I have communicated with them as well. This really pisses me off. You would think that a for-profit business would figure out that maybe people want to spend more than the limited selections offered. Sheesh.
I looked and: There is supposed to be a way to be a "founding member" and set your own plan amount. But I'm not sure how to update it on your end. Thanks for suggesting this.
Ah yes. This last week was more than most anyone could possibly handle. In addition, our bank account was hacked and monies stolen by some FB entity so hours on the phone with various people finally sorted. I need to get out of the house more so I took a out of the house job. Thank you for all of your writing and podcasts etc. I swear I shall remain sane.
Well, I must say I appreciate the highly informative personal piece. I am only in three spaces, three communities, on the Internet: here, Lucian Truscott, and HCR (Heather Cox Richardson). It can be a little tricky sometimes, because in the absence of any normal cues like tone of voice, facial expression, body language, and background and context about a person, the remaining available slice of communication can be sorely limited. So it means a lot to me, Greg, that you fill us in about what you’re going through, and that you pride yourself on reading every piece of correspondence. Thank you, that personal info drop means a lot.
The ship stuck in the Suez Canal...yes. Thanks for that. I think a lot of us are feeling that way. Years ago my first job out of grad school was at Syracuse University working with first generation college students. Occasionally, I traveled to conferences and was inspired by speakers I didn’t appreciate at the time but have watched their rise in higher ed, politics & other professions. One of them was Cornel West. I sat in the front row looking to be inspired. He used his platform to talk about the grim statistics of black men in prison (early 90’s) which have only worsened since then. I could feel the air being sucked out of the large, packed conference room. I don’t remember the solutions he considered but he said something that made it deep into my DNA that day. He asked a rhetorical question? So, if I’m here to inspire, why did I spend so much time sharing this terrible news? He then said one thing that stuck with me-because “I’m A PRISONER OF HOPE”. 30 + years later, when I am really down & ranting & in despair, I’m reminded of that day and that message. 30 years later Cornel West continues to motivate & inspire. I never before, outside of intellectualizing, it understood what it felt like to live in a country where Democracy didn’t exist or could fall apart in 4 short years or where secret police were unleashed on its citizens. Heck, until George Floyd & COVID & reading CASTE, I’m ashamed to say, I didn’t realize how truly ‘whitewashed’ American history was. My awakening has been heavy, but I thank Cornel West for that one simple message that has sustained me & will continue to sustain me going forward. Thank you to you, Eric Boehlert, Soledad O’Brien, Dr. Bandy Lee, Lev, @LincolnsBible, Stacey Abrams, Cornel West, Isabel Wilkerson, Debra Haaland, leaders who care about country and making a better future for all of our children, black and brown voices- all the people I’ve discovered who help sustain my sense of hope for the next 7 generations.
I am Unitarian Universalist, and heard Dr. C. West speak at one of our general assemblies. He was inspirational. Thank you for the quote: “ I am a prisoner of hope.” I had not seen it until today. Hope for me continues to be “that thing with feathers”, from E. Dickinson’s poem. I join you in thanking the leaders of today who are helping us save our democracy.
Trump was the grand finale to a forty year sprint by anti-government and proto-Satanic ideologues across the landscape of America’s psyche. The news media are clearly just reeling from this five-years long fireworks display of madness. The spectacle was good to them. They elevated various shady law enforcement types like Mueller and Comey into Flash Gordon level heroes. None of that silly melodrama served us well. I do have hopes for Merrick Garland to help right the ship. I have serious doubts about where the economy is headed near term, but for now the soul of the republic remains intact. And that’s what counts. Agree with your analysis of podcast vs. print. Keep your spirits up! It’s going to be alright.
All they had to do was pay attention to the way foreign journalists were covering not only the disaster of EX, but also the failure of our Fourth Estate to accurately and consistently report the patterns of fuck-duggery transpiring before their very eyes.
Self-examination and reflection are required. The media appears incapable. Even CNN’s Brian Stelter, who stepped out from the pack by featuring Dr. Bandy Lee as a guest early on (but watered down her impact by including boorish egomaniacal doofus Allan Francis for the “opposing view”) only went so far in his critique of where the press was missing the mark.
Of course it may be difficult for Stelter to rock the submarine since he works for a network that assigned the brother of the Governor of New York to cover the Governor of New York...
I agree, except Trump is nothing the grand finale. The “angry old white man” meme has deep roots and he has erected it. Many others want to do that too.
