So good! Thank you for making things a lot clearer. Lots of us out here who need it dumbed down. Not ashamed to admit it.

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I wonder if Bernie is even capable of leading his mob, much less the country, in order to convince them to vote for an actual Democrat. Btw, my first presidential was McGovern v. Nixon, so it’s very much like Bernie is my generation’s penance, but must point out that George was much healthier and well-groomed along with being committed to immediately ending that awful war in Southeast Asia. I definitely was all in on his negative income tax idea...

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Feb 28, 2020Liked by Greg Olear

This is exactly what I have been thinking. I was born in 1953 and grew up with my parents' story about the brokered convention. I voted Warren because I think she has the best chance of negotiating with the Berners.

I was 19 in 1972 and SHOCKED when, with the new 18 year old vote and DEATH in Vietnam, the youth vote did not rush to the polls and vote for McGovern. I always quote the headline in the UC Davis Aggie: "McGovern Sweeps Massachusetts; Victory in DC Seems Certain".

My son says you can't even get his friends to commit to have dinner tomorrow night, so I don't think the youth vote can make a huge difference. There are several foundation- and labor-funded projects that have achieved significant new voter turnout in communities of color, and we know that takes long, hard, personal work.

My current fantasy is that they bring in a nominee who is not on the bench: Sherrod Brown. I know, I know, it's just a fantasy!

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Thanks Greg. You ( kind of ) made me feel less anxious about this clusterf *** of a primary.

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(BY Greg Olear, article)

Consider: Trump may head into November with a major health crisis beyond his control, a cratering economy, and another, even stronger impeachment inquiry in full flower. It’s not inconceivable that he dumps Mike Pence and replaces him on the ticket with Ivanka. That’s our opponent. Not Reagan, not Ike: the selfish prick who got mad at Canada for editing out his cameo in Home Alone 2.

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