Another important and well-researched article that reveals the GOP that we are still trying to overcome has failed to learn the lessons of good and evil from the Civil War and why their party is so anathema to the goals of life vs. terror, liberty vs. oppression, and the pursuit of happiness vs. profit above all else that moral and truly…
Another important and well-researched article that reveals the GOP that we are still trying to overcome has failed to learn the lessons of good and evil from the Civil War and why their party is so anathema to the goals of life vs. terror, liberty vs. oppression, and the pursuit of happiness vs. profit above all else that moral and truly patriotic Americans will always strive for and work to protect!
Just as Ukraine banned the pro-Russian Party for its harm and treason, I believe it’s time that the treasonous, anti-public and destructive Republican Party itself should be banned here in the U.S. whose platforms and non-platforms also speak volumes about their threat to our nation and its people everywhere. There are plenty of other parties that can have their candidates try to run for election in various offices. And if other parties become as destructive, let the whack-a-mole game begin. We must NOT appease authoritarian, violent and selfish political representatives and officials. If this seems rash, how much better would our current and last century have been for people here and worldwide if authoritarian parties had been stopped more often through wise bans on such parties by those who rationally refused to tolerate and accept as legitimate and legal the parties who encourage hate; violence; and selfish and lethal greed that only continues to cause mass suffering, more destitution and a vicious cycle of violence, and unhealthy ecosystems and an unlivable planet as their stage? #RESIST and refuse to tolerate human evil that harms any, some and often us all.
Since Lincoln was in the Republican Party, I could more clearly say the current Republican Party (which we are still trying to overcome in the last several decades) has failed to “remember” the lessons of good and evil from the Civil War while the formerly racist Southern Democrats of the mid 20th Century and before have been overcome within the now much more egalitarian Democratic Party as a whole -- despite much more work, conviction and defense to finally be achieved by the party to protect all Americans and those who reside here (or seek to) in pursuit of America’s written and lauded principles that unfortunately remain weakened and attacked year after year by opportunists and sociopaths.
Whenever I feel weary of the nightmare we are in, I look to the Preamble of our U.S. Constitution which is also shown at as follows:
Establish Justice is the first of five objectives outlined in the 52-word paragraph that the Framers drafted in six weeks during the hot Philadelphia summer of 1787. They found a way to agree on the following basic principles:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
It is up to us to make our preamble as strong a reality as possible in adherence to our principles which the Framers themselves often only adhered to for their closest subset of people. And, so, we must continue evolving and self-correcting generation after generation when we fall back from the inherent rights and respect we all deserve since we first began cooperating and raising each other in our human families, nomadic tribes and settlements over millennia with many successes and failures over time. What will we create for the near future of not just the U.S., but world civilization, too?
Another important and well-researched article that reveals the GOP that we are still trying to overcome has failed to learn the lessons of good and evil from the Civil War and why their party is so anathema to the goals of life vs. terror, liberty vs. oppression, and the pursuit of happiness vs. profit above all else that moral and truly patriotic Americans will always strive for and work to protect!
Just as Ukraine banned the pro-Russian Party for its harm and treason, I believe it’s time that the treasonous, anti-public and destructive Republican Party itself should be banned here in the U.S. whose platforms and non-platforms also speak volumes about their threat to our nation and its people everywhere. There are plenty of other parties that can have their candidates try to run for election in various offices. And if other parties become as destructive, let the whack-a-mole game begin. We must NOT appease authoritarian, violent and selfish political representatives and officials. If this seems rash, how much better would our current and last century have been for people here and worldwide if authoritarian parties had been stopped more often through wise bans on such parties by those who rationally refused to tolerate and accept as legitimate and legal the parties who encourage hate; violence; and selfish and lethal greed that only continues to cause mass suffering, more destitution and a vicious cycle of violence, and unhealthy ecosystems and an unlivable planet as their stage? #RESIST and refuse to tolerate human evil that harms any, some and often us all.
Since Lincoln was in the Republican Party, I could more clearly say the current Republican Party (which we are still trying to overcome in the last several decades) has failed to “remember” the lessons of good and evil from the Civil War while the formerly racist Southern Democrats of the mid 20th Century and before have been overcome within the now much more egalitarian Democratic Party as a whole -- despite much more work, conviction and defense to finally be achieved by the party to protect all Americans and those who reside here (or seek to) in pursuit of America’s written and lauded principles that unfortunately remain weakened and attacked year after year by opportunists and sociopaths.
The "Lincoln was GOP" and "Wilson, a Dem, was KKK" arguments are stupid but effective.
Whenever I feel weary of the nightmare we are in, I look to the Preamble of our U.S. Constitution which is also shown at as follows:
Establish Justice is the first of five objectives outlined in the 52-word paragraph that the Framers drafted in six weeks during the hot Philadelphia summer of 1787. They found a way to agree on the following basic principles:
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
It is up to us to make our preamble as strong a reality as possible in adherence to our principles which the Framers themselves often only adhered to for their closest subset of people. And, so, we must continue evolving and self-correcting generation after generation when we fall back from the inherent rights and respect we all deserve since we first began cooperating and raising each other in our human families, nomadic tribes and settlements over millennia with many successes and failures over time. What will we create for the near future of not just the U.S., but world civilization, too?
It needs to be called out as fascist and voted out and down by the people.