In such times, remember why you call it PREVAIL. No one ever said that sustaining a democracy would be easy. Like a withering marriage that persisted without care or attention, we took it for granted for too long.
Time to remember why we got together in the first place, air the misunderstandings and tend to the hurts. Press on newly-committed, vowing to work on our relationship every day. In the end it is all we have. It is all that truly matters.
Silver linings, my friend. Take moments and look for them. We persisted. We moved forward with faith and each did what we could in words and actions. In low moments we reached out toward the next sane voice in the foxhole. We are meeting the moment.
Greg I really enjoy your work - and listening to the Narativ with you Zev and LB - the rants are very therapeutic - we are all in unchartered waters - and as I see it we all need each other - we are "pioneers of this phase of our democracy and American way of life" - generations before us had to embark on their part of protecting this democracy - as yes, we are so spoiled and privileged - we need to stay close, hold the space for the frustration, fear, anger and tears - and then we rest, recoup and stand up as Americans and keep going - We must out work that which intends to destroy the freedoms we have been entrusted with by our ancestors - We must - there is no question there is intense hard work ahead - and I believe we are made for these times. ITs a privilege to share the journey with you. THank you for all you do for us!! Let's keep moving! God Bless you and your family!
Your writing has improved my life for real starting with “Boy Plunder”. The streamlined content strategy makes sense as does Tito’s, Ice, Lemon, Pelligrino. I look forward to listening to the rant while watching our new puppy try to play with 2 balls at the same time.
In response to all the well-founded concerns about voter suppression and the threat to our democracy posed by the Republican institutional block, here is my view.
I would agree with you, Greg, and HCR and so many of her subscribers, about the headwinds pushing back on democracy if Mitch were running the Senate. However, a complete miracle took place on January 5. Against all odds, two Democratic challengers replaced two Republican incumbents. In Georgia. GEORGIA. Those are 100 to 1 odds, 1000 to 1 odds.
I do agree that there is a storm playing out, a vicious catfight is taking place, the Old Order, Civil War Holdouts Club is fighting for its life. I believe now, based on the events of the past year [but especially since Jan. 5], that the Old Order Society of racism, sexism, gender-ism, and anti-Semitism is in an existential fight for its political life. The January 6 Capitol Riot is an act of final desperation. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, the racist and sexist society is disintegrating, melting, fading away.
Just sayin'. It's easy to be alarmed, but the good news is that all this voter suppression activity is now in the glaring spotlight. If as a nation we continued to sweep this activity under the rug, like we did for decades, to allow it to happen without paying attention, that would be another matter. Then 2022 and 2024 would be Republican waves for sure. But in this environment? Under this spotlight? Look what happened in California after the 2010 Census when gerrymandered districts were completely redrawn. In less than a decade, the California Republicans became an endangered species. We only have a dozen House Republicans left out of 53 House seats. Both state legislatures are supermajority Democrat. They can ignore the Republican politicians with impunity. And they do.
It'll take a while, and it won't happen in every state, but I think the Republican Party is dying out. I think it is heading for permanent minority status like in California. Constant infighting. Trump attacking the R's who stood up to him, causing chaos and mayhem as they are targeted for primary challenges. In 2020 no less than 7 different Republican groups fighting against Trump and for Biden during the campaign, from Lincoln Project to ex-Bush officials to even ex-Trump officials. The flight from the party has been ongoing, with (just a sample) Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough going of all places to MSNBC, and Jennifer Rubin at WaPo, and even George Will, the most diehard of diehards, exiting the party. Republican Senate stalwarts like Roy Blunt and 4 other Senators retiring, and the behind the scenes scuttlebutt is that they are disillusioned with the Trump takeover and the unacknowledged but escalating sedition plank/platform.
None of this is a recipe for taking back the Senate. None of this is a recipe for taking back the WH, or even increasing the House caucus. The Republican Party has become, nakedly and unashamedly, the voice of the remaining social order of racists and sexists and genderists. It's a formula that is guaranteed to fail, a clear sign that this old order of despicable values is in its death throes, is fighting for its life.
The Republican Party is in the middle of an existential crisis, a fight for its very existence as a political force with any viablity. That's my opinion, based on the unfolding events of the past year. I think the turning point was likely Jan. 5 and Jan. 6. I am thinking that the old pendulum swing of Democrat to Republican and back, back and forth, Senate and White House, might have been broken, might be permanently damaged. U.S. society might be blowing up that pendulum.
