Damn, those devil words again. 😳

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Hot damn!

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Common Sense ... Uncommon Sense.

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The Lexicon we seek is not the OED. That one has 26 pages devoted to SET.

Nothing on Venn diagram, as I recall.

Reading dictionaries is amusing.

Greg, we need a Political and Apolitical Lexicon.

Devil’s Glossary. Loaded with...

Antonyms and synonyms and homonyms, maybe.

They’ll confuse most everyone, sooner or later.

A redraft of the Book of Job might help.

God’s Book. As drafted by Beelzebub?

Time for coffee - Black or white,

Either is delicious.

So is tolerance. Don’t ask, don’t tell.

What happened to David Stockman?

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"On March 26, 2007, federal prosecutors in Manhattan indicted Stockman in "a scheme... to defraud [Collins & Aikman]'s investors, banks and creditors by manipulating C&A's reported revenues and earnings." The United States Securities and Exchange Commission also brought civil charges against Stockman related to actions that he performed while CEO of Collins & Aikman.[15] Stockman suffered a personal financial loss, over $13 million, along with losses suffered by as many as 15,000 Collins & Aikman employees worldwide..." Sandy, I suspect you know much more about this than Wikipedia reveals. Still evil, in need of the woodshed?

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From Wiki:

In March 2022, Stockman published an editorial on Lew Rockwell's website about the Russian invasion of Ukraine.[18] Stockman argued that "Ukraine brought the Russian attack on itself by poking the bear in its eyes." Referring to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Stockman stated that he was "getting sick and tired of this Zelensky clown" and that "Zelensky should resign and make way for a collaborationist government that will sue for peace."

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David Stockman needs help.

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Yes. I knew. All knew. Poor David. From Michigan. Bozo, son into of a drunk, a third rate actor, threatened the woodshed. Stockman bagged ethics and caved - rather like today’s GOP slime. Take Sen. Benjamin Eric Sasse. Little saw toothed worm Ben will now run a campus of no talent as a sinecure. Our political system is attracting scum and we are unable to alter the scum level. Who wants to serve the people of our country today? The ignorant mob is getting boinked by another mob - The Mob. Riven with dreck, grifters with a smile, cons with no guts, that mob is us and we are them. It’s an ugly mess. We need a nonviolent response, a revolution of the spirit. We are poisoned by our food, on campus and elsewhere, and our farms are too often contaminated & toxic.

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When I worked at Kaplan, writing dummy SAT questions, I had a lot of free time, and I read the Merriam Webster from cover to cover, memorizing words, taking note of cool ones I'd like to someday use. That was30 years ago somehow...

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In the beginning there was the word. In Hebrew then Greek. On skin, then papyrus. Now, it’s in the ether, at the speed of light. Archeologists searching through the rubble of the universe of galaxies will use software. Hardware. Google’s replacement. Hope English survives. Dialects aside, Shakespeare and Shaw, the OED on hard drive, scanning Ben Johnson’s first in leather, Chinese is mandarin and thousands more. The word of Kaplan fixed admissions when they stopped the interview and killed the essay. Today they search for net worth and balance with color and athleticism, Great Books and Hutchins and Adler forgotten. How to has displaced why. Chicago closed the Department of Education. The emphasis is science and technology, algorithms and programming. Coming soon, water and power, warming and cooling, oxygen and carbon monoxide, Don’t Look Up, and telemetry, farming clean, the smallest living things, photosynthesis and the Hand of God in a Godless universe of billionaires thinking of escape. The World Without Us sold millions in 23 languages. Alan is on his third. His wife builds sculptures for the record, in any medium you want. Memoirs are selling. Most are lies. Truth might sell but few try. Few dare. The museum off Central Park west has a Planetarium and the museum director writes. Don’t Look Up put him in tears. He gets it.

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When I was a kid I used to read the dictionary. That is until I discovered the Thesaurus! I LOVE the Thesaurus!

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The OED is the best.

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I loved this, Greg! You broke everything down to simple English...one that even tfg and his maggots could “possibly” understand. Or...maybe not.

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The MAGAts won't understand, but I still have a few remaining folks who aren't maggots, but still like to think of themselves as "Christian" and "GOP" (a contradiction if there ever was one) and who troll me on FB. They usually don't comment, but they do read what I post. It gave me great pleasure to wave this lovely article in their "Christian" faces this morning on my page. Perhaps a few of them will peel off and actually vote with what remains of their brains.

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Woo-hoo, times like this when I regret that I don’t have FB anymore

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I had a definition for "Christian," too, but decided to skip it, as I didn't want to offend anyone who didn't understand the conceit of the lexicon. Hopefully someone will see it and take it in, but Truman probably thought he had it down in '52...

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They are still addicted to Frank Luntz’ version of political language. Except that he did have some finesse, these pathetic excuses for humans are just uneducated morons or deliberately ignorant liars and vile thugs.

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That guy and his ridiculous shoes...

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Ha! Cool piece.




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We go to Bierce:

CHRISTIAN, n. One who follows the teachings of Christ in so far as they are not inconsistent with a life of sin.

