I have to say, Greg, I didn’t know much about today’s subject. But I see your point that she, too, is a victim. Isn’t it ironic that we use the term “the good life” for all that jet-setting. Suggest a rewatching of the British sitcom “Keeping Up Appearances” to laugh at its absurdity. There will always be someone with bigger hands!

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A victim of what? She’s not a victim, she could have taken a stand and refused to take part in the $ grabbing, both she and kushnot leave the WH. They had an out, neither one could pass security clearance, ended up daddy took care of that but only given the bare minimum clearance, however, kushnot was allowed to see every classified doc and his greed roared it’s ugly head and Khashoggi was still breathing when they cut him apart, still alive, FFS-how sick are you to let that happen??? Then they try to disappear to their little island home and stay away from his next campaign, thinking we would forget-we will never f-ing forget, never...

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I get your point, Mary, but see the explanation given by Frank below. He lays it out very professionally.

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MAGA Extremists take their marching orders from Trump and must be deprogrammed. 🥷🏻 - Hillary Clinton


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Only thing I agree with, she is pathetic. God gave us free will to make choices. She chose the low road. I know some who have lived with horrible mental and physical abuse throughout their childhood and as adults they chose not to go down that path-she had a choice, she chose the easy way out-crime along with Daddy and I’ll be rich! She has plenty of $ to get the help she needs. No pity, she’s pathetic.

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Sad and traumatized: no amount of $$ will help her ever be A healthy human. It’s as Greg has said, All appearance with no conscience is her destiny and the consequences to our planet are horrendous.

Thank you Greg et al for spelling it out and revealing the monsters behind the masks.

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And she has a shit-ton of money to test the theory, thanks to he corruption of her father and husband.

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She is, as you said and as I wrote, undeserving of sympathy.

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Trump’s NY fraud judge asked the AG’s lawyers to compare him with Madoff. 🤑 #CriminalEnterprise

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Madoff was way smarter.

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Everybody is smarter than Donald.

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I don't think there's any question that she was abused in some fundamental way by her father. That doesn't excuse her complicity, but it can't not be acknowledged.

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He still abuses her, making lewd remarks about her to others. His ilk are his enablers, 4 yrs they listened to that crap. Much like the pussy comment on the bus, bunch of sniveling, giggling perverts.

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I understand that. We all have our hell holes to climb out of or dig deeper. She has the means to climb out, from the outside looking in, she is digging deeper, rapidly approaching China.

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In Donald's case, almost everyone has bigger hands...

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Some think Iwhinealot couldn’t say/do anything cause it’s her father. Reality, she has the same cold greedy blood of her father running through her veins and took advantage every turn to rake in millions galavanting across the globe on taxpayers $. Raskins is asking the questions, will they lead to indictments for using the orange fascist scab as a cash cow? Will they lead to kushnot’s role in the pandemic and how much he raked in for the ‘government’ selling PPE to the states? PPP loans the crime family raked in? Qatar bailing out 666? Khashoggi investigating Kushnot’s sale of classified intel to SA, the $2B and so much more. SMFH. And what happened to the remaining 2016 inauguration millions😅??? Will any of it ever happen???

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You are right Mary. All of these outrageous crimes will never be investigated.

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Yes, all of this and more. The Chinese patents. Her role in bait-and-switching condo investors back in the day. Baku. All awful. The nicest thing we can say about her is that, unlike Lara Trump, and despite photos on her Insta of her strumming a guitar, she has not announced herself as a musician... ; )

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Just so much awesome here. Thanks Greg for this brilliant telling of Ivanka's attempted rehabilitation

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Thanks, Geoff.

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She could still do the right thing, but won't, by saying she loves her dad but he is no longer mentally fit enough to be president.

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Or by getting him the help he needs, as he's clearly failing.

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Thank you for this article Greg. It tells a truth the media just doesn’t want to. So upsetting to know none of Ivanka and Jared’s scandals will never be investigated….

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They have been investigated but the perpetrators haven’t been indicted, yet! That time will come.

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Ivanka and Jared have been investigated? I just can’t keep up….

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Trump’s #CriminalEnterprise have been investigated since day one.

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estoppeBarr squashed all investigations of the trump crime family-have there been investigations since he ran home to hide?

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Looks like everybody is investigating #TrumpCrimeFamily 😎

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The media is afraid of them. I'm not sure why. LB has been making the case for 8 yrs now that Donald is afraid of Jared.

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"The media is afraid of them."

One thing that "the media" should be afraid of is the fact that Trump & Co. are exposing the rot in the industry. Almost none of it is journalism. Most of it is infotainment. And a good portion of it is pulp fiction with a side order of war porn.

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There is nothing that you say that isn't true. And yet, it is hard to underestimate what it does to a child to grow up from infancy with a completely narcissistic parent, and in many years on this planet and as a psychologist, I have never run into a level of narcissism as complete and unrestrained as her father's. The complete willingness to withhold love or its facsimile from a child who does not exactly mirror whatever image feeds the parent's narcissistic need, is soul distorting. It creates a fear and hunger for love that is so deep-rooted that little can break it loose, particularly if her whole identity is tied up in being her father's daughter. I know very little about her mother, but profoundly doubt that she would have provided anything like a counterbalance, nor would the craven courtiers with whom he has always surrounded himself. Her absurd wealth, collusion with her father and wasted potential aside, I find it hard not to pity her when she seems to yearn to be someone else. Her brothers, on the other hand...

