Jan 3Edited

I think my biggest fear (at the moment) is, an event of some kind on or about 1/20, and martial law being declared 😔 thank you for the terrific year in review recap.

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The two attacks on 1/1/, plus the weird second "assassination" attempt, all seem to point in that direction. And then Truth and Reality become Truth Social and Reality TV.

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TGIF🎉🎉🎉Another day closer to the midterms!

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Amen to that.

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Kim, that’s my concern as well as I’ll be travelling back on the 25th from London. I’ve been an American citizen since 1973, taught foreign languages in HS in NJ but lived abroad for over 25 years. Only child lives there. Sadly for me I’m half Spanish and 1/2 Latina. These are the people he wants to deport. Husband is American and thinks I’m being crazy.

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Best bet. No husband. New country. Trumps border nut, Homan is ready to try and Lock up as many brown people as possible.

Interesting your comment od orgin. I live with a Spaniard and grew up with Mestizos. They don't use the word Latina?

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You are right to be concerned. I have people in my life who have either recent immigrants, green card holders, or recent citizens they are very close to who MAY be in the crosshairs, and voted for Trump anyway. None of this will ever make sense to me. I know there are explanations for it, but it will never make sense.

He seems to be walking this back ever so slightly. The vast expense and the massive national resources necessary to do what will ultimately amount to a genocide...there's nothing in it for him, money-wise, and he doesn't do anything unless there's a grift. I'm hoping this was just bullshit to help him get elected.

Stay safe, and stay prepared, Rusalka.

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Thanks Greg for understanding my concern. I’m traveling next week and returning 10 days later. How should I be prepared? Other than my passport, must I have with me my naturalisation certificate which was issued back in early 70’s? In order to teach it was required to be a citizen. Any suggestions?

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Trump‘s latest post shows that he does not properly understand the role of government when he calls on the CIA to get involved in reforming tour government.

I hope he gets more educated this time. Whatta scary mess. Billserle.com

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I'm not so sure he doesn't understand the CIA's mission and function. I read that as him threatening to weaponize the CIA against US citizens on US soil.

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It make more sense to use the department of agriculture. Lol

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Good morning

At my local greasy spoon, omelet with rye toast, buttered and covered with little packets of Smucker's grape jelly. Doesn't every place in the US have such diners or do they exist only where I choose to live?

I am compelety unsure why I revealed this. Perhaps to demonstrate that despite the ridiculous shit show that is the US government, life goes on. After my unhealthy morning repast, errands, the little bulbs that light our counter space burnt out. Will try to find them in the local hardware, I know Home Depot has them but their owners were big 45 supporters,don't want to give them my money. Covid vaccine later, trying to protect my 75 , very soon 76 year old ass. Thought about foregoing this, figured if I caught the disease Trump championed maybe the nightmare will end quicker. Nah get the jab, prolong life in living hell. Besides the American cheese in the omelet will do more harm.

There is no real point to these bullshit ramblings. Perhaps other than despite the horrors that will come life goes on. Did I say this before? Switching to Smucker's strawberry jelly, it's my breakfast desert.

Thanks for the top ten. If only enough voters saw these before marking their x. Yet I think I would still be in the greasy spoon eating the same thing.

Life really does go on. Please keep your cards and letters coming. Art Linksomething said this, I think

Have a great day!

Ps why are there so many cooking shows? TV here seems hellbent on getting folks to chase down obscure herbs to add to eggs, herbs that I think taste like something my cat deposits in the litter box.

Further ps, Robin Williams joke, I lined the litter box with pages from the National Enquirerer, now the cat refuses to use the litter box.

BTW, definitely go see A Complete Unknown, Timothy sings better than Bob. Ad for it interrupted the herb endorsement.

Final BTW, Smucker's jelly is sticky.

So sorry for all this. Mork over and out.

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I can confirm that in my neck of the woods -- southwest suburbs of Chicago -- there still exists those types of diners where you can get a literally heart-stopping breakfast every day of the week, if you want.

