Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

TGIF🎉🎉🎉 BIDENHarris2024. The Brits just kicked Putin’s rat weasels out and we can send the Project 2025 asshats into the abyss with them. Sign up with joebiden.com to help the effort. Or, write Postcards To Swing States by signing up with turnoutpac.org, or write with postcardstovoters.org. For other ideas on how you can help save democracy, check out Mobilize.us, Indivisible.org, or sisterdistrict.com. It’s up to us to participate in this participatory democracy, folks. Lets win this.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

I just had to share.


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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

This is FANTASTIC! Thanks for posting. We can do this!!!!

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omg. That was awesome. Thank you!!

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Awesome, Tracy...Let the same be so on November 5, 2024

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

Passing this on-believe me.

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Hysterical!! ❤️ It!

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Kinks FTW! Thanks for sharing.

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The Biden-Harris campaign is also using AOC’s Reach app for organizing. There are tons of other opportunities to support Progressive causes on it too! The campaign now has an official virtual campaign room on Discord as well. It’s here if you’re interested. https://discord.com/invite/PE9WJVDM

We will win if we stick together. The only way out is through.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻Thanks for this!

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We’ve all got to do our part - no matter how small - to make sure the orange godking is nowhere near the Oval Office ever again.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear


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Thank you. So much good stuff out there! The enthusiasm of the non-pundit class is really refreshing, I must say. It's been great to see these last few days.

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I’ve been enjoying Tom Scoca’s INDIGNITY Morning Pod more than ever lately. IDK if you know of this lovely little 5-8 minute daily(ish) podcast, but it’s great. Tom reads (and dissects) the Times and his thoughts on their Biden hit job have been pretty unsparing.

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Not all of them. Nigel Farage finally won a seat on his 8th try.

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I feel like he's actually less dangerous now that he's employed. Maybe he'll spend less time in Missouri and Texas rousing up the MAGA.

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If anyone is on Putin's payroll, it's that piece of shoe dirt.

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Thanks for this, Lisbeth. I feel like our allies across the pond have helped show the way.

And thanks for sharing those links!

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Indeed! We’ll use that Labour win to kickstart our momentum. Media be damned. #BidenHarris2024

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I am 86-and-a-half years old and feel that my mind and soul are intact. In many ways, I am a better man now than I was at 60 years old. I believe that President Biden gets better medical treatment and Opportunities for physical activity than I do. And my care is great!

I’ll vote for Biden even if I am in an iron lung. billserle.com.

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Thanks, Bill. And yes, Biden gets the best medical treatment anywhere...the idea that his doctors aren't on top of his health, but the op-ed dipshits at the NYT know better, is absurd.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

All of my family, largely independents, are " ridin' with Biden & Harris as well. We don't need that putin syncophant & scourge of our nation, trump at the helm of anything..again..ever. Some of us knew this in 2016; but any reasonably intelligent, sane person should know that without a doubt now!

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Amen! Thanks, Bonnie.

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A comforting commentary, Greg! I agree with you on all fronts! It’s a Republican wet dream to have the Prez replaced. They can keep their oodles of dough, fly in their privates, and do whatever it is to keep their hands and mouths anally clean. trump is pig. They know it. But I believe that “a lot” of the country knows it, too. I am proud that the Prez stays in place.

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Thanks, Laura. from what I've seen the last 48 hours on social media, there is a lot more support for Joe than the pundit class cares to admit.

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Yes, yes, and yes. The most important part of this is "Kamala is in the wings" if need be--and Joe won't force us to go through the 25th Amendment. "The fact of the matter is, the only way Biden doesn’t win, even after the poor showing, is if we all abandon him" Exactly. Someone (and I can see it might be being flogged by China and Russia) wants Democrats to stay home. We should always avoid "one issue voting" whether it is our views on abortion or Biden's age. There is too much at stake to choose just one.

I wonder what would happen to all the "step down" prognosticators if Kamala just said she won't ACCEPT the nomination if it is forced upon her, as opposed to being the result of Biden's own decision.

The NYT is beyond belief. They HAVE to know that their position will lead to trump--who is all for eliminating NYT v Sullivan. Do they want to spend the next four--or umpty--years battling slander suits for anything they say that might be remotely considered "defamatory" by a paranoid narcissist? Not to mention simply sending in troops to shut it down? Maybe the Court would eventually say that doing that is wrong, even if the president can't be prosecuted. But with immunity, why should trump pay any attention to what the court says if he doesn't like it?

The Chevron decision is already hitting us, with the Mississippi judge who has issued a NATIONWIDE injunction against implementing anti-discrimination rules against gender fluid folks because he doesn't agree with Gorsuch (for heaven's sake) on what "sex" means under federal discrimination laws--and this from a guy who surely things "gender" and "sex" are the same thing.

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The Supreme Court decisions are beyond awful...as Lisa Graves said on the show last night, they threaten the very fabric of our Constitution. The reactionary weirdos must be stopped!

As for the NYeT and the other shit-awful media outlets, I mean, maybe they're just auditioning to be official state media? With no more competition? That horrible Margarita Simonyan has been with RT for ages and seems just fine.

NYT ran a piece yesterday called "Do We Even Need a President?" and it almost broke my brain bc I couldn't tell if it was real...

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I looked at that Douthat piece. He is claiming that defending Biden because he is surrounded by good people is a bad argument that defenders of Biden are making--that we DO need a strong chief executive. But it is NOT the argument we are making at all. The argument is that the good people are in place to support the VICE president should she need to take over.

