I'm glad I linked it then. I knew you subscribed to her and almost didn't link but then I thought your subscribers would like to read it. The synchronicity of her article with yours was amazing.
I’m so lucky and happy to be an American. If the successionalists had their way, my life experiences would have been different and probably less beneficent.
I see a future where where the AU (African Union), the Pan America Union,
And other international cooperations will be.in place. Modeled after the EU and U.S. in other words world wide cooperation rather than competition. A happier globe. Billserle.com
Let's say Texas wants to leave the Union, call it Texit, a Texas Exit. My daughter lives in Britain, my wife and I lived there 25 years, we just returned from a visit. Ask anyone there other than a Bojo acolyte and they will say Brexit has been an complete failure. Polls show those voting for Brexit regret it. The Leavers as those favoring a vote to exit the EU created in Jefferson Davis style eloquent justifications, put another way boldface lies, a misrepresentation of governing laws as does Abbot. Guess they had their version of Originalists, basically spin doctors.
Switching gears if I may, 45 is great at handing out nicknames, birdbrain and meatball recently I think it time for his, in my house he is Dumbass Donald, Dumbass for short. Greg how about a poll to select the best nickname which Joe can use at his discretion. This forms part of the "when they go low, we go low" strategy demanded by 2024 politics.
The former Soviet states that became countries in 1991 almost all had currency collapses, or huge inflation, as they transitioned into new economies. I expect a Texas dollar would suffer the same fate...
"Replace 'fugitive slave' with "pregnant Mississippi teenager seeking an abortion..." Every word of this piece is right (or left?) on and power-full. Thank You, Greg. Shared.
Another great piece, bravo, Greg. I agree with you that we, the U.S., should not cede the territory; that those who can't abide by the laws that form our Union, are welcome to leave!
Of course, if they do secede and take Texas with them, my advice is they'd better join NATO double quick. The world is full of folks with sticky fingers!
Abbott needs to read this before he finds himself in the hoosegow. Talk about hubris. Yes he is evil, but his hubris absolutely knows no bounds. He puts the Loser's wannabe kingship to shame.
Abbott seems to be channeling his inner John C. Calhoun in attempting to nullify Federal authority over international borders and substituting his own foreign policy for that of the Federal government. The Constitution and Federal statutes make it fairly clear that the Federal government has authority to conduct foreign policy, and the states do not. Nullification was killed off years ago, but Abbott is under the mistaken belief it’s still a viable policy, and states are able to secede. I would have thought that after Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in April 1865, it was clear that states did not have the right to secede from the United States.
Democratic representatives have drafted legislation to deal with immigrants and asylum seekers, and the Republican representatives are taking their orders from the former President and refuse to work with Democrats to resolve the issue. The Republicans are loath to give Democrats any credit for accomplishing anything to resolve the issue as it would mean defying Trump, who acts like he is still president even though he’s not.
President Biden is continuing many of the same policies Trump used at the border, with the exception that he is not separating families. You would never know that by hearing it from the shamelessly lying and grandstanding Greg Abbott. Abbott believes the people seeking asylum or coming to the border are subhuman and doesn’t care whether they die. The blood of the mother and her children who drowned is on his hands.
President Biden should call Abbott’s bluff, Federalize the Texas National Guard, and then Abbott would be reminded that he is not the President. Abbott is engaging in political stunts that are costing people their lives, and he has no legal authority to stop the USCIS from doing its job.
I feel so bad for you and your fellow non-lunatics living in Texas. No one deserves that kind of "leadership." All three of them, Abbott/Patrick/Paxton are awful.
I have nothing but derision for Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas whose name I shouldn't even have to know -- I don't live there! But here we are. One of the essential components of the Insurrection Act is that the US government forcefully INVITES the insurrectionists to disperse, just before the National Guard and the US Army is called in. I believe Abbott has been invited to disperse, and yet he persists, along with his indicted Attorney General (whose name I REALLY shouldn't know) Ken Paxton. The only thing I'm not sure of is the minimum number of people it takes to be considered an insurrection. Abbott has his defenders, with many, if not most of them being Trump supporters. My opinion is that the federal government needs to make an example out of Wheelies McTreason and stop this shit in its tracks. Delay does nothing but kill asylum seekers and give Abbott more power -- power that WE did not give him to make decisions about who comes into the country and who doesn't. In short, fuck Abbott and his power-mad id going full treason against the United States! I want to see Biden bring the full force of the federal government down on Texas for its insanity.
You hit the nail on the head, Steve. I HATE having to know who these assholes are. For this, my brain has problems remembering character names and plot points in books on on TV shows. God, I hate them all.
