YEP $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$🖕

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Obscene. I can think of no other word to describe them.

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There is a financial saying called a "Haircut."

I can think of a number of folks that need one.

That reminds me that there are a number of barbershops in the US operated by somewhat recent arriving Russians.

(Not to be confused with the religious White Russians that came to the West coast in the early 1900"s).

About 10 years ago i dropped into a Barbershop operated by a Russian.

During the course of my haircut i was offered an opportunity to buy Opals and Gold.

Passing on that the barber said, "How about a woman?"

I'm old enough to recall that there were barbershops operated by Italians where you could place a wager or maybe buy a cold gun but not a woman.

My barber now is from Mexico.!

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Lordy, the evils that have slipped by me. Makes Rupert sound like a piker. But of course, he can run with the big boys. You always open up a can of evil that is a surprise to one who pays attention. Makes me wonder where the bottom is, or if one even exists…

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Rupert is a animated chilrens show commonly called FOX NEWS.

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Why Putin will fail. The medium age in Russia is 39.6. There are over 25 million under 34 yesrs old. Communism is dead and the young have no interest in Czarism.

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An eye-opener! I loved your little blurb about how Mitch McConnell didn’t make the list re: Deripaska. There are so many disgusting SOBS that I’ve lost count!

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Human Wallets. Rolls off the tongue much better than oligarchs.

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I think this was my favorite episode ever.

Doing this weekend’s fucked up WORDLEs made me think of you. Personally, it’s the rush of a completed task to start my day. Sort of gets the juices flowing. 🤣 FWIW, my opening word is HAUTE.

Everything you talked about - except maybe the diamonds, but probably those too - leads back to Peter Thiel and the PayPal mafia. Bitcoin, Facebook, Putin… Look at Elon Misk, JD Vance, Zuckerberg. So many creepy bad guys (they’re all men, of course) with their billions fucking the world and trying to destabilize democracies. For great info on all this WEB3 bullshit, check out @davetroy. He’s got a medium page too with tons of background info.

The scary thing about Russia is that it’s people my age (GenX) that are the big Putin backers. They’re the moms who aren’t believing the videos and info coming from their children who are dealing with it first hand. They’re the people who don’t live in the cities for whom perestroika was the worst the that ever happened in their lives and to whom Putin brought back stability. Totally shitty stability, but not wickedly worse than the USSR of their childhood. He’s brought back Stalin worship ffs.

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