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Such a good review. Just seeing all those buzz words in a list like this helps explain why I'm having such a time of it with my blood pressure.

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It's a form of trolling, with them. That's all they do. They are live action Russian bots with political power.

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Exercise. Drink good water. Avoid salt. Coffee.

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Muck Rack just flagged your column.

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Is that good?

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Stuck on "libertarian," a party with which a close relative identifies. She is one who has had it all handed to her. Sees no irony in her wish to not share with others who are in need.

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Love this definition of libertarian from Christopher Hitchens “I have always found it quaint and rather touching that there is a movement [Libertarians] in the US that thinks Americans are not yet selfish enough.” I agree 100%

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Me, too, Jeri! So on point.

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Ha! Perfect. Of course The Inion destroyed this in three sentences many moons ago:


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Unbelievable, Greg. What do you suppose he would have done/said if the expensive public fire department, knowing how he felt about them, refused to respond to his house fire?

That being said, I suspect there are many more folks like him willing to bite the hand that rescues them.

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About 10 years ago I was at a small health club. Their were two other women in the health club that day. One of the woman was talking about how Scott Walker (Wisconsin Governor at the time) was sending checks to taxpayers because he had supposedly saved the state so much money with his "Right to Work" bill. He had ended collective bargaining of public employees. This woman, in the tone of an 8 year old, said "I want a check too!" I thought she was joking because of her tone and because I knew where that money had come from - it was literally taken out of the pockets of teachers, fire, police etc. When I realized she was serious I asked her if she would like to live in a society that doesn't have enough teachers to teach the children of the community, doesn't have enough firemen/women to put out a fire in her house, or enough police to stop a criminal from attacking her. She gave me the dirtiest look and she and the other woman froze me out. It was a most unsettling experience.

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Sorry for you to have had that experience, Gail.

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Yes, it was really creepy to be in that room with people who think that way. At the time I thought Scott Walker was one of the greatest detriments to society, and he was. But I didn't realize what was coming...

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Wow, a woman libertarian! You don't see that many. It's usually just dudes who are that un-self-aware.

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I do know one. Only granddaughter of the only rich man in the parish. She worshipped Milton Friedman. She once said, "I hate poor people. You know what I mean, Sharon." I said, "I DO know what you mean."

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Defund One Percenters

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Damn, my favorite HST quote to start off. Can’t get better than that.

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The weaponization of words -- we'll be seeing more of that -- at least until mid-March. Thanks for another brilliant column. In other news, I wonder if "defang" the police would have been more effective as a rallying cry than "defund"....???

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"Hey, officers, if you could please stop summary executions of Black people for selling loose cigs, that would be great! Also, maybe stop shooting little kids with toy guns? And if you break into the wrong person's house, maybe don't blow her away? Thanks!" lacks brevity.

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Yes, exactly. And "defund" backfired, because it was interpreted as a demand to eliminate the police entirely...and "reform" wasn't catchy enough. We needed a better marketing strategy, including a kickass copywriter.

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Exceptional piece Greg, the focus on vocabulary is amusing as hell! The fuckery of all things MAGA and the GOP are either iniquitous or ignorant, having labeled them unctuous derps!

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Unctuous derps indeed! I like it!

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I'm going to lose my hair so Friday I went to my hairdresser to have it cut short. She asked me, "What do you think about what's going on?" I said, "It's scary. I'm afraid we will lose our democracy." She said, "I'm afraid of socialism." I said, "Socialism is not a thing." Then I noted her sticker. TRUMP 2020 FUCK YOUR FEELINGS

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I wish you had asked her why she was afraid of socialism. That might have been the start of an enlightening conversation.

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I no longer have the bandwidth to get into such tussles.

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I kind of like "Socialism is not a thing." That might get her to pause and wonder why. Although probably there's nothing that would have helped her.

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Just the fact she's been cutting my hair for years and she finally realized she actually knows a libtard might give her pause. Plus I left her a $20 tip. It's not my style to mix it up hermana a hermana. I've listened quietly to hours of her Jerry Springer drama.

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So someone who provides services to other people for a fee has a sticker that says "Fuck your Feelings"? Smart. I hope you didn't tip her.

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Tipped her $20. I kill with kindness.

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I spoke before I saw your comment on the tip. Foot in mouth - so sorry! Having an established relationship with someone certainly changes the situation. Kindness is the best choice. Maybe clients that think like her do not tip her and your generosity will be the a bridge for her to evaluate people differently.

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Thanks, Gail. Kindness covers all the bases for me.

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Love the definitions. They really help bring everything into focus in an compact, succinct manner. I hope these definitions can become mainstream so everyone understands and accepts them. I keep looking forward about 50 years to see what History will say about this time we are living in. There is so much going on that has not yet come to the surface. The human mind can only process a limited amount of information. But History will uncover all that we cannot process right now and put it into perspective for us.

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We the North 🇨🇦 ,(whom are living the ‘antifa life’), are watching your election from above with bated breath, in the hope that your antifascistes win the day. Keep up the good fight .

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