Oh my, the rain falls. Happy Sunday dear heart. And thank you.

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Thanks for introducing me to this marvel of a collection. Yes, music amplifies our existence - all of it, flag proudly flying in the wind, or at half mast.

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Sounds like a perfect soundtrack for reading the paper. It has been a long winter soaked in death and the January whirlwind. Hubs and I bookended this long winter with the loss of our beloved dog in November when Biden-Harris was declared, and now we just got a puppy. Yes spring is much preferred and there is a lot to look forward to now.

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I think it’s PTSD from 11 months of our government trying to kill us, and successfully, in half a million plus cases. Add in a coup by people who think this is preferable to the alternative. And so it’s almost unbelievable that vaccines are coming. Of course we’re in tears. The trauma is beginning to end so now we can finally feel it. Here in Missouri the cities are starting to get vaccines as the rural areas have shared their oversupplies. The grass is starting to green. And now the legislature is trying to make medical treatment for trans kids illegal, where doctors and parents could be jailed. So not that we’d want to get too comfortable, because as they say, the cruelty is the point.

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Our press is already on the Biden/Harris attack; and all have seemingly forgotten about the incomprehensible sufferings your country has undergone. But then, we are largely under Murdoch control; and we are cursed with a Prime Minister who is a climate change denier.

It's easy to understand your tears: they are not idle, and we know what they mean ..

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Don't forget the breathless Meghan and Harry with Oprah interview because THAT'S mighty IMPORTANT stuff! The world is turning to mush on both sides of the Atlantic.

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I don't have a TV: I gave up watching a couple of years ago.

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And I'm a slave to it -- but mostly internal stuff that I own, so I guess that's better? I'll probably watch the Interview though as it will piss off the Crown, who sometimes seem a lot like our politicians in that way of wanting to do whatever they want, but not wanting the bad stuff to be public. 🙄

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Happy to say that Oz has MANY who consider the Royals a total anachronism and wish them all to the devil. I lead that pack. :)

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Maybe that's what I've been feeling lately -- the past week or ten days; nostalgia. I heard a snippet somewhere of "Go Your Own Way" (Fleetwood Mac), and was instantly transported back to my college dorm where "Rumours" played incessantly for months. That seldom happens to me. But it's possible that the, as someone else here put it, pent-up trauma finally surfaced. I am extremely lucky in that I don't personally know anyone who COVID has touched, but it's still a traumatic event that has gone on for a year, so maybe it's been hiding inside waiting for some relief. There is still so much to be done beyond COVID and thankfully, there IS light at the end of this long, dark tunnel. I can only hope that we don't, as a society, go back to exactly how we were before. COVID revealed a lot of things that we do that are so completely unnecessary, they can be left by the wayside. It seems unlikely because we're sort of a stupid species, but it would be nice to have some real change. I still remember the news stories about the new ability to see fish swimming in the clear waters of the canals of Venice, so there is hope.

Greg, thanks again, because I don't feel like I say it enough, for being here and having intelligent and insightful views of the world. It's always a breath of fresh air to come here.

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