Garland is legitimate, qualified, honest, of the highest integrity, but he was chosen as a thumb-in-the-eye of the Republican criminals who thwart decency and patriotic duty every goddam day. Sadly, that is a very poor reason to choose him.

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Greg, I predict this discussion will be a lightning rod, not just because of your characterization of a miscast AG, but also your characterization of a miscast Batman! That said, I have spent quite a lot of time in theater and less so in film, and if one were to cast on appearance and demeanor alone, Garland might have been given a butler role in something, or the kindly grandfather, or maybe even Saint Nick. I don't doubt his intelligence or skills one bit, but he is sorely lacking in the "I'm in charge" department.

I always thought TFG "cast" his depraved surrogates based more upon superficial attributes than anything else - well, there was always the transactional aspect of the job award. You do what I want and you can stay here for a little while. That kind of thing. There was Barr, who was cast for his VOICE and his arrogance. He always reminded me of Dick Cheney, or perhaps Darth Vader. Or both.

Then, there were the series of pretty faces and empty heads that paraded briefly as "spokeswomen" when they deigned to leave their parties to "meet the press." It was all straight out of the failed Apprentice series...just dumb, C grade wannabe actors.

But we DO need something more, something different with our AG. These are the most difficult of times of MY lifetime, and it would almost take a superhero type for that office, if we are to regain (not maintain - I've given that one up) any sense of being as a nation.

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We need a Terminator to end Trumpisim.

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Add to the miscast characters, Jamie Harrison, whose face melted like butter on toast when questioned by MSNBC women journalists after Virginia Tuesday. Not good. What happened to the Dems platform, “pack the court,” and jettison the Filibuster?

Add the DOJ and Biden, we have become the (d)Dithering Party. Add in Congress, not being able to pass a bill, will end in failure. I thought the trumplicans were driving the clown car. I hired Biden administration to trash the other party. WTF. Also, Biden , by Executive order , should force his Ambassadors pending approval, to assume new roles now, and fire ambassadors those he wants out. Now. Trump had all kinds of “temps” at work.

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Although, I agree with some of what you pointed out, the Dems are very impatient in not hearing from Garland. I am not certain he is nervous but his passion for our country is real. He is very very meticulous( ie. leave no stone unturned) and that makes him a moving target from the despicable Repubs (aka Insurrectionists) and impatient Dems. He is no doubt collaborating with Homeland Security, FBI, CIA, as well as NYC, Georgia, and Texas officials. So you can see he is quite busy. What Garland isn’t is a learned speaker to the masses and that doesn’t serve him well. He really needs immediate training in giving a presentation to the American public. I hope he seeks that or appoints someone close to him to be that voice-box.

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