Jan 25, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Been reading my mind again. Your last two paragraphs should open any “free press” eyes. Too many “shoulds” in this world. But too many cult nuts confuse Rupert’s “news” with reality. Now our MSM does too…

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It's not over until *we* say it's over. We organize, mobilize, and crush the GQP at the polls in November. Or lose democracy

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Jan 25, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

We can complain til the cows come home but let’s be honest. We elected Joe Biden, a demonstrated moderate. Sure he gets feisty at times but he’s drug his feet in blocking a lot of the Republican BS and the damage Trump brought upon us. Namely by completely ignoring the most obvious and important solution to a lot of what has become loss after loss for Democrats, adding seats to SCOTUS. That’s where everything ends up and if we truly hope to save Democracy, that’s where Biden should have started.

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How can we not despair even though we must not?

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Jan 25, 2022·edited Jan 25, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Having been down at the WTC on 9/11, it took me a little while to get back on a plane. Six weeks after 9/11, I had to go to North Carolina. I drove (from NJ). On the way down, there were American flags everywhere. And it felt great knowing that, red or blue, we were all brothers and sisters. Who knew that what they were telling me was that it was ok if you blue state people die, as long as it’s us that kill you.

It's hard to fathom Americans in the late 18th and 19th centuries having no problem with groups of ordinary Americans being killed for doing nothing but living their lives. The fact that the Trump/Kushner idea of letting Covid run through blue states because blue state people would die has not turned a majority of ordinary Republicans off from ever voting for a Republican again – let alone adding that to every other objectively anti-democracy thing Republicans are doing – demonstrates that we are irretrievable and unsavable. The fact that Republicans could retake control of one (if not both) bodies of Congress, after the last six years, demonstrates that we are irretrievable and unsavable.

In the late 18th century and into the early 20th century, people who espoused the views and who took the actions of Republican leadership and their cronies, like Bannon, or Stone, or Carlson, would have been relatively few and far between, and would have been dealt with in a manner that ensured that they could not be a threat to the union. We have become too “civilized” such that nobody has employed any such measure, and are left to resort to “the system”. But Democrats are too worried that prosecuting those in leadership positions who should be charged with crimes against the country will hurt our democracy. They’re too worried that taking steps to restore and protect democracy – like expanding the Supreme Court – will damage our democracy. It cannot be any clearer that they have it backwards. Not prosecuting those in leadership positions is what will kill our democracy. Not enacting changes to protect democracy will allow the traitors to succeed. These people need to be removed, from government, from the airwaves, and from society. And if it isn’t by way of law, then it’s going to have to be by the majority rising up in a manner that’s way more consequential than marches and speeches.

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Yep. But in the Department of Schadenfreude, Sarah Palin has covid. Hope she has a helluva case and Long Covid to boot.

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Breaks my heart, but not my will. We will reunite again. It could be bloody.

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Nixon, despite his resignation, left his corruptive scat on the GOP trail. It is easy to see how this filthy pile of deception and dishonesty has festered and flourished throughout subsequent republican evolutions. So disheartening to witness how Reagan's "Mr Gorbachev tear down that wall" has devolved into the current death rattle rumbling in the throat of democracy.

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Great piece Greg! I followed Teri Kanefields suggestion to get involved and signed up to help with our elections. This passed election only 28.9% of registered voters showed up to vote! Sad and in my township there were 2 levies for police and firefighters which added about 500$ to our property taxes plus property evaluations are up! Now mind you I’m all for p and f but the state of Ohio is sitting on 2-3 billion in a rainy day fund, that started during the 08 financial crisis, which republican governor Kaschich started by cutting state money to cities and townships! If people won’t vote we’re doomed.

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Yep, tis true. Interesting info here on a look at a portion of the ongoing conditioning program enveloping former guy’s minions: https://www.technologyreview.com/.../facebook-troll.../amp/

<> another note: It’s been interesting to watch how quickly the media mercenaries for American oligarchy adopt and turn the labels that accurately apply to them and then unanimously and repeatedly apply the derogatory term on anyone not with their program. It fits the Joseph Goebbels’ maxim of always accuse your opponent of doing that which you, yourself do. Glen Beck was routinely doing that on his Fox “News” propaganda show, before he became too hot of a sedition monger and they cut him loose. That was pre-former guy. The Overton window was not just widened by f g, it was blown completely out of the structure, leaving a ragged, gaping void, big enough for continuous movement of trojan horses attended by mercenary politicians and propagandists, working in the service of oligarchic authoritarians (fascists). Apply appropriate Monty Python & The Holy Grail image here. Did you say “Pass the holy hand grenade”? Be sure to read the instructions first.

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An echo of my very thoughts and opinions but better articulated. Democracy is circling the drain and if it sinks it will not be seen again in my lifetime. It's hell being a Casandra screaming into the void.

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Fox Noise is a propaganda outlet, not a reliable news agency. Think Tass and Russia Today.

The Republican Party now states that they have no platform, no overt ideology that they can commit to. That’s because they can’t put their true ideology into print.

The GOP platform consists of four planks: whites-first, males-first, straights-first, money-first.

The Republican Party does not want to participate in presidential debates. That’s because you are either racist and sexist and genderist (straights only) and moneyist like we are, or you’re not. What’s to debate? You’re either one of us, or you’re not. Besides, we’re too stupid and too cowardly to debate in favor of our racism+sexism+... beliefs right out there in public.

The only Republican legislative agenda that remains for them: drag your heels, obstruct like crazy, and fight kicking and screaming against the evolution of society into an egalitarian and diverse form where every person shares equal power with everyone else.

Republicans are fighting against history. The tide of history is moving on, and they have already been left behind.

The Republican Party has become the new KKK. What else can you say about it? The KKK now operates through the GOP, and Fox Noise is the gathering place for all the Neanderthals left over from the Confederacy, with allies from the residue of Nazi Germany and elsewhere.

Break any rule. Lie cheat steal. Fight like hell. Do whatever it takes to maintain the racist sexist and anti-LGBTQ+ society of yesteryear. Corrupt the Supreme Court by packing it with fools like us? Done. Corrupt the election system in the various states, by subversion and gerrymandering? Done. Do whatever it takes to keep this a whites-first males-first racist sexist gay bashing culture at any cost? Absolutely.

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"Traitors don’t get more easy to spot." I wish some patriotic Fox producer (an oxymoron if there ever was one) would overlay this description on the opening of Tucker Carlson's show. Any thoughts on why he's prostrating himself to Orban and Putin? Kopromat? Fellow traveler?

By the way, I stumbled upon your reverse-chronology piece about Carlson's life and the guest post by Nia Molinari. Both mind blowing. Have shared links elsewhere.

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I can't agree with your writing more. I just don't understand how people can believe the lunacy and hypocritical BS coming from the extreme right. I've lost so much faith in humanity in the last five years. The very people the right are supposedly representing are suffering the most severely. I've come to the conclusion a lot of people are just damn stupid. How can people not see what's happening? Everyone is angry these days but are blaming the wrong people.

Keep on preaching. A lot of people are listening. Tony Ownbey

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