"this long arm of tar..." So perfect. I predict that, since you are beloved by the gazillions, a copy of that book will make its way to you before too long. Believe!

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Thanks. People are already writing with suggestions on how to score a copy...

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I needed to get back into my body. This grounded me in the way a powerful guided mediation will do at times. a perfect read for this morning. Thank you so much 🙏 Love, StacyO 💕

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I'm so glad. Thanks, StacyO!

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This past week took a toll on my usually optimistic self. This poem by its introduction is just what I resolved to do: go on doing...

I had so much more to say last Friday about last Friday's Five/8 with Shireen Mitchell. Not the least of which was to applaud your superb karaoke presentation with Stephanie, Chunk, et al., who had a hand in putting it together. Well done, Greg Olear!

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It was a hard week for sure. Lots of incredible evil going on. But I do feel like they crossed a line, and the pendulum is going to swing back and knock them on their ass.

Glad you liked the karaoke! One of our best ones, IMO.

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“Lots of incredible evil going on.” I think, “lots of incredible evil” being revealed for the whole world to see. Nobody said divine justice would be pretty.

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Hi Greg. I found out who the publisher is (was?). The book “Be Properly Scared” was published in 1996 by Four Way Books. I’ve written them to see if they know where to find a copy. Here’s their website: https://fourwaybooks.com/site/what-we-do/

Perhaps it’s still the same company; perhaps not but they might have a lead.

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Good idea. Thank you!

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I searched Google

Where can I find a copy of the book “Be Properly Scared” by M. Wyrebeck?

And got several hits. It’s available there in paperback.

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I retract, sorry. Unavailable on Amazon. 🤦🏼‍♂️

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Thanks, Tom. Yeah it's listed but no one has it that Ive found.

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Beautiful! I am inspired. Thanks Greg ❤

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Thanks, Helen!

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Thank you, Greg.

"... is this

what it feels like to be chosen—to be taken

under the wing of something vast

that knows its way blindly?"

This is the exact experience of giving birth without anesthesia.

I spend my days being properly scared and savoring life.

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Thanks, Sharon. I will have to take your word on the childbirth part, but I'm sure it is exactly so. I hope you continue to savor life for a good long time.

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Wow, thank you for this, for bringing Michelle Wyrebek’s words to life. Is it worth noting that in some cultures owls are considered to be harbingers of death, ill health, and bad luck?

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Thanks, Lauren. That thought had occurred to me, too, that the owl isn't the bird you'd maybe hope to find on such a drive.

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Happy Sunday!

This is going back a few weeks, but this question/answer from an interview with Charles Frazier in the NY Times the other day made me think of you.

“What book should nobody read until the age of 40?

I can’t think of a book that nobody should read until 40, but there are plenty that are better read or reread at that age or later. Over the years, I’ve come to realize that many great books we were assigned to read in school are far more enjoyable and have more to say when approached later in life.

But to narrow it down, I’ll randomly pull “Anna Karenina” out of a hat full of equally worthy titles. Reading that book patiently and with more life experience under one’s belt is an entirely different experience than blasting through it in a week for a college literature class.”

In other words, Tolstoy gets better as we age. 😁

The whole thing is good.


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LOVE Charles Frazier's works. And this quote.. Thanks.

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Oh, thank you. I have a new translation of AK, a gift from a friend, so perhaps I will read it again...

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It's partially the wisdom of age, but we take different things from a book than we did when young. At almost 82, that's very exciting for me!

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I’m in my early 50s and, as of about 5 years ago, legally blind. Since that happened, I have fallen in love with audiobooks. I have access to the NLS library for the visually impaired and they have an absolutely huge collection. I have a Lit degree and it’s been great having this resource to revisit all of the things I skimmed through in college or the realization when an idea that had made no sense to me when I read it at 17 was a no.brainer at45. And it might sound weird or counterintuitive, but, it’s amazing how much you miss when you read with your eyes.


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Hi Greg.

I found a copy of her book here:

Paper Cavalier Canada on their storefront in Amazon. If you are unable to order it from there I can gladly do it for you. Consider it payment for sharing your sublime thoughts with us.


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Thanks so much, Pam. Happily, the book has been tracked down already and is coming to the house. But I very much appreciate it!

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This morning on my walk, I listened to a dueling duet between a haunting loon on the lake and an eerie owl in the woods. It was (sorry) a hoot!!

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Hi Greg,

I just purchased a copy of POET’s CHOICE. It is represented to be a good hardcover copy, so I’m looking forward to its receipt. Thanks for the referral.

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Oh, it's wonderful. I hope you like it!

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Thanks for this, Greg. What a fascinating poet.

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Thank you!

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"Headlight spray." For some reason, that phrase struck me as I read. I also tend to believe, after reading the rest of the column, that this poem actually happened. It has that feeling, even the owl because owls are all sorts of things, but from what I know, they're also a little nuts and will do things like imperial fighter a car if it's the only thing to do.

Friday's Five-8 was great! Shireen needs to be a regular, maybe Shireen's Corner, or something. I was also compelled to rewatch the karaoke (brilliant!), and when it was over, one of the choices on the screen was Randy Rainbow's newest, which is two weeks old, but still. Does he REALLY do these by himself in his apartment? WOW! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ues8ycOxXKM

Good week to all!

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That's a great phrase for sure. The whole picture is so vivid for me.

Glad you liked the show! Shireen already promised to come back. But she's on five times we'll have to get her a fancy jacket or something, like on SNL.

I think Randy really does do them himself. He's really good. And I have very, very high standards for these things, being a longtime Weird Al guy. But he takes his time and releases them when they are perfect. We bang these out at warp speed. The flaws (mostly in my vocal performance) are part of the fun...

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I didn't mean to compare! What Randy puts out is basically ALL he does in the public sphere with much more work we don't see, while you guys go above and beyond every week in public and on the record. The latest, though, deserves another Emmy nomination. His lyrics, phrasing, and overall production values are top-notch -- and he knows Patti Fucking LuPone! lol

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Thanks for the break from

this week's news.

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I know *I* definitely needed one.

And thanks for the comments on the back pieces in the archive. Sometimes I forget I've written certain things. It's interesting for me to see what you highlight, and helpful!

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Sometimes it is a coincidence, other times reading something in the news then thinking 'Where have I seen this before? but often a pre 2020 election, fall 2020 read catapults your readers into 2023.

-Eerily, hair raising, what's next(exposed criminality), and often with a shoulder lowering sigh(Dominion;

FPOTUS, NYC, two weeks ago) and hope for the USA-

Thank you for writing 'this', being a witness to history and allowing us to also. Today's news.

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