Greg , when is the audiobook coming out? The visually impaired want to know! 😁

(PS, and speaking of… I’m still waiting for the full audiobook for Empress. The teaser you gave us was great, but I’d love to be able to *read* the whole thing.)

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I would LOVE a full Empress audiobook, but it is, unfortunately, prohibitively expensive.

I'm hoping the RB audiobook will be out by mid-June. Hopefully!

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From the excerpt you were able to record, Empress is so good it should be one of those books that Amazon (Audible) takes it upon themselves to create. It wouldn’t be the first fairly obscure, yet uniquely cool, novel that received that treatment. Who do we talk to about this? 🤔

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if you find out, let me know!

My friend is a great actress and did SUCH a good job with it.

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She is incredible!

As a person with a major visual impairment, I have access to the Library of Congress audio (and braille) library. It consists of a crazy amalgam of vintage books-on-tape for the blind - books that have been converted to digital files (envision Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle read like a 40’s radio serial… shit is epic af! lol), commercial audiobooks and current works that have been read by people who’ve volunteered to read them for some services for the blind in some random state and then shared with the LOC. I wonder if there is a way to get it put out that way. I will do some investigating and drop you a dm (prolly on bluesky) if i find out anything good. If that appeals, of course.

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It's a hard book to do, because it's long and there are a lot of long Greek names of people and places. Hopefully one day I'll be able to!

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I’m looking forward to the day when trump’s (lower case) name will not be all over the news.

Since I have made it a personal goal to harbor no ill will for anyone, I have been happier. Forgiveness should be a part of government ops.

Consider our nation’s friendship with Germany and Japan. What a great turnaround.

Can’t see myself playing a round with don though. Reading Beast.


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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

Preferably a Kafkaesque tower Trial and a Kafkaian ending.

Even "forgiveness" has boundaries.

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

True Justice contains Mercy and "puts what should be above things as they are".

"Mercy" without true Justice is merely corruption.

"Justice" without mercy is merely revenge.

As usual, your Sunday Pages takes my mind off in a dozen different directions. Thanks!

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Thanks, Rick. Yes, on mercy w/o justice and justice w/o mercy. These are interesting ideas to think about, and I'm not sure I've yet found the proper words...

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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

The book is awesome. I am going to drop it off at the library as soon as I finish it. It's a refresher course for your Substack. It's beautiful, cogent, invective, and I love it.

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Thanks so much, Meemaw! Much appreciated.

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Argh!! I just read somewhere where - I don't remember who it was but - somebody said, "We're gonna get through this." I was shocked to hear it since it wasn't LB or you who said it this time. Not one of those phrases that I assume can be copyrighted, but still...

I have never thought about it before but now that I have, I would say that mercy is for those people who are found to have done something wrong but for the right reason. Which begs the question who gets to determine what the "right reason" is.

Anyway, Five/8 was fun. You and LB did much better than I remembering all the crimes. Jason Pack should title his works "The Global World for Dummies!" He does an excellent job of explaining all the "puzzle pieces." (I forgot the question now, but before he revealed the four countries most aligned with the U.S. I did pick Italy and Great Britain, but forgot about Japan and never would have thought of Israel)

I should've been finished by now, but am half-way through "Rough Beast." So far, IMO, it's a hit!

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Thanks, Lynell. Maybe that phrase finding currency means it will happen?

Good point on mercy: wrong thing for the right reason. I think mercy can't be shown unless the trespasser shows remorse.

I will tell Jason and see what he thinks. And thanks, as always, for watching and listening!

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Thanks for another compelling Sunday read, Greg! I share your irritation with O'Leary's dumb and dangerous proposal, and note that Dean Phillips is also making news for proposing that NY Gov. Kathy Hochul pardon the convicted felon. It boggles the mind that anyone believes that Donald should not be held accountable, but astrologers can see a bit of astro-logic.

