After listening to the series on Butina -"Is she or isn't she?" I finished so annoyed. She IS and WAS! I really believe, like in "Red Sparrow" she was trained for every possible outcome and the series of interviews, "I loved him, and I didn't know, and I was just...blah, blah, blah". I followed her occasionally before. That montage of her singing Beauty and the Beast or whatever it was reinforced her semi-brilliant "I just want to be a peacemaker in America" as she 'looked into his eyes' as a well trained actor. Her return to Russia and assignment to visit Nulvany in prison was the icing on the cake! She came to the US as a Russian spy and hit paydirt.

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Don't you wonder whose names were redacted? I can't wait to watch those podcasts...

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I would like to retweet this article but sadly there are a host of sites down for me today! Twitter is up and down AGAIN!

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Mercury is retrograde

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Yes indeed, it has been a media s*it show.

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"a parasite and a servant of thieves.” I believe Navalny. Such horrid times we contine to live. Thanks. I think.

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Of course she IS.

A manipulative beeyotch who used her wiles to trap GQP honchos and insinuate herself all the way up to the White House. So what do we do? Why we send her right back to her puppet master so that she can continue to help him make inroads against our democracy, using all of the contacts she made and people she can blackmail. I’m looking at you Santorum, you POS. And Junior. And the Big Fucking Fucker himself, demented Donny.

Meanwhile, Cohen does time for lying. Manafort and Stone pull a Butina, positioned to blackmail EX and his minions, so they walk.

Did ANYONE read the Mueller Report?

Did ANYONE watch the Stone homage to Stone movie/documentary?

The American naive act is getting old.

WTF happened to Justice for All?

Swear I saw Lady Justice in a French Quarter jazz club last Saturday night weeping into a strangely colored beverage. I wanted to stop and talk but my hair isn’t long and chestnut. My accent isn’t Russian and it’s been awhile since I batted my baby blues.

Way out of practice.

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