It could take years, who knows. Maybe Mitch will return to lead the Senate one more time, it could happen. But right now, I don't think it's democracy experiencing the headwinds, I think it's the Republican Party as the political voice of racism that is feeling the headwinds and is facing an uphill battle for its life. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
I follow your prevail letters great interest. I find your research and knowledge invaluable. It’s seems we both love Heather Cox Richardson as well and i subscribe to her as well. History brings context. It has become clear to me that there is so much more to learn.
Thank you. I share your posts with all my friend on Facebook
Thank you for your passion, your anger, your wit. You express so well what I and others are feeling. it's a tough time. Born in 1940, I listened to FDR's fireside chats at my parents' encouragement, ducked under my desk during nuclear-bomb drills in grammar school (laughable now to think that might have protected us), sweated out the Cuban missile crisis, and raised a family during times of war and assassinations, as well as continued racism throughout the country. But never have I been more worried, upset, and engaged in political activism (even though the latter is limited to writing Postcards to Voters and joining an occasional march). I'd like to do more, and perhaps I will if called upon.
Thank you. Through all of that period, there was never any doubt that all Americans were on the same side. Now, it's much murkier. But we keep fighting the good fight because we must!
If I might piggyback on the photograph of Lucille Bluth at the end of your article, I raise my glass to you, Greg. Throughout the madness of the Trump years, you helped me to keep my sanity. You help me to laugh during the darkest of times...even through the darkest of your sentences. Your command of the English language and wry wit is unparalleled. I look forward to all of your articles...and perhaps some day, I'll get into podcast mode. You just keep evolving, keep doing what you're doing, Lucille Bluth and I clink our martini glasses to you.
Thanks, Joy. I love Lucille, and I also love Malory Archer, who she played on ARCHER. I almost used that for this, but the Lucille photo is actually her.
Thanks. I will do that!
I have communicated with them as well. This really pisses me off. You would think that a for-profit business would figure out that maybe people want to spend more than the limited selections offered. Sheesh.
I looked and: There is supposed to be a way to be a "founding member" and set your own plan amount. But I'm not sure how to update it on your end. Thanks for suggesting this.
Thank you, William.
Ah yes. This last week was more than most anyone could possibly handle. In addition, our bank account was hacked and monies stolen by some FB entity so hours on the phone with various people finally sorted. I need to get out of the house more so I took a out of the house job. Thank you for all of your writing and podcasts etc. I swear I shall remain sane.
Oh, dear, I'm so sorry.
Well, I must say I appreciate the highly informative personal piece. I am only in three spaces, three communities, on the Internet: here, Lucian Truscott, and HCR (Heather Cox Richardson). It can be a little tricky sometimes, because in the absence of any normal cues like tone of voice, facial expression, body language, and background and context about a person, the remaining available slice of communication can be sorely limited. So it means a lot to me, Greg, that you fill us in about what you’re going through, and that you pride yourself on reading every piece of correspondence. Thank you, that personal info drop means a lot.
Ditto here. Thanks.
The ship stuck in the Suez Canal...yes. Thanks for that. I think a lot of us are feeling that way. Years ago my first job out of grad school was at Syracuse University working with first generation college students. Occasionally, I traveled to conferences and was inspired by speakers I didn’t appreciate at the time but have watched their rise in higher ed, politics & other professions. One of them was Cornel West. I sat in the front row looking to be inspired. He used his platform to talk about the grim statistics of black men in prison (early 90’s) which have only worsened since then. I could feel the air being sucked out of the large, packed conference room. I don’t remember the solutions he considered but he said something that made it deep into my DNA that day. He asked a rhetorical question? So, if I’m here to inspire, why did I spend so much time sharing this terrible news? He then said one thing that stuck with me-because “I’m A PRISONER OF HOPE”. 30 + years later, when I am really down & ranting & in despair, I’m reminded of that day and that message. 30 years later Cornel West continues to motivate & inspire. I never before, outside of intellectualizing, it understood what it felt like to live in a country where Democracy didn’t exist or could fall apart in 4 short years or where secret police were unleashed on its citizens. Heck, until George Floyd & COVID & reading CASTE, I’m ashamed to say, I didn’t realize how truly ‘whitewashed’ American history was. My awakening has been heavy, but I thank Cornel West for that one simple message that has sustained me & will continue to sustain me going forward. Thank you to you, Eric Boehlert, Soledad O’Brien, Dr. Bandy Lee, Lev, @LincolnsBible, Stacey Abrams, Cornel West, Isabel Wilkerson, Debra Haaland, leaders who care about country and making a better future for all of our children, black and brown voices- all the people I’ve discovered who help sustain my sense of hope for the next 7 generations.
