Journalists and the media outlets that employ them are all terribly negligent and have been for years. If America is going to come out of this crisis and avoid another, media and what is considered journalism will have to go through some reform as well. It is my hope that independent journalists with integrity like yourself will take up that mantle and push the pretenders out. Without trust in journalists, Americans can have no confidence in the transparency of their government.

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Yes, indeed, we are subjected to a barrage of tabloid crap daily disguised as “Breaking News” but when you tune in, it’s about the latest Trump bs tweet, or his latest dishonesty, or his daily schedule of TV watching... Tweet storming about matters he knows nothing of, but considers himself to be the master of “all knowledge” even “Knowing more than the generals“, or “I alone can fix it“..or other such claptrap! We need to stop paying attention to his and other GOP personalities tweets or sayings or doings—without an audience they will soon shut the hell up!

Media too should start telling the country real news, including international news, instead of this junk that’s not even “fit to print”

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I think you have to care about an individual first in order to be concerned about their health issues...the one exception would be if Trump is indeed sane enough to be the keeper of the nuclear codes...if he is addicted to drugs and I believe he is, considering the many times he’s spoken out in public where he’s slurred words or behaved as if he wasn’t in complete control of his body including his feet. Those under the influence often find it difficult to navigate walking and stairs or ramps in this case are huge impediments while “stoned out of ones gourd” as Trump often is nowadays....who can blame him? He’s made a tremendous mockery of the presidency, he’s failed at everything, and worst of all, he knows it too. Let’s face it Trump has been a huge failure all of his life, so it’s no surprise that he’s failed yet again at the most complex job (POTUS) that any sane intelligent being would consider difficult. Trump never had any qualification to be president, except dishonesty and foreign help to steal it from Madam President Hillary Rodham Clinton, the real winner.

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I find it very hard to believe that ANYONE ever believed that Trump wouldn't end up crashing and burning like this .

EVERYTHING about his life said he was headed for this free fall.

Even TRUMP knows he's unfit for the job. His biggest downfall is the inability to admit his wrong doing or learn NEW THINGS.

Otherwise, all he had to do was hire the best people [really] in every field and let them make HIM look good .

But no, he has to get in everyone's way of doing the right thing, to the extent of contradicting physicians in public health expert how is that working out for him?

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Greg, no MSM doesn't report this stuff. BUT the late night comedy hosts sure do. The two I like best who tell straight and make it only a tiny bit funny (Colbert laughs too much) - Jimmy Kimmel and Seth Meyers. Kimmel did more than show the shitshow at West Point, he showed 2 other times the Beast had to use both hands to drink water - bottle, glass, doesn't matter. Both hands. Here's my diagnosis - ahem - diabetes brought on by his diet and obesity and resulting neuropathy in both feet and hands. OF COURSE he's not able-bodied. And on top of that, all the speed and other drugs he takes. SOOOOOOO - here's the link - and go to 2:16 to start the arm and water biz! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSQvwkVLPDM

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I remember how average people with mental health problems were called "crazy" while rich and powerful people with those problems were considered "eccentric". For whatever reason, powerful people get lots of passes the typical Joe or Jane would never receive.

However, I think this West Point performance has shown the evident reality that he has massive health problems that everyone can see. If only the mainstream media can stop its delusion and cowardice that DJT's health is a non-issue so that we can stop this reality show of a presidency.

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CORRECTION: "president", or LazyDENT 🤷

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1. WHY, indeed. Add to that vexing question, why the unabashed double standard, in the way a woman's [ok, specifically HRC] alleged health issues is sensationalized & covered, ad nauseum and a man's, with nary a raised brow?

Case in point: MSM ran wild when HRC'S fall was falsely reported by the national enquirer as a fatal, neurological illness

MSM echoed the enquirer with titillating innuendos like, "According to the enquirer, in a report WE haven't verified....the end with, "is she terminally ill? What does this mean for her campaign? Is she going to end her campaign?

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There is a front page on the Murdoch-owned NY Post of HRC, looking like the game Operation, with the headline "ILLARY." Disgraceful. And so so sexist.

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There shall come a day of reckoning, when every one of them will wear their yokes of shame for all to see for eternity and take their rightful place of shame in history, reserved for traitors and cowards!

I hope we live to see it! 🤭🤭

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That woman was so maligned, even HER MUM said, or thought, "hmmn 🤔 I dunno about that killary. She sho is scary!"

Despite manafort confessing in an open court allocution he was

paid $2M by ukrainians to LIE that HRC was an anti-semite & said it was a LIE.

Even after Trey goudi & Meadows [or McCarthy ] bragged that Benghazi was a bogus ploy to smear her & ruin her chances in her presidential run, people remain married to the sordid lies--some are DEMOCRATS!

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Meadows alleged to be a member of the Maga grp. purchasing property near Capitol Hill.

17 March 2023

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IMO GOP machinations to win by smear, is an illustration of how terrified they are of a strong womanz who proved quite formidable

Look at all the forces, working against her being president--WIKILEAKS, RNC, BENGHAZI & various BOGUS HEARINGS, TRUMP, RUSSIA! 🤯

Still, she WON, but lost and DIDN'T break! Look at them all now though...falling to pieces!

Seriously, how can she be so, CALM?🧘🏻‍♂️ I would have been smeared my poop all over the front door of the White House 🤭🤭

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2. Ditto, for the time her simple trip was distorted and played repeatedly, referring to the enquirer's false story to buttress it's false narrative.

This left the audience to deduce that the new trip on the step of the SUV was attributable to the unsubstantiated "terminal illness-- could have been clarified asking HER, or obtaining her medical records.

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3. Compare that to Trump's nocturnal jaunt to Bethesda hospitals, for reasons, STILL unclear to a public, about to vote in a few months. Trump's lame explanation was clearly a lie, but got little or no mention let alone, further probe.

The most glaring testimony to the aforementioned double standard was when Bernie Sanders, at 77 having a proper heart attack, promised to furnish "full medical report to reassure WE, the. PEOPLE that he's hearty, hale & fit to serve.

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4. Granted the press pushed back & cried foul, when Sanders produced 3 sealed envelopes, he claimed were from 3 physicians, attesting to his fitness, asking he still intended to furnish the promised FULL MEDICAL RECORDS, to which he replied *"probably, not".

Sanders paused, as if expecting continued push back from the press...A sheepish yawn, then Sanders went for the kill, reaffirmed the greatness of the physcians who all concurred that he was in spectacular shape, and said, no EVERYTHING is in there [yet unopened envelopes THE END.


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5. Sanders kept on promising to submit FULL MEDICAL RECORDS in RALLY speeches. He was never challenged about the time he said he wouldn't. I envy people in 70s...they had Woodward AND Bernstein!

We have HANmity & a vast array bum sniffers, afraid to offend, lest they lose access... to what? Just go to Trump's Twitter page. Great, intrepid journalists should & are happy to OFFEND for the scoop.

Woodward and Bernstein were iso offensive, they were persona non grata at Nixon daughter's wedding! Did they care? Hell no. They kept offending, till Watergate blew up.

The closest person we have to them now is Michael Wolff

He's very offensive, but gets the story & blows up every bridge behind him and on to the next mighty jerk

I've no doubt that America's passive aggressive misogyny--even by women [yeah that's a thing] has robbed us of a great President, more than once and look WHERE we are.

*Let's just say I'm paraphrasing, rather than quoting verbatim, so don't quote ME.💁

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'...What began as little fibs about his height and weight has now exacerbated a public health crisis...'(article)


18 March 2023

TFG riles up followers about his 'arrest that is scheduled for Tuesday' using similar language to what he used before J6.

Today's news.

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