For some reason I consider David Ignatius at WaPo to be one of the the quintessential "Establishment" voices in the DC Power People food chain. I did a quick Google search and discovered he's a best selling author of spy novels and he's covered the CIA and Middle East for 25 years.

I rarely read his columns but the headline for this particular piece set triggered Spidey Senses that this was a very significant column for many reasons we the great unwashed shall probably never know. Here is a link to the column:


I have not seen any other references to this topic either in WaPo or the blogs/Twitter feeds I frequent.

I believe Ignatius is a messenger for individuals/organizations that oppose Trump - possibly including major donors who believe Trump has become more trouble than he's worth and this is a signal that Trump has lost a key block of support from some very powerful people. The same class of people who wanted Nixon out and used Goldwater and Baker to send the message. That was the feeling I got when I read this.

I'd be curious to get your opinion. Thanks!

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Thanks for sharing this, because I'd missed it. Ignatius is about as plugged in as it gets, and you're right, this is a clear "don't worry, we've got this" from the military. I have suspected, perhaps as wishful thinking, that there were invisible forces who ARE defending us, even as the President shirks that responsibility. This shows that my assumption is right.

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The plots thicken!

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Greg, I meant to post this a while ago when I saw your excellent use of D-words. This is from my Medium post in early August: https://medium.com/@stephenhanks/disillusionment-and-the-demise-of-american-exceptionalism-fb0bba022269?source=friends_link&sk=f0930adfd6170d3897d00e70101df92d

. . . Acceptance certainly wouldn’t be one of the stages of “Trump Derangement Syndrome” or “TDS,” the term FOX News-brainwashed supporters of the sociopath in the Oval Office came up with to derisively describe the genuine emotions of millions of Americans who have feared for the demise of American democracy as we’ve known it since November 8, 2016. Anger and depression would certainly fall in the TDS diagnosis mix, and while perhaps not exactly analogous to the Kübler-Ross five, other stages of TDS would include helplessness, frustration, and varying levels of outrage.

But if there is one member of the alphabet that begins the largest number of appropriate words to characterize not only the symptoms of TDS sufferers, but the Dystopian Disaster (hint, hint) that has been the Trump Presidency, it would by far be the letter D — and “Derangement” isn’t one of them.

Donald Trump and his Divisive administration and, by extension, his Depraved Republican Party enablers, have Degraded, Defamed, Debased, Defrauded, and Desecrated the Office of the Presidency. Trump’s brand of Deceitful, Disgraceful pathological lying and Disgusting Demonization of any adversaries are qualities that only his Delusional, Detestable, and Deplorable cult followers can love. In a nutshell, Trump’s odious “Presidency” — and it pains me to use that term — has been defined by Distraction, Diversion, Distortion, and Destruction. Hence, over the past four years, those of us suffering from TDS have experienced a constant sense of Desperation and myriad blood-pressure raising emotions including — in no particular order — Demoralizing Disappointment, Debilitating Despair, and Despondent Desolation.

Apparently, even Michele Obama seems Disheartened and Depressed by America’s current trifecta of pandemic death, economic collapse, and racial tension, not to mention having had to watch helplessly as Trump and his equally ruthless and shameless Attorney General William Barr have attempted to Delegitimize her husband’s Presidency. In the second episode of her new podcast, the 44th President’s wife used a D-word — albeit a polite one — to describe her current state of mind. “Not just because of the quarantine, but because of the racial strife, and just seeing this administration, watching the hypocrisy of it, day in and day out, is . . . Dispiriting.” Such a First Lady-like word, indeed. Welcome to the club, Michele.

You’d think there couldn’t be any more D-words left to describe what for me has been the most soul-crushing feeling during the past four years . . . but you’d be wrong. In flashing lights on my mental marquee would be the letters that form the word . . . DIS-IL-LU-SION-MENT.

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I love it! The D-bag Deserves the D-words!

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'...To Kara-Murza’s point, Trump has, on numerous occasions, hinted at staying in power for another term, and then another after that, and so on until infinity (or Ivanka). And why would he want to leave? All he does is golf, tweet, watch TV, and lie to and steal from the American people, all while being protected from prosecution. '(article)

4 April

2023 Donald Trump Arraigned NYC

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