Fascinating and frightening.

“What can we do about it? Well, we have to be very vocal. We have to be brave. We have to be together.”

Yes, we must be brave. We must be vocal. Together.

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Thanks, Kim. Yes: brave, loud, together.

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Thank you for this article Greg and the podcast which I will listen to. I just ordered his book, not on Amazon. I wondered what happened to Mr. Steele. Wasn’t he forced into hiding for a while? I am glad he is still warning us.

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Trump filed a lawsuit over the Steele Dossier, which was subsequently dismissed, with the British court ruling Trump should pay the court and other costs, some $600k Euro, if I remember correctly. In other words, the loser lost again.

I hope Mr. Steele via the new info net arising in the US keeps us apprised of Putin's shenanigans and the real state of affairs in Ukraine and wrt China's actions. The water is going to get quite muddy here, I'm afraid.

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Steele talked about the lawsuit at the very end of the podcast, saying that Trump has yet to pay. It's been nine months, I think he said.

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He talks about that in the book and on the pod. Trump owes something like that, and he's in default. Somehow I don't think he's going to pay.

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Thanks, Helen. He talks about that experience in his book.

He now does media in the UK quite a bit. Not here, though. Our media is too [insert adjective here].

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Well I know which book to ask for at my library today! Stay warm...

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Thanks, Meemaw.

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TGIF🎉🎉🎉 One week closer to the midterms…

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Indeed. And only nine hours until The Five_Eight tonight.

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I hope you enjoyed the show!

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What a strange weekend this will be. Like waiting for the hurricane.

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Agree. I’m glad it is finally here, though, and we can begin getting through this hideous episode.

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invite him on the show tonight. 🙏

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We will try to have him on one of these weeks.

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2025 0117

BIDEN!! STOP Biding Yer Time

History Calls for a Lincoln Action, not capitulation.

ISSUE Executive Orders, Covered by Presidential Immunity:


Pardon Ecuador’s Attorney, Steven Donzinger, caught [Likely on house arrest in NYC.] in the crosshairs of Chevron-bought “Justice Events”.



Call to Assembly at Pentagon: VP Harris; Sec’s State & Defense, Chiefs of Staff; John Roberts; others as may be fit.


Directions for immediate arrest of Donald J. Trump.

Ineligible to become Pres. Per Amend 14:3.

Arrest incumbent upon renewed status as simpleton citizen-felon.

Remand to NY for Judge Manchin to consider realistic sentence.

Otherwise hold on Federal Charges: sedition, etc. wtAf?


Election Was Fraud. Cite:

1) Computer Hacks - All Swing States

2) Musk – Pennsylvania = MAJOR violations

Co-president-elect Musk? $ Bought non-office? = nominal $ 2 violate 2 become “co-President”

3) Bombing threats = disruption of continuity of control


New Presidential Election in 90+/-10 days. [& Presidential Election only!]


Other Business:

Fire: Merrick Garland

Appoint: Jack Smith, AG




1) Direct the Leaders & Troops of the Armed Forces & National Guards of the USA. “As your commander in … order you to follow my orders and to obey the Constitution in supporting the successor to the Office of President as ordered herewith.

2) Resign the Office of President of the United States

3) VP Kamala Harris becomes the 47th President of the USA.

Like Gerald Ford. It was a done deal.

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This is all true, exactly as you say, and there is a less than zero chance it will happen. They needed to have been communicating this the whole time, and, of course, they have not done so. Although I must confess that having it inside made me think, well, maybe?

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mathematically less than zero, yes. differs from the heart-zero chance, & hope sums eternal, I hope…

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This seems to be a formula to start a civil war.

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& we aren't there already? One that will be legitimized with executive orders, <illigitimizered w/ defecutive disorderenung>

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Great piece. It always amazes me how men and women in high government positions of power think that malignant sadistic narcissists leaders are going to bend towards democracy. That's never going to happen. It is what it is. It's like wishing in hand and crapping in the other. I give thanks to those like Mr. Steele, who expose the lies.

This is going to be ugly. What King Shitpants has done is shown the weaknesses in our government. Our government institutions fight with one another. As witnessed by the suppression of evidence to hold Shitpants accountable. Who we are as a nation will be made clear in the coming administration. We protect white wealth and privilege. We see it everyday. We feel it everyday. This is really going to suck ass. 😕

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Thanks, Lisa. I wonder if they think that or are just too craven to act. Poltroons, the lot of them. Did you catch Merrick G's farewell address to the DOJ? All about Preserving The Norms. Ridiculous. An ode to failure.

