One quibble, Greg. Please stop saying Trump "came down with [COVID-19]" as if it's fact. It's not. Until I see medical records from a legitimate source showing that, I won't believe it. Trump is a documented liar. His alleged COVID-19 diagnosis was very convenient for the election, although it backfired miserably. In addition, his wife, son, and 30-some others in his inner circle also allegedly got COVID, and yet, "like a miracle, it went away" without any ill effects, it seems. At least we didn't hear about any. Chris Christie, I believe. He was in an ICU and showed signs of recovery from it afterwards. The rest of them might as well have been cured by Jesus (or Satan), if you believe that sort of thing.

I thought the anger would abate with Biden's victory, but it's only gotten worse, and then here comes Comorbidity Emily Murphy to continue to try and fuck up Biden's transition. How this corpulent character can continue to hold up "ascertaining" the results of the election is beyond me. Is she waiting for the Electoral College vote, which Trump will also fight? Is she waiting for Congress to count the Electoral College vote in January, which Trump will ALSO try to fight? I've seen people suggesting that she be bribed with Wendy's gift cards. And yes, I've participated in the occasional fat-shaming too, and been criticized for it. BUT, this is yet another bureaucrat who we'd know nothing about, and would never have seen her, if she had only DONE HER JOB. That's all we know about her: she, like so many others right up to this president, don't do their jobs, and she's morbidly obese. Since these people seem proud not to do their jobs "for Trump," the fat-shaming stays.

Kevin McCarthy should temper his wistful dreams of being in the Senate. I remember a time when being a Senator might have been a point of pride. Now, under McConnell, it's just another part of the political mafia. DEMOCRATS MUST WIN BOTH SENATE SEATS IN GEORGIA or we will continue in the reign of terror that is McConnell's Senate. Clearly, until he drops dead, he's not going anywhere. We've got to get the Senate back and then assume we have only two years to fix things.

January 20th can't come soon enough.

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Yes, I too doubted Trumps claim to have corona virus, his speedy recovery was just too slick for it to have been real, and he was “conveniently sick” over a weekend, so Trump didn’t miss any of the major news reports on his campaign or rally dates etc...then there was the joy ride, with Trump waving wildly in the back seat-4 secret servicemen in the vehicle, none of them caring if they would get corona virus, but of course they knew Trump didn’t have it. Then there was the cagey way the doctors avoided talking about Trumps symptoms and diagnosis only to say they were treating Trump with high powered and expensive treatments.

My daughter had corona virus, the kind that just hangs on for a few weeks, some days she felt okay, only to have a fever the next day, she suffered weakness in her limbs, having a hard time breathing, double/triple pneumonia that didn’t respond to multiple courses of medications, in fact, her lungs were weakened by the virus, it took at least 8 weeks for her to fully recover. Oddly she had 3 or 4 tests for corona virus and they all came back negative, but all if her symptoms pointed to corona. It’s why you may hear me say that, corona virus has mutated and testing must be adjusted to the mutated virus.

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Steve B - - My sisters & I have #MoscowMitch voodoo dolls & we're ON IT. Three middle-aged former Catholic schoolgirls channeling their menopausal-fueled disgust on that miserable, malevolent Darth Sidious wannabe ought to have an effect, sooner or later...👵🏻🙏🏻😁

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As a middle aged former Catholic schoolgirl I want to join you at the correct socially distant spot on your virtual couch. My People!!!!!

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Let's all do our part to support small business: https://www.etsy.com/listing/593217563/mitch-mcconnell-voodoo-doll

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That's the one I got! Mitch-the-Bitch with giant glittery Elton John glasses superimposed on a turtle shell by "Tiny Hands Productions" lmfao. I've been concentrating on stabbing his heart, though I have pins in his eyes, forehead & crotch, too. 🤣

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I’m with you!

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Thanks for the insightful comments, Steve. While I certainly understand why anyone would think he was lying--he always lies!--I don't think he faked the covid-19 diagnosis. Too many people would have known, including the Secret Service, and it would be out by now. He was given the super-duper therapies much earlier than usual, which explains his relatively quick recovery period. Also, the White House was, and remains, a hot zone. Now we learn that Junior has it.

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I don't know. I think we'll hear at some future time, in some future book after this is all over, that, "oh COVID? Trump never got that." And now Junior, indeed. I assume what's-her-name with the shouty mouth will be next. I hope the Bidens stay at Blair House on the 20th so the White House can be properly fumigated and sanitized!

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While we are on the same wavelength here, Greg, I can tell you that Trump “fans” are those people who always bucked the status quo, or with a wink and nod disrupted the class, school outing, or church function. These are a small percentage of the population that can’t conform, won’t do as they’re suppose to, they do follow the law, but on the very edge of legality. These people thought Trump would, with the help of Steve Brannon, Steve Miller, and the rest, wreck it all, tear it all down, make “America White again” with no thoughts or privileges to any other race, creed or colour.

