The “easy to understand poetry” is the talking points on Fox, the propaganda and slogans, made to fit above the brims of ugly red hats, the now audible dog whistle. It finds its marks and penetrates their pliant little minds too easily.

Great selection.

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Thanks. That's a great line, the easy to understand poetry, which makes it not really poetry at all, but Fascist doggerel.

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Thank You. This really stings, as it must.

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I didn't know this poem...I found it this week. And yes, wow, it packs the wallop.

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Thank you, Greg. I will read more Auden today. When I stress out over the state of the world and challenges to democracy, I remember we will always have poets. ...Won’t we?

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This is the one they recite in "Four Weddings & a Funeral," which is so evocative: https://dailypoetry.me/w-h-auden/funeral-blues/

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😔 SO evocative. Thank you.

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Oh my. That one packs a punch.

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...When he cried, little children died in the streets...

Parents, make sure the kids are safe and out of his grasp.

Lady justice is coming. And she is really pissed off. ❤️⚖️❤️🇺🇸🔥

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The only good thing about a tyrant is that he is mortal.

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And his mind is going, going and it soon will be gone.

What will all the kings horses and all the kings men do them?

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Great work, Greg. Thank you. Karen

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Another fine piece

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"It is a profound historical ignorance that compels the MAGA minions to prefer a tyrant."

As I read this, and other posts today - a national day of MOURNING, not a national day of PARTYING - I think about those who donned various "military" style attire, armed themselves with all sorts of weapons and attacked our Capitol on January 6th and who apparently are going to get away with it (aside from the several hundred who have been identified thus far.) Their dear leaders are certainly getting off Scott free. I think of the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, males (for the most part) who think playing "soldier" is a manly thing to do and beating up people is a manly thing to do. Where did they acquire this predilection for violence? Was it watching too many Die Hards or other violent films? Was it playing with toy soldiers? Was it playing Cops and Robbers? I don't think so. I know too many grown men, REAL men, who did all of the above and who turned out to be kind hearted, sensible, patriotic individuals. What then causes a pathology like the phenomenon we see today -streets in towns and cities taken over by caravans of oversized trucks bedecked with Confederate flags and bearded men with tattoos covering their deliberately bared arms from top to bottom? Males ( I will not call them "men") who must enter a Walmart or a grocery store with a gun on full display?

How did we come to grow such a crop of bullies, tyrants seeking a tyrant to worship?

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Heartbreaking, and beautifully said. Thanks.

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Tyrants will always be with us. I see them at the toaster. It’s taken years for anyone in my family to see the poetry in that. They had to live long enough. And care.

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We NEED to LISTEN!!! Thanks Greg!

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