I too believe that Trump will get his comeuppance, maybe even his ouster from the WH, not down the road but likely very soon-while people are sheltering in place-most of us are watching the news, or reading news on twitter, Facebook, so see and understand exactly what Trump is doing, what he’s lying about. Now we know he is playing games with the purchase of medical supplies holding back from NY state which is going to need ventilators right now-Trump is doing this to show every governor who has the power...as you can imagine, this will get ugly very fast when southern states are hit by the virus and at least half (not the 3-4% estimated death/serious cases of corona) but 50% of southern states residents, will get the virus-because governors in those states were slow to order people in their states to stay home. Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Georgia, Arizona etc rely on tourist dollars that March break and Easter bring which makes up the money that floats the state for the rest of the year.

The people who live there are a main part of Trump‘s base, most are going to despise Trump for his slow response and his nasty ignorant hold back of medical equipment, but mostly because they will be very sick and dying of what he called the “Democratic hoax”...Republicans too will likely see fallout of Trump’s poor decisions.

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Elections do have consequences. The Election of 2020 will have a glorious set of consequences for some very bad people. That prospect, and your writing, help me get through these trying times.

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...Trump’s underworld ties were all there in 2016, barely below the surface, for all the world to see. Wayne Barrett wrote about them for the Village Voice. Robert Friedman alluded to them in Red Mafiya. Craig Unger covers them closely in House of Trump, House of Putin. ... (article)

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