Thank you, Greg, for including even more dirt from this despicable decision.

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Clarence IS dirt. What a piece of shit that guy is.

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It’s TUESDAY😢 Since my heart medication is so bleeping expensive I took your advice, sorta, and skipped a whole section of this, so as not to double up on the meds to be safe. Any chance you could point your readers in the direction of positive efforts they can take with Indivisible.org, Mobilize.us, SisterDistrict.org, or Postcards to Voters?Action is often the antidote to fear paralysis, and man, we all need to pitch in!

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Register Democrats at https://www.fieldteam6.org/

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Thank you, Lisbeth. I'll do that tomorrow or Sunday.

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I hate thinking this and really don’t want to diminish any determination to vote in November - I’m voting like my life and democracy depends on it - but I think they’re going to steal the election no matter the outcome. I truly hope I’m wrong.

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Well said. And the fate of our children too. Billserle.com

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They are, Tracy. See my comment just now. I have zero doubt, and I do not know what to do about it………

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They are certainly going to try. And if they do, Joe is still the president until Jan 20 and can do whatever the fuck he wants -- up to and including retiring and letting KH do whatever SHE wants.

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I'm saving some PTO days for when that day comes that we fill the streets!

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But it appears Joe is too weak as are many of the democrats to do much even when Joe now has the freedom to do much more to help.

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Tyranny is here. As those 6 justices sit behind the bulwark of supremacy, I will do everything I can to make sure Joe and Democrats are elected in November. I expect every kind of fekkery to happen around and after election day. I know what that "thing" is capable of should "it" become king. This is our time to be heroic. Let's do this.

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I refuse to refer to them as "Justices" anymore. They've proven they don't deserve the title. From now on it'll be "Injustices".

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War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength, unjust is justice

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Same. One silver lining of this ruling is that it motivates more people to vote blue.

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On threds a threader call it the SCOTUS 6 Ivermectin Standard. Fits.

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Ha! That's good. Bleachdrinkers.

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Rather than trying to come fears about what he might do if in office, Trump doubles down on the retribution stuff and endorses proposals for military tribunals and show trials for his enemies. This should worry even many of his supporters of convenience in politics, because eventually almost everyone gets thrown under the bus and becomes his enemy. We are watching not the making of a king but a Stalin.


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Very true. I was going to quote Hitler's speech on the day of the Enabling Act, but it didn't quite fit with this piece. But still, wow, so many parallels.

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President Biden swore an oath: "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." SCOTUS has defiled the Constitution. What should Biden do, according to the oath he took? Fire Merrick Garland?

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Spaceship + planet on astrological map that is the most malefic + one way first class ticket to all of them

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lolol... Algol?

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It troubles me that a convicted felon, who presumably cannot vote, might again be president. He who weakened the office is now a force pushing to strengthen it.

Let’s hope that Biden’s team manages another victory. They have a brilliant population of voters upon with which to work.


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I don't think ANYONE who is a US citizen should be denied the vote. I don't care who it is or what he or she did. But your point holds. Double standards. Disgusting.

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Why doesn’t Joe find a way to squash MAGA now that he has clearance to do so? If there is trouble with our Democrats it is that we are/appear feckless, wanting to be bipartisan even as the side that won’t be convinced is laughing because we’re making it easy for them to use the very American judicial and constitutional construct they abhor, to beat everyone into submission. The wanting to be/appear fair and bipartisan started with Comey, bled into Garland (maybe at Joes behest?) and everything went into the shitter after that. I agree with Joes sentiment, but fairness / bipartisanship only applies among those that believe in it - why let them beat us over the head and destroy everything? The dynamic needs to change! Thanks for letting me rant!

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GOP = party of bump stock

Dems = party of butter knife

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Fuck!!! This is the season pass for riding the emotional roller-coaster. I love your writing. It's grounding, calming, correct and compassionate. My anxiety thanks you.

This is Leonard Leo's election.

King Shitpants has Roy Cohen in his head. He makes it his #1 goal to get the dirt on everyone. And boy does he have the shit on Thomas. This is the Thomas covering his own ass court.

This is all laid out in Chattel Project 2025. I've been reading about the Southern Economic Development Model, that Heritage wrote for the Reagan administration. Heritage Project 2025 is the post-modern version of SEDM...www.epi.org. The fuckers are still fighting the Civil War. And we are their collateral damage.

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Kevin Roberts, the Heritage guy, doubled down on the fascism dictator stuff:


These people are awful, and I hope they all wind up like Cohn: broke, pathetic, dying alone.

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Do I call the DOJ and tell them Kevin Roberts just threatened my life??? Oh, fuck!! Is it bad that I want a cigarette, a drink and a handful of gummies right now???

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I think everyone worried about Biden, and “he cannot beat Trump” and “he is too old” are whistling past the graveyard. I expected yesterday’s opinion to be horrific, but it’s much, much worse than even I anticipated. I am a 71 year old lawyer. I am not an appellate lawyer, not even a trial lawyer, much less a criminal OR constitutional lawyer, but in my heart of hearts, I believe yesterday signals the beginning of the end for the USA as we have all known it. How did this happen???

I am terrified, yet fully convinced now, that those six sick, twisted fascists will install Trump no matter what. Even if Biden dropped out, and the very best combination of FDR, Truman, JFK and LBJ, is nominated, and this new perfect candidate wins every state in a landslide, next January 20 Trump will be installed by this Supreme Court. We think November 2020 to January 6 was chaos, wait until this year. Plus Trump now knows they have his back.

