the highest risk group in the country. Many of the suicidologists and therapists I spoke with pointed to “cowboy culture” and the “pick yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality as a driving force of those high rates. CDC data showed Wyoming, “The Cowboy State,” had the highest rate of suicides per capita in the United States.

The story was about how “toxic masculinity” — male entitlement and violence — can turn inward, how it might hurt men themselves.  

the second story in my series, centered around a single mom in cowboy country who had been a victim of partner abuse and was trying to raise her sweet boy to be a good man despite her own brokenness. Through dozens of hours of conversation, by telephone and in person, I got to see Sarah rebuild her life with her son and all the attendant despair, hope and resilience. 

Sarah has seen firsthand how violence, exaggerated masculinity and misogyny can reinforce one another. Can she find a way to break the circle as she raises her son?

By Jose A. Del Real 

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Jackbooted thugs, whatever headgear they prefer, need *patsies* -- an easily identified out-group to hate and bash on. Works the same all over

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

It’s ignorant, deliberate and evil to the core. They are just looking for a scapegoat for their self-righteous evil actions. There is no excuse to follow the Hitler path to hell. It ensnares us ALL

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Nov 29, 2022·edited Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Children have far more to fear from "heterosexual" men, who suffer from toxic masculinity & a distorted sense of self, than they ever do from the Trans & Gay community, imo.

Where you have sexual entitlement prevailing in certain distorted ( often "Christian" cultures, where women hold a narrowly defined position & power) & deep rooted insecurity is exposed, especially when relating to adult women who will challenge their falsely held perceptions of themselves/ masculinity; when you throw in an unhealthy mix of religion based sexual repression or sexuality in general & add often times an unhealthy dose of exposure to not so garden variety porn (especially accessible today on the net or elsewhere - not talking your Daddy's old Playboy magazines here) I believe this can easily set the stage for certain hetero men feeling it's safer & preferable ( for them emotionally) to approach children/ teens (female or male). I think there is a sense that they can't, or won't be rejected, which is stronger than their fear of being exposed. This notion may hold especially so, if you add the sway of money, position & power to the mix. The question is which is (most often) the political party, where this toxic mixture most often appears to prevail? Which party appears to be most focused on the topic of sex & sexuality? I think we know the answer.

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PT Barnum was right, wasn’t he. There’s a sucker born every minute. Jenna Ellis seems a little too anxious to me--she’s hiding her own homophilia behind false religiosity, misusing, once again, Christian principles of love to condemn those she wishes she could be like. Sigh. What suckers. We should probably be aware that some of this comes from Russian provocateurs. Discord always leads to disorder, sigh. Thanks, Greg. You knock it out of the park. Again.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Thanks for writing about this. It is painfully depressing, but needs to be said and felt.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

"Gays Against Groomers". Now there's a real niche hate group.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

I honestly could not believe what Alex Jones ACTUALLY said about the Clintons.

I think you hit the nail on the head with the term stochastic terrorism. The provocateurs are trying to make it all seem random but it is targeted at two vulnerable groups, the trans community and children, to motivate people with emotion & not rationality. Childhood is arguably the most vulnerable time in your life. If Tim Pool or whoever he is was truly concerned about kids he'd be calling on parents to monitor their device usage (an actual problem) & keep it out of their rooms, especially at night.

But in the end it is about body autonomy & control. Kat Tenbarge was 100% correct when she said, "when people love each other outside the confines of heterosexuality- THAT is the problem." The hate posters on twitter can't control or confine love, no matter how many likes or retweets their posts generate.

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Nov 29, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Fcking GOP. Power regardless of death. "An evil GOP enemy will burn his own nation to the ground .. just to rule over the ashes."

- Sun Tzu

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This is important. I shared it on my FB page. I hope the friends there who are trans will read it. I have two and both are in emotional turmoil, living in fear. One has been disowned by her family; the other is about to be.

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Damn, what percentage of this countries denizens are so peerless in vacuous idiocy? America has certainly become a very grim joke, between the christian fascist, homophobes, racists, misogynists et al.

Thank you Greg, for opening the aperture and bringing focus to such abhorrent behavior!

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Thank you. Important. Shared.

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