While they didn’t get what they wanted, they thought that Trump didn’t have enough time to tear it down, which is likely why they voted for a second term, even though the country is in the worst shape it’s ever been, they still wanted Trump to follow through with his original promises. Peer pressure is key too, where entire towns, and farming communities are thoroughly hood winked by Trump and his slick (con) talk and hidden meanings telling them what they wanted to hear, but with no idea how to do it, or the inclination to do any of the hidden promises at all...that was just campaign rhetoric-enough to get the rubes to vote for him. I understand from friends in southern states that, many communities are totally for Trump and will shun anyone in the area speaking against Trump in any way, even mask wearing is considered “against their individual rights and freedoms” so if anyone is wearing a mask they are also against Trump.

One of the many books I’ve read, notably, a book called “Hillbilly Elegy” explained why “Trumpkins” are the way they are and despite knowing how others perceive normal, or the right way, are bound by group conformity with others in their community.

Sad really...

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I heard Kristi Noem putting Governor Cuomo down the other day during an NPR radio story on the explosion of covid in her state. So very like a teen "mean girl" in her posing & hair tossing. It would be hilarious if it wasn't also deadly.

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All of this is driven by the lust for power and the divinity of their Holy Trinity: plutocracy, theocracy, and white supremacy. If people have to die for the holy cause, so be it. This is why the Republican party must be destroyed.


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Dems, including the transition team, have never been on a war footing, even after years of republicans and Moscow Mitch’s Trump Fuckery. Trump and republicans have never played by the rules. This Fuckery would stop with the right threat(s).

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Either Trump stops this subversion, or the pTape is broadcasted on every network.

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From CBS News: The letter to General Services Administration chief Emily Murphy was signed by Oversight Committee Chair Carolyn Maloney, Appropriations Committee Chair Nita Lowey, as well as Gerry Connolly and Mike Quigley, who are subcommittee chairs.

"Your actions in blocking transition activities required under the law are having grave effects, including undermining the orderly transfer of power, impairing the incoming Administration's ability to respond to the coronavirus pandemic, hampering its ability to address our nation's dire economic crisis, and endangering our national security," the letter said. The chairs asked that Murphy personally brief them by no later than November 23.

This is another example of soft pedaling by dems and Biden so as not to hurt feelings.

How about threatening her with a lawsuit now, and after she is out of office for:

The Federal Crime of Sabotage

The general meaning of sabotage is defined as destroying, damaging, or defectively producing property with the specific intent to impede the nation’s ability to prepare for or participate in war and national defense. As you can see from the above example, the two men are actively attempting to stop the military from receiving information related to the national defense. While the men may be doing this as an act of protest, the effect is to thwart the Navy’s ability to communicate.

Looking a little closer at the federal sabotage statute, we can see that sabotage against the government can happen in a variety of ways and with various levels of criminal intent necessary to achieve the crime (specific intent, general intent, or negligence), including:

• Destroying or damaging harbor-defense property;

• Destroying or damaging war material, premises, or utilities;

• Producing defective war materials, premises, or utilities;

• Destroying or damaging national defense material, premises, or utilities; and

• Producing defective national defense material, premises, or utilities

These laws are meant to stop individuals or groups from purposely damaging or producing property relating or belonging to the U.S. government and are felonies with long prison sentences anywhere from five to 20 years, depending on the nature of the offense.

Sabotage “During War”

One of the key components of these laws is that two of the types of sabotage laid out above can only happen during wartime, while the other three can happen in peacetime as well. Additionally, sabotage is different than the federal crime of domestic terrorism because terrorism has to do with acts that are "dangerous to human life" that appear to be intended to:

• Intimidate or coerce a civilian population;

• Influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion; or

• Affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination or kidnapping.

Yes. Damaging the National Defense. Please, Blue Wave, get a basketofballs.

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Such a good read. I too, am wondering after reading this ..which one "EZ E -Comorbidity" has her sights set on. Could be JR...she may like rough trade.( I'm not sure of the meaning of " Rough trade " anymore. I first heard it in the 90s ...it may mean something different now. 😬..) BUT I think it's an excellent thing to consider. I'm terribly confused by all of this. I knew they were trying to kill us months and months ago. Pumping up the cases for money from the vaccines ? Creating a preexisting condition and being paid by some entity to do that ? I'm stupefied, terrified and horrified. Thank you again for your most exc7 work. It helps me feel sane.

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'Gov. Kristi Noem (R-SD) received criticism after she spoke to the annual National Rifle Association convention on Friday and assured the crowd that her 1-year-old granddaughter already has a shotgun and rifle.'(msn.com, Saturday, 15 April 2023).

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'Emily W. Murphy is a senior fellow in the School of Business at George Mason University. Murphy's direct appointment is with the Center for Government Contracting.'(George Mason University, gmu.edu, 19 April 2023)

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