Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

I laughed my coffee out on Rapey McForehead! But seriously....what a despicable bunch of human filth.

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One's ambition in life should include never having that as a nickname.

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The reality is that Trump probably hired someone to push Ivana down the stairs.

Very convenient to evade testimony... and tax breaks. It all smells just like Trump.

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It would be irresponsible not to speculate!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

And then had the GALL to bury her on his GOLF COURSE! Like a serial killer collecting a trophy! I mean, "PAH-LEEZE!" or should I say "SLEAZE"!

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Remember, Trump has been taught all his life that REVENGE is the pinnacle of power. Just ask Roy Cohn, Joe McCarthy's lieutenant and prime mentor of Trump in his VietNam evasion days.

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Roy Cohn = Evil Svengali Incarnate

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I don't think so, but the fact that we all entertain the thought speaks volumes.

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Aug 2, 2022·edited Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Anymore, I don't spell out the acronym G.O.P in caps nor when speaking of it. In general, people pronounce acronyms rather than spell them out as in NATO, NASA, AIDS, COVID, AWOL, ad infinitum. So I've begun to do the same with the gop when referring to Republicans. It rhymes with slop or stop. Stop the gop! The gop of 2022 is fascist in nature.

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stop the gop. mind the gop. don't fall into the gop.

Yes, I like it!

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Anybody know the Bedminster club rule for those who land on Ivana's grave? Ground under repair, or play it as it lies?

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We'll have to ask the Saudis for the final ruling.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

With all of the GOP fuckery coming at us at such an alarming rate, it’s good to see a scorecard of misdeeds and misanthropy all in one place. Thank you Greg! On a somewhat lighter note, I misread “extremist libertarians” as “extremist librarians” then I said “wait, they’re coming after books too.” Extremist librarians after all!

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Thanks. This is not by any means an exhaustive list.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

This is PERFECT: "The GOP is a toxic burn pit of assholery."

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Perfect metaphor, methinks.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

It's sort of ironic, I guess, that my mantra and ever-present thoughts for the Republican Party are the same three words: “Fuck you, die.”

And since the news moves so fast, there's already one more thing to add. Trump had the opportunity to take out Ayman al-Zawahiri but didn't recognize his name. Jesus wept.

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Oh, wow, I missed that nugget. Good lord.

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As bad as all this is, and it's very bad, what I wonder about is what lesson these cretins are teaching as they go about defiling the country in front of their kids. Obviously, it's not honesty and integrity.

After reading this "round-up," Greg, I can see why you need to take a much-needed break. It was bad enough to read in succession; it must have been worse to have written it. Still, thank you for all you do for us.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Yes, they will need A LOT of ancestral healing as their blood lines continue on. And many hours of therapy at some point.

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Acorn, tree.

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What they teach is, "Since there are no consequences at all for anything, fuck it, just go ahead and get yours." It's disgusting.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Honestly? They feel the wagons are circled. They are panicked by Fox et al. The end of white people is coming. SO. Their only thoughts are to destroy liberals any way they can, and that’s what they teach their spawn. The GOP LOVES THIS.

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

I simultaneously laughed and vomited as I read this list. So much work to do.

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Metaphorically on the latter, I hope! Otherwise, quite messy. : )

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear


Grand Moff Tarkin

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Aug 2, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

He couldn’t even dump her body on the 18th hole?! What a scumbag!

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I had to edit my original "back nine" joke.

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I loved this! I would call them “fucking assholes” but that’s just me. I do not call them their former acronym either. I now refer to them as the Pro-Rape Party with PRP as the acronym standing for “perp”. There’s plenty of them in that party and they deserve all of the “tom fuckery” coming their way.

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Perp! That's a good one.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Does the Death Star explode upon hearing the election results?

Coming soon to your town..................?

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

I can’t get past that picture of the sad little grave on that sleazy golf course. I used to live across the street from the Fair Grounds Race Course in New Orleans, where two famous race horses are buried. Their graves are in the center of the track with monuments, and no one races or plays golf on top of or anywhere near them.

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Agree, Gwen. Not a fitting end for her as near as I can tell. Makes me think what his "memorial" plaque will look like. Will Ivanka et al. go to the depths with neon lights, arrows, and all manner of excess so the public will never forget?

(Nice to hear about those two race horses)

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Trump's memorial should just be a huge golden urinal, for obvious reasons.

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The racehorses generated more money than Ivana did.

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Aug 3, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Kansas voters choose to not

go down a rabbit hole.

Abortion rights remain.

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Very very hopeful sign. Can voters make the leap that voting for GOP is the same as voting for choice?

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