I am honored to be included on such a prestigious list. Thank you!
I am Unitarian Universalist, and heard Dr. C. West speak at one of our general assemblies. He was inspirational. Thank you for the quote: “ I am a prisoner of hope.” I had not seen it until today. Hope for me continues to be “that thing with feathers”, from E. Dickinson’s poem. I join you in thanking the leaders of today who are helping us save our democracy.
Trump was the grand finale to a forty year sprint by anti-government and proto-Satanic ideologues across the landscape of America’s psyche. The news media are clearly just reeling from this five-years long fireworks display of madness. The spectacle was good to them. They elevated various shady law enforcement types like Mueller and Comey into Flash Gordon level heroes. None of that silly melodrama served us well. I do have hopes for Merrick Garland to help right the ship. I have serious doubts about where the economy is headed near term, but for now the soul of the republic remains intact. And that’s what counts. Agree with your analysis of podcast vs. print. Keep your spirits up! It’s going to be alright.
Thanks, Jack. Oh, don't get me started on the failure of the media...
All they had to do was pay attention to the way foreign journalists were covering not only the disaster of EX, but also the failure of our Fourth Estate to accurately and consistently report the patterns of fuck-duggery transpiring before their very eyes.
Self-examination and reflection are required. The media appears incapable. Even CNN’s Brian Stelter, who stepped out from the pack by featuring Dr. Bandy Lee as a guest early on (but watered down her impact by including boorish egomaniacal doofus Allan Francis for the “opposing view”) only went so far in his critique of where the press was missing the mark.
Of course it may be difficult for Stelter to rock the submarine since he works for a network that assigned the brother of the Governor of New York to cover the Governor of New York...
I agree, except Trump is nothing the grand finale. The “angry old white man” meme has deep roots and he has erected it. Many others want to do that too.
You described our malaise perfectly.
In such times, remember why you call it PREVAIL. No one ever said that sustaining a democracy would be easy. Like a withering marriage that persisted without care or attention, we took it for granted for too long.
Time to remember why we got together in the first place, air the misunderstandings and tend to the hurts. Press on newly-committed, vowing to work on our relationship every day. In the end it is all we have. It is all that truly matters.
Silver linings, my friend. Take moments and look for them. We persisted. We moved forward with faith and each did what we could in words and actions. In low moments we reached out toward the next sane voice in the foxhole. We are meeting the moment.
And we shall prevail.
Thanks, Karen. And, yes, we shall. I believed that then and I believe it now.
Hear Hear!! 👏 👏
Greg I really enjoy your work - and listening to the Narativ with you Zev and LB - the rants are very therapeutic - we are all in unchartered waters - and as I see it we all need each other - we are "pioneers of this phase of our democracy and American way of life" - generations before us had to embark on their part of protecting this democracy - as yes, we are so spoiled and privileged - we need to stay close, hold the space for the frustration, fear, anger and tears - and then we rest, recoup and stand up as Americans and keep going - We must out work that which intends to destroy the freedoms we have been entrusted with by our ancestors - We must - there is no question there is intense hard work ahead - and I believe we are made for these times. ITs a privilege to share the journey with you. THank you for all you do for us!! Let's keep moving! God Bless you and your family!
Thank you, Terrie!
Your writing has improved my life for real starting with “Boy Plunder”. The streamlined content strategy makes sense as does Tito’s, Ice, Lemon, Pelligrino. I look forward to listening to the rant while watching our new puppy try to play with 2 balls at the same time.
Thank you. The drink really was out of this world. It was the lemon, fresh squeezed, that did it I think...good luck with your puppy!
Thank you for all you do. I look forward to every post & podcast. I appreciate your high quality work & always take away some "food for thought."
Thanks, Sandy!
In response to all the well-founded concerns about voter suppression and the threat to our democracy posed by the Republican institutional block, here is my view.
I would agree with you, Greg, and HCR and so many of her subscribers, about the headwinds pushing back on democracy if Mitch were running the Senate. However, a complete miracle took place on January 5. Against all odds, two Democratic challengers replaced two Republican incumbents. In Georgia. GEORGIA. Those are 100 to 1 odds, 1000 to 1 odds.
I do agree that there is a storm playing out, a vicious catfight is taking place, the Old Order, Civil War Holdouts Club is fighting for its life. I believe now, based on the events of the past year [but especially since Jan. 5], that the Old Order Society of racism, sexism, gender-ism, and anti-Semitism is in an existential fight for its political life. The January 6 Capitol Riot is an act of final desperation. Like the Wicked Witch of the West, the racist and sexist society is disintegrating, melting, fading away.