I like the fire in your words, and I can see you brandishing your cane at Abbott, et al! Seriously, I appreciate the background information you provided about Davis and Jackson, and particularly the details about the states relinquishing their sovereignty to the Union.
The cane reference reminds me of how Southern representative Preston Brooks attacked and seriously injured Massachusetts abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner. Sumner did return to the Senate after recovering from his injuries, while Brooks died a few years after his attack on Sumner. I fear the possibility of a similar acrimonious attack occurring these days, when we’ve already seen Trump’s groupies heed his call for an insurrection to stop the counting of the 2020 electoral college votes.
The alpha/toxic masculinity - Abbott, Paxton, Patrick - coming out of Texas is appalling and a threat to a Humane way of life. I hope the people of Texas figure out a strategy to get rid of these despicable “men”.
Someone once calculated the value of American slavery to be in the order of $10 trillion of our dollars. Jefferson Davis’ statement “This is done not in hostility to others, not to injure any section of the country, not even for our own pecuniary benefit; but from the high and solemn motive of defending and protecting the rights we inherited, and which it is our sacred duty to transmit unshorn to our children.” belies the low moral justification for slavery—money—nothing truly else.
Gosh, I am surprised that you didn’t bring up Nikki Haley’s gaffe when she could not answer what the Civil War about, Greg, but really it is all about the racist schmuck, Abbott. He is one sorry sonofabitch, isn’t he? Don’t you just want to wheel him over a cliff? So can anyone please tell me why we haven’t seen the DOJ aggressively fighting Abbott about not having access to where those razor-edged wires are? Can Biden please federalize the National Guard? We have to win at least one fucking war so let’s start at home, then onto funding the countries who need our utmost help! By the way, LOVED your song about Leonard Leo! The animation was cool too.
I like to think that we'll figure out the climate change thing in he nick of time, as is our wont. But maybe that's just a fun story I tell myself.
Heather Cox Richardson addressed this same topic yesterday in her latest via Substack by providing a history lesson on Abraham Lincoln's Lyceum Address which addressed this same topic. (I believe you receive her newsletter as well) https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/january-27-2024?r=173r2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email
Thank you! I love her posts but I missed that one.
I'm glad I linked it then. I knew you subscribed to her and almost didn't link but then I thought your subscribers would like to read it. The synchronicity of her article with yours was amazing.
I’m so lucky and happy to be an American. If the successionalists had their way, my life experiences would have been different and probably less beneficent.
I see a future where where the AU (African Union), the Pan America Union,
And other international cooperations will be.in place. Modeled after the EU and U.S. in other words world wide cooperation rather than competition. A happier globe. Billserle.com
Happier globe would be nice...
"States' rights" over Federal laws is the macro of selfish assholes' rights over the common good.
In other words, modern day Replublicans' worldview.
Well put. Selfishness by another name.
I just found myself nodding in agreement with this clinic. As usual, Greg is the light, and he brings the heat.
Thanks, Geoff!
Let's say Texas wants to leave the Union, call it Texit, a Texas Exit. My daughter lives in Britain, my wife and I lived there 25 years, we just returned from a visit. Ask anyone there other than a Bojo acolyte and they will say Brexit has been an complete failure. Polls show those voting for Brexit regret it. The Leavers as those favoring a vote to exit the EU created in Jefferson Davis style eloquent justifications, put another way boldface lies, a misrepresentation of governing laws as does Abbot. Guess they had their version of Originalists, basically spin doctors.
Switching gears if I may, 45 is great at handing out nicknames, birdbrain and meatball recently I think it time for his, in my house he is Dumbass Donald, Dumbass for short. Greg how about a poll to select the best nickname which Joe can use at his discretion. This forms part of the "when they go low, we go low" strategy demanded by 2024 politics.
The former Soviet states that became countries in 1991 almost all had currency collapses, or huge inflation, as they transitioned into new economies. I expect a Texas dollar would suffer the same fate...
"Replace 'fugitive slave' with "pregnant Mississippi teenager seeking an abortion..." Every word of this piece is right (or left?) on and power-full. Thank You, Greg. Shared.
Thank you!
Another great piece, bravo, Greg. I agree with you that we, the U.S., should not cede the territory; that those who can't abide by the laws that form our Union, are welcome to leave!
Of course, if they do secede and take Texas with them, my advice is they'd better join NATO double quick. The world is full of folks with sticky fingers!
They are more likely to join up with Putin and Iran.
Abbott needs to read this before he finds himself in the hoosegow. Talk about hubris. Yes he is evil, but his hubris absolutely knows no bounds. He puts the Loser's wannabe kingship to shame.
