Greg, the party of Nixon, Reagan, Bush, Cheney and McCain is alive and well in the MAGA Party. The only difference is that Trump and the MAGAs don't feel the need to hide the racism, the hate, the misogyny, the authoritarianism and the fealty to evangelicals and billionaires. I'm old enough to remember Nixon's Hard Hats and Southern Strategy. I'm old enough to remember Reagan in Philadelphia, MS and the Nazi Cemetery. I'm old enough to remember Bush and Cheney and their war crimes, lies and "You're with us or you're with the terrorists". And I'm old enough to remember McCain the maverick as a far right wing ideologue. The only difference between all of them and the current MAGA horde - they seldom said the quiet part out loud, and except for Newt and Delay, the saw Democrats as the opposition, not the enemy.

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The old GOP died when Eisenhower left office.

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I wake up every morning -- earlier and earlier -- with a refrigerator on my chest. Every morning, a larger and larger, heavier and heavier model. It takes me hours to lift it off (with a fork lift). Some days it just stays there and I go to bed with it on my chest.

The weirdest thing is that is that I've been predicting just this, writing about it, warning about it, since the days of Bush v. Gore and the Help America Vote Act -- but, now that it's here, I can't believe it. Can't believe how this malignancy -- Stage 4, metastasized -- is killing us. Can't believe the evil. Can't believe the destructive force the diseased brain of one man has been capable of unleashing.

It is, literally, too much for my brain to process.

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Jonathon, I feel the same.

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Jonathan, your first paragraph is a perfect description of depression.

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I was 60 years old, just a kid with a crazy dream. Since then, I've taken a lot of Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Effexor, Ritalin, Focalin. I've also studied deeply in the philosophies of the religions, but cheerfulness came breaking through. But I want to tell you something that I think will not be easily contradicted: there ain't no cure for love.

—Leonard Cohen

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Greg, thanks for keeping the truth before us. Writing such reminders is essential before MAGA-ites such down free speech.

Despite a very real concern that the MAGA-ists have taken over the country, my real worry, the rest of us have become fatalistic. Written words such as yours are important as they quell our fatalistic tendencies. For those at a loss as to what they can do, read Timothy Synder's important book "On Tryanny", twenty lesson on how to prevent the oncoming slaughter of the American dream.

We are a nation of the people, by the people and for the people. It is We the People who can head off the crises, the battlefield is the ballot box. Despite MAGA tricks if the will is there people will get to the ballot box and vote for the American dream.

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Yes! Read and re-read Timothy Snyder's important - and short - book:

"1. Don't obey in advance..."

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I'll remember and I'll remind those who don't!

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#NeverForget ✌🏻

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Next we take Berlin 😎

“BERLIN -- The German government on Tuesday banned the neo-Nazi group Hammerskins Germany and raided homes of dozens of its members. The group is an offshoot of an American ring-wing extremist group and plays a prominent role across Europe.

The Hammerskins Germany is an offshoot of the Hammerskins Nation founded in the United States in 1988, according to the interior ministry.” - ABCNews

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I am surprised by how many times I have said the phrase "...no honor among thieves" since the Criminal became the lead Republican. Thank you for condensing this information. And yes, for Boebert to go from looking like a twelve-year old girl to a curvaceous woman is, at least, in keeping with her distortion of reality.

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This article lays out clearly what the Republican Party no longer stands for. Thank you. I wish more people would read this, including MSM

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Jonathan, your first paragraph is a perfect description of depression.

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Meant this for Jonathan Simon as a response to his pitch-perfect description of depression.

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Don't forget to credit Romney with the first version of Obamacare when he was governor of Massachusetts. I never thought I'd be nostalgic for the days when Republicans did good things, whether or not they were for the wrong reasons. When Reagan was governor of California he signed Tony Beilenson's bill legalizing abortion, and "liberal Republicans" supported open housing before Democrats did. Odd as it seems, I'll miss Mr. Romney.

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Reagan gave amnesty to resident undocumented immigrants. Ron had a soft heart

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Trumplicans. That's what they should be called, that's what they are; the ones who remain. I added that word to my online dictionary long ago, because I hate the red squiggly line telling me I've spelled something wrong.

THEY will try to memory hole all of this come next November, but they're internally scared to death of it, as they should be. There really ARE more of us than there are of them, and we will NOT forget, and we will VOTE. One of the biggest aspects of why they will lose and lose BIG in 2024 is that instead of going away quietly and playing golf or whatever that freak does when he's not in front of a camera, he continued, and CONTINUES to spit out bullshit every day of the week. How could we possibly forget him and his destruction? I'm sure in what passes for his brain he thinks that what he's doing is winning, but all it's doing is making it impossible to forget his term in the White House, January 6th, and the fact that Trumplicans continue to support him. If anyone makes a peep of non-support, they're banished as a RINO, and the cult first issues death threats, and then forgets whomever the offender may have been.

Depending on what kind of news one reads, Joe Biden is "in danger" for 2024, and I contend he is not. We are set up for a repeat of 2020 election-wise and Trump will lose even more than he did then. There are all sorts of criticisms of Biden out there, almost all of them bullshit, but I can almost guarantee one thing, that, as in 2020, he's not Trump. If Trumplicans want to keep running this guy, they will keep losing because the ACTUAL American people, and not the "American people" they talk about, will not tolerate another Trump term, nor continue to tolerate the blatant obstruction of the MAGAts. Biden and Democrats will win in a landslide, and there's nothing they can do about it except cheat, and I think by now, we're ready for that too. WE WILL REMEMBER!

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Here in Colorado we’re reeling in our disgust at Boebert’s example of the bottom-of-the-barrel members of Congress that typify the Republican Party in 2023.

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Mittens will be missed

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