I'm sure that in a previous life I must have been a native of the Eastern seaboard because I'm as nostalgic of your post this Sunday, of the beach and the sea, even though I've never been there. I've been to the Pacific in Southern California, but never to the east coast. The Pacific, as far as I can surmise, is a far different animal fr…
I'm sure that in a previous life I must have been a native of the Eastern seaboard because I'm as nostalgic of your post this Sunday, of the beach and the sea, even though I've never been there. I've been to the Pacific in Southern California, but never to the east coast. The Pacific, as far as I can surmise, is a far different animal from the Atlantic, but for some reason I'm still drawn to the east more than I am back to the Pacific. Glad you're having a good week!
I also find Trump to be fading into obscurity for me. He has virtually NO chance of being re-elected, provided we all vote as we did in 2020 and '22. He has managed to be EVERYWHERE these past several years, and when mentioned, one is accused of suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Of course, I have, many times, pointed out that it's likely we would have forgotten him far sooner if he'd ever shut his mouth and fade gracefully into obscurity like previous presidents. George W paints weirdly artistic paintings, Obama went off jet-skiing and then started work on his Library, which at this point looks like it will never really open, Bill Clinton wrote a few books, then got together with a famous author to write a work of fiction while also continuing to contribute to the Clinton Foundation, Jimmy Carter built houses, for gods' sake! Trump? Bitch and moan and whine about the "stolen" 2020 election, and continue his Lie, Cheat, and Steal Tour. Graceful exit is not in his vocabulary. So now, with Jack Smith at the helm, a graceless exit is in the offing. Sad!
I too pegged you as an East Coast guy. So I suspect you're right. And yeah, Trump's post presidency is a complete shitshow. But it's what he's always done. I hope the judge shuts him down.
Do ‘t take anything for granted. More than a few states have been busy with voter suppression and letting state legislatures and AG’s exert power over voting results.
Never, ever take anything for granted, especially if Trump is convicted of anything before the election. THAT will be the time when Dems are going to have to be convinced that it is STILL very important to vote. The Founders, in their "great wisdom" never imagined a felon as president, but Trumpsters are raring to see it!
I'm sure that in a previous life I must have been a native of the Eastern seaboard because I'm as nostalgic of your post this Sunday, of the beach and the sea, even though I've never been there. I've been to the Pacific in Southern California, but never to the east coast. The Pacific, as far as I can surmise, is a far different animal from the Atlantic, but for some reason I'm still drawn to the east more than I am back to the Pacific. Glad you're having a good week!
I also find Trump to be fading into obscurity for me. He has virtually NO chance of being re-elected, provided we all vote as we did in 2020 and '22. He has managed to be EVERYWHERE these past several years, and when mentioned, one is accused of suffering from TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome). Of course, I have, many times, pointed out that it's likely we would have forgotten him far sooner if he'd ever shut his mouth and fade gracefully into obscurity like previous presidents. George W paints weirdly artistic paintings, Obama went off jet-skiing and then started work on his Library, which at this point looks like it will never really open, Bill Clinton wrote a few books, then got together with a famous author to write a work of fiction while also continuing to contribute to the Clinton Foundation, Jimmy Carter built houses, for gods' sake! Trump? Bitch and moan and whine about the "stolen" 2020 election, and continue his Lie, Cheat, and Steal Tour. Graceful exit is not in his vocabulary. So now, with Jack Smith at the helm, a graceless exit is in the offing. Sad!
I too pegged you as an East Coast guy. So I suspect you're right. And yeah, Trump's post presidency is a complete shitshow. But it's what he's always done. I hope the judge shuts him down.
Do ‘t take anything for granted. More than a few states have been busy with voter suppression and letting state legislatures and AG’s exert power over voting results.
Never, ever take anything for granted, especially if Trump is convicted of anything before the election. THAT will be the time when Dems are going to have to be convinced that it is STILL very important to vote. The Founders, in their "great wisdom" never imagined a felon as president, but Trumpsters are raring to see it!