Abbott seems to be channeling his inner John C. Calhoun in attempting to nullify Federal authority over international borders and substituting his own foreign policy for that of the Federal government. The Constitution and Federal statutes make it fairly clear that the Federal government has authority to conduct foreign policy, and the states do not. Nullification was killed off years ago, but Abbott is under the mistaken belief it’s still a viable policy, and states are able to secede. I would have thought that after Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant at Appomattox Courthouse in April 1865, it was clear that states did not have the right to secede from the United States.
Democratic representatives have drafted legislation to deal with immigrants and asylum seekers, and the Republican representatives are taking their orders from the former President and refuse to work with Democrats to resolve the issue. The Republicans are loath to give Democrats any credit for accomplishing anything to resolve the issue as it would mean defying Trump, who acts like he is still president even though he’s not.
President Biden is continuing many of the same policies Trump used at the border, with the exception that he is not separating families. You would never know that by hearing it from the shamelessly lying and grandstanding Greg Abbott. Abbott believes the people seeking asylum or coming to the border are subhuman and doesn’t care whether they die. The blood of the mother and her children who drowned is on his hands.
President Biden should call Abbott’s bluff, Federalize the Texas National Guard, and then Abbott would be reminded that he is not the President. Abbott is engaging in political stunts that are costing people their lives, and he has no legal authority to stop the USCIS from doing its job.
We gave up on Reconstruction too soon, we need to finish the job...
I feel so bad for you and your fellow non-lunatics living in Texas. No one deserves that kind of "leadership." All three of them, Abbott/Patrick/Paxton are awful.
I have nothing but derision for Greg Abbott, the governor of Texas whose name I shouldn't even have to know -- I don't live there! But here we are. One of the essential components of the Insurrection Act is that the US government forcefully INVITES the insurrectionists to disperse, just before the National Guard and the US Army is called in. I believe Abbott has been invited to disperse, and yet he persists, along with his indicted Attorney General (whose name I REALLY shouldn't know) Ken Paxton. The only thing I'm not sure of is the minimum number of people it takes to be considered an insurrection. Abbott has his defenders, with many, if not most of them being Trump supporters. My opinion is that the federal government needs to make an example out of Wheelies McTreason and stop this shit in its tracks. Delay does nothing but kill asylum seekers and give Abbott more power -- power that WE did not give him to make decisions about who comes into the country and who doesn't. In short, fuck Abbott and his power-mad id going full treason against the United States! I want to see Biden bring the full force of the federal government down on Texas for its insanity.
You hit the nail on the head, Steve. I HATE having to know who these assholes are. For this, my brain has problems remembering character names and plot points in books on on TV shows. God, I hate them all.
I like the fire in your words, and I can see you brandishing your cane at Abbott, et al! Seriously, I appreciate the background information you provided about Davis and Jackson, and particularly the details about the states relinquishing their sovereignty to the Union.
The cane reference reminds me of how Southern representative Preston Brooks attacked and seriously injured Massachusetts abolitionist Senator Charles Sumner. Sumner did return to the Senate after recovering from his injuries, while Brooks died a few years after his attack on Sumner. I fear the possibility of a similar acrimonious attack occurring these days, when we’ve already seen Trump’s groupies heed his call for an insurrection to stop the counting of the 2020 electoral college votes.
That was awful, one of the worst things ever to happen there.
Thanks, Earl. The Jackson speech was surprisingly good, I thought. His argument was persuasive.
The alpha/toxic masculinity - Abbott, Paxton, Patrick - coming out of Texas is appalling and a threat to a Humane way of life. I hope the people of Texas figure out a strategy to get rid of these despicable “men”.
Agreed, Gail.
Someone once calculated the value of American slavery to be in the order of $10 trillion of our dollars. Jefferson Davis’ statement “This is done not in hostility to others, not to injure any section of the country, not even for our own pecuniary benefit; but from the high and solemn motive of defending and protecting the rights we inherited, and which it is our sacred duty to transmit unshorn to our children.” belies the low moral justification for slavery—money—nothing truly else.
That sounds like pecuniary benefit to me!
Gosh, I am surprised that you didn’t bring up Nikki Haley’s gaffe when she could not answer what the Civil War about, Greg, but really it is all about the racist schmuck, Abbott. He is one sorry sonofabitch, isn’t he? Don’t you just want to wheel him over a cliff? So can anyone please tell me why we haven’t seen the DOJ aggressively fighting Abbott about not having access to where those razor-edged wires are? Can Biden please federalize the National Guard? We have to win at least one fucking war so let’s start at home, then onto funding the countries who need our utmost help! By the way, LOVED your song about Leonard Leo! The animation was cool too.
Thanks, Marlene. Glad you liked the Leo song!
Haley, I find her dull as dirt, honestly. She's so clearly pandering.