I can’t help but think that Tuberville is waiting for a trump win so that he (trump) can name loyalists to military posts he could depend on to preserve his power grabs. I know it sounds far-fetched and there’s a long time span between now and then (should it, god forbid) actually come to pass. But I don’t put anything past these creeps who are planning for a future with no serious opposition.
I can’t help but think that Tuberville is waiting for a trump win so that he (trump) can name loyalists to military posts he could depend on to preserve his power grabs. I know it sounds far-fetched and there’s a long time span between now and then (should it, god forbid) actually come to pass. But I don’t put anything past these creeps who are planning for a future with no serious opposition.
I can’t help but think that Tuberville is waiting for a trump win so that he (trump) can name loyalists to military posts he could depend on to preserve his power grabs. I know it sounds far-fetched and there’s a long time span between now and then (should it, god forbid) actually come to pass. But I don’t put anything past these creeps who are planning for a future with no serious opposition.
It is certainly one possibility and cannot be dismissed.