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Mayor of the Night, Prince of Darkness. The devil incarnate. Simply put a person who must be put down. Saddest state of affairs, there is no one on planet earth willing to take the on this mantle. Even sadder, if Putin goes, what next? Interesting question for Steele, what comes after Putin? Something worse? I believe many of us think, if only Putin were gone things would get better. Not at all necessarily true. Worse than Putin? A nuclear power that descends into chaos, a US run by incompetents and Xi in the wings waiting for his big chance.

Very, very, very scary days. Our house run by the Prince of malarkey, an unserious fool with Red Caesar chomping at the bit, a neutered Republican Party and an opposition party suffering from ADHD facing off against a nuclear Russia possibly in chaos and an always wanting to take down the US Xi who must see his chances as good as they will get. Is there any place on planet earth safe?

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>>Is there any place on planet earth safe?<<

Was gonna say Greenland, but nope.

I didn't ask about what comes after, but I don't think it gets worse than Putin, if only because the new guy won't have the experience being a dictator. The devil we know, in this case, is the worse devil.

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Steele has been right all along.

The CIA and others missed it for years.

The incoming administration will be about corruption and profit.

The Outlier in the world's future is Elon Musk and a number of billionaires.

Musk is now taking applications for engineers and Miners on Mars.

Watch my movie


Sean Connery

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"Unredacted" was one of the best books I read last year. It cleared up SO MUCH and turned up all the lights to drown out the gaslighting. From my web travels I see there are still people who prefer to be lied to because I guess it's easier. I don't travel too much anymore, just enough to get the lay of the land, and it seems to be ALWAYS bad. We are on our own, together.

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Thanks, Steve. I'm glad you liked it.

On our own, together, indeed.

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Sorry I haven't time to listen to the whole podcast. Is there a transcript? I read way faster than I listen.

Did you discuss the issue of Putin's health at all, or the question of who would likely to succeed him and how dreadful that person might be? Or for that matter whether Vance shares the enamored view that trump clearly has? I think the world is waiting for Mother Nature to join up with Karma and put these two behind us before 4 years are up.

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I do hope Karma and Ms. Nature do their thing. It's long past time.

Apple podcasts does a transcript, I believe...if that doesn't work, email me, and I can put something together for you.

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Well done, Greg Olear!!

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As if we don’t have enough to think about, there’s this. However, I just downloaded Mr Steeler’s book to my Kindle. For the life of me I don’t understand why leaders don’t look at Putin like I looked at the copperhead in the middle of my driveway. If anyone wonders if they would recognize a venomous snake if confronted with one, there is no mistaking the difference. Most of us knew Bush was an idiot for his assessment. Putin is a venomous entity to his country. He’s dangerous; even more so if cornered. But he’s also vulnerable. His economy is in shambles and his citizens are probably sick and tired of being sick and tired but have no voice there. There are many of us who don’t want that for our country but can’t seem to find a loose thread to start the unraveling of P2025 before it gets dug in. We’ve got to hang together or we’ll surely hang separately.

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To your point: I have encountered some Russian nationals in my day job, and all of them without exception, loathe the guy. Copperheads are designed that way, part of the biosphere. This snake just needs to be removed.

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Nicholas Kristof’s column today in the New York Times was headlined “The World Is a Mess, and It’s Still the Best Time to Be Alive.’

He acknowledged feeling moros over the state of things in Gaza and Sudan and, politically, in the United States.

But on the other hand, he discussed statistics showing that world poverty is steadily declining, childhood deaths are declining, and more people are moving out of poverty each year. One statistic that he mentioned was that we are approaching worldwide 90% literacy.

Literacy suggests better education for all, and perhaps mankind will learn to build less imperfect governments. Perhaps next year Kristoff will say that there are fewer failed states in the world and the United States bought Greenland.

Oh poor us. Pour us another drink. Billserle.com

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Looking forward to taking a deep dive into all things Christopher Steele this weekend. You are getting the A lists guests. I could not be any more impressed by Steel’s CV; especially his mastering of the Russian language, which is something most of us Americans will never be able to comprehend, hence, the Russians already have us over a barrel. Good to knows he encourages us to stay vocal & vigilante instead of just checking out completely.

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