Quite a thought provoking excerpt. Something I'll keep with me for awhile.

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That was an eerie excerpt. Who were those guys talking about? The past? Or our present? The more things change. . . I suppose that is the point. Another take on our current situation: we are doomed, no matter what. Check this out if you can: https://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2020/12/can-history-predict-future/616993/

I think Dolly Parton should contribute another cool $1million to Moderna as seed money for cutting edge research on THE EMPATHY GENE because that is what it will take to keep us from extinction, it seems.

Thanks as always, Greg, for making this time of Trump and the Pandemic (cool music group name, no?) more interesting and certainly more understandable. Hope you are having a safe and pie-filled Thanksgiving.

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