Mars was in Leo when Donald was born. In the language of astrology, Mars refers to the energy of action and assertion. Leo is a fire sign, and any planet in Leo represents a need for fiery, dramatic, regal expression. Leo is ruled by the Sun, around which everything revolves. Thus astrologer Grant Lewi (author of Heaven Knows What) observed that someone born with Mars in Leo has the ability to "get away with murder" -- and often does.

Donald's Mars (his need for action and assertion) will be receiving a potentially reckless, disruptive, chaotic, illuminating and/or electrifying cattle prod on July 29th and October 5th, with demonstrations of this need likely to manifest a several days beforehand. This same electrifying cattle prod kicks another part of his horoscope (his Midheaven, which refers to profession and reputation), on June 3rd and December 10th, again with events reflecting dramatic change likely a few days before. We've already seen some of that potential realized in recent days, have we not?

I so resonate with LB's observation that Donald desecrates everything we find holy ("wholly"). It is like watching the Grinch (only worse, because no redemption is possible in this lifetime), from Cindy Lou Who's perspective, struggling to comprehend why what has always symbolized love and joy is being ripped away. Orwell also comes to mind, as in "If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face -- forever." That's what we'll have if Donald and his enablers are not defeated.

In other news, I saw Peter Morgan's latest play on Broadway last night. "Patriots" is about how Vladimir Putin came to power (backed by oligarchs, especially Boris Berezovsky, who lived to regret it -- but not for long). https://patriotsbroadway.com/

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Thanks for this, Elisabeth. You know I love all of this stuff.

I love the astrology patois. "Midheaven" is such a cool word. So: July 29th, then. Not long after the RNC...

How was the play?

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"Patriots" was an authentic West End experience, thanks to playwright Peter Morgan and Will Keen (as Putin), who are both British. Knowing the history of the collapse of the USSR and Russia's brief flirtation with capitalism is a recommended prerequisite for maximum appreciation of this finely-written drama (with plenty of comic moments). I'm old enough to remember the exhilarated spin Americans were given about Russia becoming "just like us" (i.e., with access to all the stuff a free market economy could provide). Berezovsky's bad plan went horribly wrong; Putin's was -- and still is -- chilling. In my Cindy Lou Who mindset, my heart breaks over what could have been for Russia...why couldn't there have been a more noble leader in the 90s...who could that leader have been?

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Bill Clinton compared Yeltsin to Lincoln. SMH.

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In "Patriots," Yeltsin gets the biggest laughs. : /

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Did Lincoln drink?

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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

Having watched SHARK TANK a few times over the years, I think it's safe to say that Kevin O'Leary, who likes to style himself as "Mr. Wonderful," when he is nothing of the sort, cares about "policy" as much as he cares about the people he rejects, or for that matter, accepts, on that dumb show. It's quite obvious that all he cares about is what can benefit him, to the exclusion of everything else. He reminds me A LOT of the Rough Beast, and his opinion about most anything is self-serving. He doesn't care about policy, he cares about what is going to keep the most money in his life, and that, allegedly, would be re-electing Donald Trump. A dumb-ass ignorant suggestion that Biden pardon Trump, for a state crime, no less, is his desperate attempt to work for the MAGA 2024 campaign. Fuck him right in the ear.

I've always paid attention to the words that Trump capitalizes in his tweets, and I'm sure if researchers looked at it closely, it would be very telling. I'm guessing "Truth and Justice" have never been capitalized, while words like "lies," and "oppression," are closer to words he would deem necessary to capitalize. He's not a mystery. He's very transparent in his goals and desires. He WANTS people to know what he plans to do when he gets his Power back. It's our job to prevent that, whatever it takes.

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Mr Wonderful is Rough Bestial for sure. I had no idea he existed. I'm glad our Canadian friends were spared having to deal with him in politics.

Trump's random capital letters, I sometimes wonder if they are kept from the original German he may well have lifted them from... ; )

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James Murphy’s translation of Mein Kampf would have served him well.

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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

Another Sunday special, introducing me to people unknown, those with meaningful thoughts and words. Thanks.