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Sorry, there was a typo. It should read, "hard to overestimate." I should never write before finishing my morning coffee. Even then....

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I'm glad you wrote! Never worry about typos. The "t" on my laptop is sticky and it keeps not working unless I hit it just so. Lots of ypos.

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She may have learned early on to be a little mirror to her father. Self protection that must have been exhausting to maintain. And, it scares me to think of how he used that intimidation.

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Noel Casler gets into that in the interview I did with him...the most read piece on PREVAIL, and all of it, clearly, true.

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Thanks for this, Frank. Nicely put, and it explains, I think, the media's clear sympathy for her. But there is also the case to be made that she knows all of this and exploits it, which is unforgiveable.

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Sorry, just saw this. I wouldn't disagree, but wonder if it isn't the fact that both things can be true at once, and, indeed, are integral to each other that makes the issue so thorny. It really is possible to be victim and victimizer at the same time. Our difficulty, is in how to respond. It becomes easier in the face of someone like her father, whose threat is more palpable and whose unselfconscious and unambiguous embrace of cruelty and willingness to do harm so easily tips the scales of our disgust.

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Trump’s #CriminalEnterprise deal in #FakeNews, including #UnwantedIvanka 🤥

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Yep. Well put, Kirsten.

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Greg, this was one of your best. I wanted you to keep going! I see comments about Ivanka being a victim. Yes, she grew up with a terrible abuser father, and so we can imagine the terrible toll that took and how it shaped her, but she has not spoken out about the abuse so what do we really know? We see her actions - she has not spoken out about her experiences, in fact, she has praised her father as a champion of women. We can psychoanalyze a possible reason why she does that, but she does do that. Full stop. Nor has she spoken out or used her platform to help women in any way. No, Ivanka has chosen to go for money, image, status, doing nothing to help anyone. If she's remembered at all, it will be for her choice to stay silent about all that she saw her father do, the threat her father posed and continues to pose to the nation. As you say, "she’s a traitor."

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🙌🏼 agreed!

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Thanks, Joel!

Silence is complicity. Which reminds me:


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Savagely brilliant. Complicit (also available in a cologne for Jared).

Thanks for the reminder, Greg.

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Her brand named products were in the 'Goodwills' in 2017, on. It was said that nobody would buy them.

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In going through my father's things after he passed, I did find a Donald Trump tie -- bought long before 2017...

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'The Magical Year'

Joan Dideon(sp)

Had scrolled by the picture of your father, yesterday(evening) and thought of your loss. The scroll seemed to pause on his picture. Thank you for sharing his story with your readers. You(collective we) never know who their story reaches.

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Your prose creates fact filled profiles of these tRump cockroaches. Thanks!

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Thanks, Richard!

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A dynasty of evil and dysfunction. It's hard to imagine her ever waking up and transforming her lineage.

You are correct, she had her opportunities and she bailed. We can all be grateful that we don't have her karma.

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I wonder what her father promised her. Succession upon the American throne? Disgraceful.

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This piece is emotionally compelling. So wonderfully written, so many plot points and fantastic questions. Thank you, Mr. Olear, for your perceptions, observations, perspective and ethical honor. I have paid the price for standing up to my values with siblings, it is an incredibly painful place to inhabit, making this reading all too solemn. But thank you. It's clear what one alternative could be, and being Ivanka ain't it.

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Thanks, Julie. I think all of us have encountered a family member or friend who is either MAGA or Q or whatever. It's hard to deal with. It's exhausting.

The thing is, if she WERE to denounce him, she would probably be forgiven. Our side has a way of celebrating the ones who leave the Trump camp: Cohen, Scaramucci, etc.

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I clearly remember Patti Davis’s quiet but clear refusal to support her father’s policies. I wonder if Patti ever tried to take a walk with Ivanka and give her some advice.

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She paid a heavy price mentally and emotionally for being Reagan's daughter.

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Does Ivanka know who Patti Davis is?

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Baron, the last Hope?

"With Rebellion Awarness is Born"

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How do you say "don't hold your breath" in Slovenian?

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I looked at Baron’s ‘x’ page once, he is on his way to being as bad as his older siblings. I was glad to hear he was kept out of the limelight, he was just a kid. I blocked him tho-didn’t want his garbage showing up on my thread.

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Thanks Msry

Very interesting

Great Jared pic

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The way Ivanka was raised, I can’t imagine that she knows how to do anything but construct alternate realities. Her Barbie persona and the fantasies swimming around in her plastic head seem to be part and parcel of the Trump MO, where virtually everything is a lie. Does she have any concept of what truth is?

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Good point. It's impossible to know. But she seems to be deeply in denial.

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Princess Sparklepussy is no victim. She is as much a schemer and a fraud as Daddy Dearest, only with better hair and more plastic surgery. Or does everyone forget the knockoff shoes, the cheap chinese made "fashion" line, the shilling for Trump Towers in Panama and Eastern Europe? If she had truly changed and broken with the crime syndicate she and the Boy Blunder would be back in NYC going to all the right parties, seen at all the right venues. But her former frenemies in NY society have made it clear that they only let her in the club because she was a Trump, and that she'll never be allowed back into the club because she's a Trump. Which is why she is reduced to hanging out with the equally vapid and fraudulent Kim Kardashian.

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Sparklepussy! OMG...

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