Your further point of "life goes on" is 100% true. Granted, we are being forced to think more along the lines of ourselves than national problems, but life DOES go on. My 92-year-old mom asked me last night, in reaction to the attacks in New Orleans and Vegas, if I thought "someone" was trying to take over the United States. I said, yes, but they're called MAGA Republicans. She's been having a few "palpitations" about Trump's 2nd term since the election, but as I've said many times, until I see Trump shock troops gathering at the end of our street preparing to go door-to-door looking for "the browns," life goes on and I'm not too worried about much. After all, we live in the United States, which is the First World's most technologically advanced, fully industrialized, shithole country in the world! Why should ANYONE worry? Enjoy the omelets!

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Amen, I say AMEN. Thanks!

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Thanks, Steve. I think you have the right attitude. We have to be prepared, and we have to do what we need to do, but we can't let him sap our joy and all our energy worrying. It's a delicate balance.

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I love me a good diner and a good diner breakfast. New Jersey has the best diners in the country, bar none. Your post has made me hungry!

I am traveling a lot this month for my job-job, so I get vaxxed on Thursday. It made me a bit foggy and tired, but it's better than the alternative for sure.

Thanks for all of this, Old Man. Happy New Year, and give Orson my regards...

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Grew up in northern Jersey, yes the best diners. Safe travels, 5 in 8 was great last night, wife subscribed, we listened together. No better way to spend an hour or so. Interesting Jersey factoid, the mayor and council were sent to jail for giving school window replacement contracts to a family firm and taking kickbacks. When they got out, town reelected them. This was some 65 years ago, think this was a precedent for 45, 47? Jersey is Jersey, got to love it

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Greg, I read MANY people trying trying to make some rational sense of these absolutely nonsensical last 10 years, but you are my absolute favorite. You have so much insight and so much logical and practical “horse sense,” and you are a wise fellow for such a young guy—I am 71 to give you some perspective on that comment.

Of all the horrific and vile and perverse and yes, evil words and deeds that Trump has and will say and do, the continual and shameless and sick lying is truly the root of all of it. This latest on the New Orleans attack is vile and despicable but NO ONE bats an eye or calls him out for it. We are absolutely so screwed up in this country. And the Republican Party in general, and my fellow Christians(ESPECIALLY of my “evangelical variety) in particular are so happy to support the most vulgar, dishonest, twisted and perverted liar of my lifetime. Let’s be sure we get that commandment about “thou shall not bear false witness” in every public schoolhouse in America, but in the White House, it does not matter.

The people who voted for him this time because of ??????, just show the moral, spiritual and political bankruptcy of this country. We are certifiably insane as a people, a culture, and a nation.

Thanks for the top 10 list—-I will read them all again. People like you are helping me keep my sanity———WE are not the crazy ones.

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Thanks, Rick. I take that as a great compliment.

People voted for him because the media failed, once again, to do its job. Only now, when it's too late, do we read about the "oh, by the way, Trump plans to do THIS horrible thing; voters have second thoughts and regrets" pieces. Shameful.

And the onslaught of lies and the war on reality is hard to fight all the time. It's exhausting. But we have to keep fighting it.

No: we are NOT the crazy ones.

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Ah, Greg, a trip down recent memory lane! Excellent stuff for the last day of my vacation. I plan on seeing the Five 8 tonight, so see you there!

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Thanks, Steve. I was a bit tired last night bc of my vax boosters, but I think the show came off ok. I hope you enjoyed your vacation.

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Re-read all of these. My favorites were “You don’t whistle against an ocean” and “Dark Brandon Godfather Moves.” Like you, I absolutely “felt confident and hopeful, and I wanted to allow myself to indulge those feelings, rather than let fear and uncertainty ruin my anticipatory joy.” It helped to know I wasn’t the only one. And I still have a tiny hope that John Roberts will utilize the 14th Amendment — hoping his wife will influence him the way she did with his Obamacare decision. But, regardless, I look forward to reading more of your work in 2025. It’s such a pleasure. Thank you.

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Thanks, Mary Ann. I think there's a better chance that the aliens will come off the drones and carry Trump back to his home planet than for Roberts to do the right thing. He had a chance an impeachment and he was disrespectful to the point of angry-making. I wish nothing but ill upon him. He is one of the architects of the implosion of our democracy, and I hope there is a hell so he can get roasted in it for eternity...but I figure when we die, it's just more of same..

Thanks for reading and happy New year!

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I know you’re right about Roberts. Such a shame.

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Technically, Donald is a pathological liar & is so entrenched in his lies that he truly doesn’t know the difference between right & wrong.

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