I had no idea any of this was going on in Delaware! What a nightmare! John Oliver did an episode about Cultural Art and Artifacts that are taken from other countries and either sold to the highest bidder or "acquired" by museums. I was literally crying during that episode. I recently visited the Field Museum in Chicago and I had the worst feeling the entire time I was in that building (this was way before I watched John Oliver's episode). So creepy!

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Way back in the 80's, two friends of mine and I decided to form a business. One friend lived in Washington state and the other lived in Washington DC and I lived in Texas. All it took was a simple form FROM DELAWARE and a small fee (I think it might have been $25) and we were incorporated! We did nothing with the "corporation" as life got in the way of our plans, but we could have created any sort of nefarious business if we were so inclined. That's how easy it was back then.

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Biden has grown since as a person but in the 1990s, particularly when the Delware-centric consumer finance industry was pushing its goal of making student loans non-dischargeable in bankruptcy, Biden was widely known as "the Senator from MBNA".

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Nevada and Wyoming are and have been trying to displace Delaware in “Corporation Game.” (Full disclosure, my very small potatoes classical record company - online sales only through 3rd parties like Apple Music - is registered in Wyoming because its annual fee is less than Delaware’s.)

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Nothing new about such.

But i would point out that King Charles III prefers Bermuda. And if course theres Panama and on an on.


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….and here is just another of the countless reasons, as if I needed more of them, that I love Greg Olear.

I have a strange hobby, or habit. I have a nose for world-class corruption. Major sewers of dictatorship and anti-democracy. The Russian Federation, and the Chinese Federation, of eventual independent nations. The Islamic Dictatorship in Iran. Centers of capitalism.

Greg has highlighted, much to his credit, one of the overlooked centers of corruption in the USA. New York City is another one of those centers, the financial part of it. Because any place that supports capitalism without serious oversight has to be dirty as hell, and Delaware is it, along with British offshore islands and various Pacific and Caribbean locales (remember the Panama Papers?).

Delaware is dirty as hell. Thank you, Greg, for bringing attention to this problem.

Royalty is another one. There is nothing more undemocratic, exploitive, and usurious (and criminal) than royalty. I don’t know if Malcolm X ever mentioned it, but he should have if he didn’t.

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