The last thing 45 wants is a pardon. It crimps his woe is me self pity party. A pardon would bring his grift to a halt. It stops the appeal process, denying him his ego bolstering TV time. One thought, perversely is that the only reason I would support a pardon, giving one makes 45 feel worse than he looked during his press conference or whatever the hell that was, bruising his ego to the point of unbearable pain.

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I had considered that, but I prefer him never being pardoned and having to live the rest of his miserable life as a convicted felon.

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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

Greg, Another powerful scribbling.

Thank you.

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Thanks, Cal!

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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

Truth and Justice are in the process of prevailing, at least in New York. I personally believe they’re bigger, though, than accounted for by human reason. Like Love, they’re universal! As for lie and oppression, we’ve seen the darkest depths the human mind is capable of achieving throughout history and in the MAGA dumpster fire that’s hopefully in the slow process of burning out. (The fire reference was inspired by my association, having worked in Chicago, to the name O’Leary.)

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Right, Mrs. O'Leary's cow! It is indeed a dumpster fire, and I hope it burns itself out...

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Jun 2·edited Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

Thank you, Greg for the beautiful poem which uplifts us from the base state of affairs we are living through. Reality television is the bane of our existence. It’s not even drama, just people pimping themselves out for voyeurs to watch & distract themselves from actually living their lives. It brought us tRump & the O’Leary joker. Your young colleague might want to be reminded of the enormous amount of grace & mercy already extended to Convict 45. Our Justice system has afforded him every leniency & right to appeal; leaving virtually no frivolous attempt to stall Justice untried. Biden isn’t Jesus, & only God can truly absolve tRump of his heinous behavior. First tRump needs to show remorse, which even Nixon did, however, due to his pact with the Devil, trump is unable to muster that emotion. If the classified doc case ever sees the inside of a court room, & it is determined he committed espionage; then there might be a possibility of showing tRump some grace or mercy by exiling him to a cushy compound on Guantanamo.

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Thanks, Amy. Yes: remorse. That was the word that eluded me when writing this. He will never show remorse. He is incapable of it. Nixon, somehow, was. Strange.

A barge taking Trump to Gitmo would be the poetic justice way this would all end...

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Exactly. "Psychopath: incapable of remorse, typically tinged orange." "Tricky Dick," on the other hand, had the brains and awareness to choose to be a crook.

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Jun 2Liked by Greg Olear

As a Canadian I know full well how much of fake O’Leary is. He is one of those people who got lucky in business and thus bestowed the “entrepreneur, business savant, listen when he speaks” title. I detest his constant steepleling when he in front of the camera. He does follow the conservative doctrine, quite far right I would suggest.

He and his wife were involved in a boating accident a few years ago where people died and I am not convinced he or his wife did not bear more responsibility than they got away with.

Not my favourite Canadian!!

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Jun 3·edited Jun 3Author

Thanks for this, Carl. I got the sense he was kind of a fraud. I think a lot of these rich guys are, to some degree. Or, at least, they got lucky. Not my favorite Canadian either, and I'm glad you were spared him in office in any capacity.

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Jun 3Liked by Greg Olear

I now have Rough Beast on my Kindle and next in line to read and O’Leary is as crazy as the Queens Guy. Biden isn’t Pres. Ford. I think a lot of people took out their frustration with his boneheaded pardon of Nixon by making him a one termer. Sane Americans have been seeking Justice for the First Criminal and Justice rightfully had her way with him, unanimously and 34 times. The MAGAverse needs to find a corner and do themselves. We the People are going to VOTE 💙💙💙.

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Thank you! Biden is NOT Ford, no no no.

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Jun 4Liked by Greg Olear

Re-reading your work is so fulfilling. This essay, with the rarified word, Mercy (yes, I capitalized it), lands so softly, as opposed to the final metallic blow of Justice. Thanks for the review.

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Thanks, Julie!

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I’m Late to the party, but I won’t forget “…we write Truth and Justice With capital letters, lie and oppression with small.” Thanks for this mind-warp…

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