The darkest underbelly of the dark underbelly. Didn"t want to go there. Thank You for making me, Greg.

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Greg, you always have the best kickers.

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indeed shit does float (sometimes) . . . nice dive into a shady af dude. why do they all get away with it? they confiscated hundreds of pieces of evidence from Jeff Epstein yet we are all sitting around collectively playing switch? why aren't any of the crimers doing time? why is it OK with society to burn through young girls and women with such abandon?

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Mens, too

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Ghislaine needs a fat serving of Justice, since we got her 'available' ... Chop-chop

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Most fascinating history...how it seeps downward and rises up at the same time.

Do you think all of it will ultimately come to a public consciousness? Will Ghislaine ultimately go to prison?

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I'm glad you prevailed and brought us the backstory of the man with the last name Maxwell...I'm waiting on what will happen to Ghislaine now! Dare we hope she will be held accountable? And who REALLY took out Epstein?

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Hey GO, Come visit Manchester by the Sea where “G” used her husband’s name to slip and slide around town, opening accounts and shopping and placing up for sale her designer duds and beautiful things. The town is nothing like the movie of the same name; it’s a sweet tiny protected enclave. Perfect for hiding: people on the North Shore are very discreet. Until they aren’t...

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Who is Semion Mogilevich? I wish there were a means of searching Greg’s articles so I could read all the references to this man.

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It is virtually impossible for any of us to understand truly, completely, how deep the impact of war is on war survivors. Abrahaim Hoch lost his entire family to the Nazis and only survived because he left his home in order to fight them. So after he left, his home was taken away from him. He could never return. That made him, psychically and spiritually, homeless in a way that none of us could ever understand without having gone there ourselves. Don’t ever wish that particular “fun house mirror” experience on anyone.

As a Jew in Eastern Europe, you would experience an existential threat that is unlike anything a sheltered white-ancestry American can appreciate. African-American heritage, Native American heritage, that’s more likely to provide a potential means of being able to relate.

When your very life, your very existence, depends on hiding the fact that you are Jewish, you would never want to reveal a connection with Israel. It doesn’t matter if the world changes. Once you’ve gone through that childhood, you would not be able to divest yourself of that baggage.

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