deletedMar 18, 2022Liked by Greg Olear
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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Putin was emboldened by chump, from the beginning as he invited two Russians to the WH, with no info regarding the purpose. At Helsinki, the fawning adoration was palpable. One wonders (I don’t, it’s obvious to me) if the 2016 election success was a gift to chump from Putin. If chump gets back in the WH, it’s over for us, Ukraine, and NATO.

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Yep--he has to be taken out. And I am not particularly choosy about the method or means. But it has to be done by his own people--like what happened to Rasputin perhaps . . .

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

It is difficult – perhaps impossible – to kill very large numbers of people except with a claim to virtue.

— Robert Jay Lifton, M.D.

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This: "There are rumors now of a coup attempt brewing in Russia. Putin and his family have reportedly retreated to a fancy Siberian redoubt that is supposedly—but probably not, because who trusts the engineering?—impervious to nuclear weapons. If true, he is already in the Hitler-in-the-bunker phase of the war."

While he rains hell on earth on innocent Ukrainians, he has created a living hell for himself. He deserves it.

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Mar 18, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

But for the people in OUR government who held the line for four years, this could very well be happening here. I'm sure at some point, the Orange Bastard thought, "why build a wall when I could just TAKE Mexico?" It's unfortunate, to say the least, that there seems to be no one in Putin's Reich to do the same. He's certainly using at least a portion of Trump's playbook, though -- he saw how easily people here were duped by the lies through the years, culminating in the attack on the Capitol because "the election was stolen." He's clearly using that to his advantage; lying to the people in Russia, and the rest of the world. People who try to get the truth out, like the lady who interrupted the fake Russia newscast, are simply "detained." I don't think we'll be seeing a sit-down with Diane Sawyer and her at any time in the future. This whole situation is horrific beyond belief!

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Thanks for bringing back the Botox reference. You go girl!

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