I know I sound crazy, but I truly believe our only hope is for Trump to depart this mortal coil to his well deserved eternal “reward.” No other human being I can think of could ever have the sociopathic personality and absolute shamelessness and total moral depravity that he does. It is hard to understand how that broken human being is the choice for dictator of my fellow evangelical Christians, and yes, all those good Catholics on the Supreme Court, and all these fine “conservative” thinkers and political leaders(thanks Mitch!), but here we are. I feel like I am living in an alternate universe, and a very frightening one at that. I never dreamed I would ever see this…….

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You DO NOT sound crazy. The sky is actually falling.

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I found pieces of it on my lawn.

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I do not think we have until November 5. I see this spooling out much faster. And I agree with you, Rick. They don't care about the election. They've decided and prepared. We need a plan.

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Thanks, Rick. It's the cliche about slow-motion car wreck. The empaths are all already feeling it. The only good thing I can see is that Biden is president from Nov 8 - Jan 20, and, per SCOTUS, can do whatever he wants in that period. That is our, ahem, trump card. Will we play it? Eh, we'll see.

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Good point, Greg. That fact is a critical difference from 2020. Maybe a core constitutional function includes replacing 6 members of the Supreme Court………

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If not replacing, at least jailing them for being threats to national security, which if they aren't, I don't know what is.

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I feel exactly as you do and so do my friends. I often think I’m glad I’m old. I dread seeing what’s coming.

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The Injustices on the Robert's corrupt Extreme Court have no shame. They're dismantling our democracy in full view of the world and apparently with impunity. At present the only path available to reform our corrupt EC is to reelect President Biden.

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10 Things Trump can do with the immunity from the MAGA Supreme Court


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Thanks, Deepak. Yikes!

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The Supreme Court has made "We the People" a bad joke. Now, any president can merely stage a coup and hold onto power with the flimsiest of excuses, as was attempted in 2021. They have made the decision that what can be considered an "official act" can (and will) eventually be brought back to them, so that, in fact, ANYTHING a president does is now above the Law.

What they have also done, although definitely not intended, is open the door to extrajudicial means for dealing with an out-of-control president. If all roads on the highway of justice lead back to the Supreme Court who made this decision, what recourse is there but assassination of a president who becomes a tyrant? I simply don't see any other path. There is, as Justice Sotomayor wrote, a law-free zone around the president, and with that, absolutely no recourse for dealing with a president like we know Trump has been, and how he will be if re-elected. A president can now do ANYTHING while in office and not be prosecuted for it.

Does impeachment even mean anything anymore? If Trump's defense for his first impeachment had been in this New Era, it would have simply been, "I believe that the election of Joe Biden would be a threat to the country, and I also believe that Volodymyr Zelenskyy is helping Joe Biden by hiding that information from the United States. My call to him was perfect in that I was attempting to persuade him to open an investigation into Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and Burisma, as an OFFICIAL ACT of my duties as president to protect the country." His defense against the second impeachment would have been along the same lines, in addition to his feelings that the election had been stolen from him. The Supreme Court has also made impeachment, at best, ceremonial -- if we can't prosecute a president for anything, what power does impeachment hold? And as soon as he has the time for it, watch Trump try to get BOTH impeachments expunged from the record. He'll try it, and if re-elected, he'll do it.

The INK wasn't even dry on this decision before Trump's mini-mall lawyers were rushing in to base an appeal in New York on the idea that his conviction there was for official acts as president. They want the sentencing delayed. They want the convictions overturned. They want the entire case thrown out. And what stops that? SCOTUS conveniently didn't put a grandfather clause in this dreck.

Real, judicial madness entered the United States law yesterday, and it also appears the fix is in for November unless we can overwhelm the election with votes for Joe Biden. And even then.... I don't want to think about it. There is much work to do and only 125 days to do it. FUCK!!

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Thanks for this, Steve. We have been very lucky so far that this has not descended into violence. SCOTUS and MAGA seem to want to accelerate this. And the bump stock ruling, the cynic will point out, gives the dipshit soldiers better weaponry. We are the butter knife party. For once, we need to bring out the chainsaw...

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LOL, I can't even operate an edge trimmer correctly!

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Why couldn’t Joe Biden arrest felon Trump for all the crimes he’s now not going to face as SCOTUS have given total immunity? Let’s keep in mind that Trump already has plans for him, his family and all those “disloyal” to him. Alternatively, can Biden call off the elections? That was one of Trump’s plans for 2020.

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He can and he should but he won't.

What he COULD do is release all of Trump's FBI and counterintelligence files. The Epstein stuff, too, some of which trickled out yesterday. Maybe that would move the needle, proof that Trump is a rat AND an asset?

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If Biden and the Democrats play this right, which is to say with vicious aggression always on the attack, this bullshit decision, coupled with the other bullshit decisions in the last couple of weeks, it could be nearly as impactful as Dobbs and lead to a rout of the Republicans in November. Outside the MAGA bubble, everyone is looking at SCOTUS, and Trump, and saying What the Actual Fuck!

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I agree, I think this is bad for Trump in the election. Too bad the Dem insider white guys are too busy trying to replace Joe...

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Keith Olberman thinks the plan is to get Joe to retire now, elevate Kamala. First woman president, first woman of color president, power of incumbency, immediate access to the $200M war chest, the only doddering old fool running is Convicted Felon Trump. She could then pick a white man as running mate. Risky, but maybe less risky than keeping Joe now that the polling is showing he's under water in 12, not 6, swingy states.

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