Just sayin'. It's easy to be alarmed, but the good news is that all this voter suppression activity is now in the glaring spotlight. If as a nation we continued to sweep this activity under the rug, like we did for decades, to allow it to happen without paying attention, that would be another matter. Then 2022 and 2024 would be Republican waves for sure. But in this environment? Under this spotlight? Look what happened in California after the 2010 Census when gerrymandered districts were completely redrawn. In less than a decade, the California Republicans became an endangered species. We only have a dozen House Republicans left out of 53 House seats. Both state legislatures are supermajority Democrat. They can ignore the Republican politicians with impunity. And they do.
It'll take a while, and it won't happen in every state, but I think the Republican Party is dying out. I think it is heading for permanent minority status like in California. Constant infighting. Trump attacking the R's who stood up to him, causing chaos and mayhem as they are targeted for primary challenges. In 2020 no less than 7 different Republican groups fighting against Trump and for Biden during the campaign, from Lincoln Project to ex-Bush officials to even ex-Trump officials. The flight from the party has been ongoing, with (just a sample) Nicole Wallace and Joe Scarborough going of all places to MSNBC, and Jennifer Rubin at WaPo, and even George Will, the most diehard of diehards, exiting the party. Republican Senate stalwarts like Roy Blunt and 4 other Senators retiring, and the behind the scenes scuttlebutt is that they are disillusioned with the Trump takeover and the unacknowledged but escalating sedition plank/platform.
None of this is a recipe for taking back the Senate. None of this is a recipe for taking back the WH, or even increasing the House caucus. The Republican Party has become, nakedly and unashamedly, the voice of the remaining social order of racists and sexists and genderists. It's a formula that is guaranteed to fail, a clear sign that this old order of despicable values is in its death throes, is fighting for its life.
The Republican Party is in the middle of an existential crisis, a fight for its very existence as a political force with any viablity. That's my opinion, based on the unfolding events of the past year. I think the turning point was likely Jan. 5 and Jan. 6. I am thinking that the old pendulum swing of Democrat to Republican and back, back and forth, Senate and White House, might have been broken, might be permanently damaged. U.S. society might be blowing up that pendulum.
It could take years, who knows. Maybe Mitch will return to lead the Senate one more time, it could happen. But right now, I don't think it's democracy experiencing the headwinds, I think it's the Republican Party as the political voice of racism that is feeling the headwinds and is facing an uphill battle for its life. Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
I follow your prevail letters great interest. I find your research and knowledge invaluable. It’s seems we both love Heather Cox Richardson as well and i subscribe to her as well. History brings context. It has become clear to me that there is so much more to learn.
Thank you. I share your posts with all my friend on Facebook
Thanks. I love HCR, and I have no idea how she cranks those out EVERY DAY.
She doesn’t sleep much😉
Thank you for your passion, your anger, your wit. You express so well what I and others are feeling. it's a tough time. Born in 1940, I listened to FDR's fireside chats at my parents' encouragement, ducked under my desk during nuclear-bomb drills in grammar school (laughable now to think that might have protected us), sweated out the Cuban missile crisis, and raised a family during times of war and assassinations, as well as continued racism throughout the country. But never have I been more worried, upset, and engaged in political activism (even though the latter is limited to writing Postcards to Voters and joining an occasional march). I'd like to do more, and perhaps I will if called upon.
Thank you. Through all of that period, there was never any doubt that all Americans were on the same side. Now, it's much murkier. But we keep fighting the good fight because we must!
I appreciate your contemplative article. I can relate.
Most of us will stand by you and with you.
Keep up the great work. Love reading your tweets and articles.
Thank you!
If I might piggyback on the photograph of Lucille Bluth at the end of your article, I raise my glass to you, Greg. Throughout the madness of the Trump years, you helped me to keep my sanity. You help me to laugh during the darkest of times...even through the darkest of your sentences. Your command of the English language and wry wit is unparalleled. I look forward to all of your articles...and perhaps some day, I'll get into podcast mode. You just keep evolving, keep doing what you're doing, Lucille Bluth and I clink our martini glasses to you.
Thanks, Joy. I love Lucille, and I also love Malory Archer, who she played on ARCHER. I almost used that for this, but the Lucille photo is actually her.
I love Lucy too. Ooops, wrong show.