Agent Orange is a master manipulator. I call bullshit on these nice good people who support the fucking toxic dump. They're either consciously or unconsciously supporting white privilege cloaked in Christian Nationalism. I'm sick to death of the psychological terrorism that has taken hold. I'm sick do death of the lack of accountability …
Agent Orange is a master manipulator. I call bullshit on these nice good people who support the fucking toxic dump. They're either consciously or unconsciously supporting white privilege cloaked in Christian Nationalism. I'm sick to death of the psychological terrorism that has taken hold. I'm sick do death of the lack of accountability from the adults in the room. It reminds me of our fucked up tax laws that allows Cartels to have a foothold in our banking systems. The money laundering machine. Our systems protect banks and predatory practices first. We are an afterthought. Collateral damage. In the meantime, Leonard Leo spends his dark money to rip this country apart for greed and power. The enemy as always been standing right in front of us. Malignant narcissists at the wheel of power.
For the people I cite here, one is completely brainwashed by Fox news, the other from FB. Although I'm sure that happened because, as you suggest, what they see/read there confirms their own biases.
Agent Orange is a master manipulator. I call bullshit on these nice good people who support the fucking toxic dump. They're either consciously or unconsciously supporting white privilege cloaked in Christian Nationalism. I'm sick to death of the psychological terrorism that has taken hold. I'm sick do death of the lack of accountability from the adults in the room. It reminds me of our fucked up tax laws that allows Cartels to have a foothold in our banking systems. The money laundering machine. Our systems protect banks and predatory practices first. We are an afterthought. Collateral damage. In the meantime, Leonard Leo spends his dark money to rip this country apart for greed and power. The enemy as always been standing right in front of us. Malignant narcissists at the wheel of power.
For the people I cite here, one is completely brainwashed by Fox news, the other from FB. Although I'm sure that happened because, as you suggest, what they see/read there confirms their own biases.
My father's friends and neighbors in Florida's Village of the Damned, have told me to my face that Agent Orange is payback for Obama.