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'...At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Nunes met with Ezra Cohen-Watnick and Michael Ellis, two Trump loyalists, who gave him some alarming information. Something about “unmasking.” ...'(article)

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'...(Earlier this year, in another blatant show of his true colors, he joined the board of directors of the Fox Corporation)...'(article) re: he(Paul Ryan)

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...He was caught on tape on 15 June 2016—a month before the Republican National Convention, and a week after the Trump Tower meeting with the Russians—cracking wise with his colleagues in the House GOP leadership, Kevin McCarthy and Steve Scalise, about Donald Trump’s ties with Russia: ...(article)

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What does this have to do with Paul Ryan? As Speaker, Ryan is the one who entrusted the dastardly Nunes with the chairmanship of HPSCI. At any moment, he could have removed him from the post, if not the committee entirely. He did not. To the contrary, Paul Ryan did exactly nothing for two full years, allowing the Nunes farce to continue. The former slunk quietly into the background, abetting Trump with inaction, while the latter made as much noise as possible to deflect attention from Trump/Russia.(article)

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