It is a very trumpian piece: start from a false premise to make your opponents look SO misguided.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

AMEN!! Russian op: YES!!! Why does the MSM and pundit class not see this?? I want to see articles about the internal discussions that led to the MSM unifying a call for Biden to pull out. Who was on the zoom and who had their camera on? Who argued most persuasively and who defended Biden and then caved? Did anyone from San Francisco talk about Gavin Newsom’s negative baggage beyond the French Laundry? What is the discussion in the Glaser-Baker household? How is Putin embedded in the brains of the MSM? I’d like to hear from Michael McFaul and Tim Snyder on that.

By the way, the MSM did not call for the Reps to dump Trump when he loaded on the felonies, just saying.

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The media is so broken. Only the Philly Inquirer seems to get it. (Shout out, Will Bunch.)

These ed boards are writing West Wing fan fiction. They are not based in reality.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

Greg, thanks, a refreshing perspective. To be frank, I have tried hard to convince myself, like many of the anti American influences are saying, Joe should step down for the good of Party and country. The back and forth between big media, Scarborough, Maher and big money donors such as the Disney heiress tells me yes that is the way to go. Then I hear Joe speak and see a very composed, well spoken and all together President.

I have decided that the only voice that matters is the one whispering in my head. It tells me go with Joe and Kamala, a great package deal. The argument that we are voting for democracy over fascism does matter but people matter more. No one makes greater sense than Joe, a calm, very collected and solid option. Yes a bit shaky at times but 45 the Gish Gallop dipshit is the epitome of symmetry bullshit that knocks the best of us off kilter.

The UK election may be irrelevant but Labour's huge win shows that people want a government that cares about people. A vote for Joe is a vote for the people who live and work in the USA. We the people matter and no one cares more for us than Joe.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

The voice whispering in your head is coming from the wisdom of your heart. It's tuning out the psyop going on around us.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

Thanks, truly hope there are enough of us with the wisdom of our hearts.

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Boom! Exactly that.

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Thanks, Old Man. Anyone who watched that debate was concerned. But he was fine right after, fine the following weekend, fine during that disgusting interview yesterday. He's old! He needs to take naps! Why is this a problem? Do we really want, as Noel Casler said, a president who snorts Adderall so he doesn't have to sleep? People are ridiculous. Biden is a human, and he's old, and he's pacing himself, and he's just presided over the best first term since FDR.

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Right on!

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

I think Biden is just fine. He just needs to slow down a bit and gets some rest. I think he gets exhausted (especially when he gets sick!), and then his mouth loses the connection with his brain.

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Agreed. I mean, that happens to me, and I'm 51. I take a short nap almost every day, because my brain needs it. He's not an AI president. These pundits are absurd.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

Iron lung, ham sandwich, whatever. Vote the ticket, let's retake the house And Senate! Vote blue!

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Not a ham sandwich, though, because ham sandwiches trigger Sam Alito for some reason. ; )

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

I am voting for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. <<< Period. There is no world in which I wouldn't. I HATE Donald Trump, and the people that support him. They are greedy fools who only want to control the country and make the rest of us suffer under a regime that would never leave office. But that is not the only reason. If the Republicans were running a Cheney/Kinzinger ticket, I would STILL vote for Biden/Harris without hesitation. Joe has not been just a "transitional" president between Trump and the future, he has accomplished more in 3.5 years than a lot of presidents do in eight years. Why WOULDN'T you vote for that?? Biden/Harris is the only SANE choice. All other votes, Trump, RFK, Jr., Jill FUCKING Stein, are INSANE.

Was that debate only eight days ago? It feels like 2-3 months! With all the talk this past week, I have ALWAYS pointed out when I was able to, that it's a BLINDING reality that no one has called for Trump to step down. He's a convicted felon and an adjudicated rapist. He did nothing in office but "help" himself. He is an out-of-control liar on any issue you can name. He is, to borrow a phrase, a rough beast, which describes him perfectly, and doesn't insult our animal friends like pigs, hogs, elephants, and snakes. Many others have written better than I could express, my feelings about this race. We have to work to get Biden/Harris re-elected four months from today. And to borrow another phrase, only this time it's true and not an incitement to insurrection, we have to fight like hell or we're not going to have a country anymore.

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Amen, Steve. Bottle that up and shoot it into my veins.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

Thank you! Biden’s not stepping down, he’s going to win, and Trump’s going to lose. You nailed the reasons for all the ranting from the peanut gallery, but it will die down as soon as another squirrel distracts them.

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I wonder what the squirrel will be. It won't be Epstein, or Project 2025, or anything that reflects badly on their Short-Fingered King.

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Jul 5Liked by Greg Olear

Count me in. go Biden!

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That little video promo for your book...I thought you were going to leap out of my phone and kick my ass!

The Beeb is playing depressing interviews with Biden on the hour and decorating them with snark about his "obvious" decline. So, it's an uphill race to the bottom anymore.

May I be totally Gen X here and comment on how you look? Aside from pugilistic, you're looking slim and chic!

PS: I am sorry I forgot this book was out. I knew it, but forgot it, because I am too excited about the Sunday Pages compilation book. You won't whupass promote that one, I reckon.

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Thanks, Whitney. I've been on a mini-diet the last week and a half, and I'm a wee bit lighter.

I'm going to keep making these. They seem to get play...

And no worries re: book, I know!

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You know how much I love SunPa. Meanwhile...that's a lot of slim for 1.5 weeks!

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