Thank you for your humanity. Thank you for helping me keep in touch with mine these last few (too many, really) years.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Strong six syllable finish! Congrats on 3 years, so very glad to subscribe.

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Greg, this is your best parody song yet! Love it!!!!

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

So glad I found your Substack.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Brilliant piece Greg, as always! 'Souless husk' fits him perfectly. My Mastodon handle is @inksanity@mast.to ~ 😆

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

All the money in the world can’t buy happiness. How many different ways can we be told this before it sinks in? This poem takes me back to my senior year HS English teacher who made us read poetry and old writers (Dickens). So many people we’ve never heard of that have written things we should be exposed to!! Thanks for all you write on your Substack!!

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Or would he reject the subject outright, as utterly lacking in literary value?


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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

I’m thinking the method to Elon’s madness is Door #2. Although just a facade of blowing Twitter to smithereens. Last week it was Ye. Now Elon. Both are soulless husks. Or maybe just puppets like 45? So many distractions to create the aura of chaos. I do believe democracy will PREVAIL. Best of wishes on a Tuesday win for democracy, from Canada.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Elon Musk is what happens when venture capital picks their winners.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

Happy Anniversary! As an aging English major, I really enjoy these Sunday Pages along with the rest of your work. Thanks.

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Nov 6, 2022Liked by Greg Olear

3 years of ENLIGHTENMENT! Thank you, Greg! Looking forward to many more years of education from you. One of your many talents is to bring together a community of people who are absolutely brilliant and insightful. I really appreciate what you have created here! Enjoy your Sunday and repeat as many times as you can, "Democratic Super-Majority in the U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate as a result of the 2022 election."

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Is there a movement afoot wherein you, Alison Gill, Palmer Report, Tristan Snell, etc. (you know, the good guys) decide on another platform and we all go there in a block? I see David Simon is jumping ship and that's a loss. Will we be able to stay together? We must.

By the way, it's #2: a useful idiot tasked by the hostile foreign powers who ponied up for the investment to blow Twitter to smithereens

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Haha, Loved it. Friday and Sunday morning readings are the best. Happy 3rd PREVAILnniversary, Greg!! 🎉

PS: Hope seeing you (and all) soon on 🐘

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Last portrait

"Keep scribbling " Greg.

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Nov 6, 2022·edited Nov 6, 2022

Wonderful, Greg. Brilliant as always. Thank you. I remember the S&G on the radio, brand new so long ago ❤️

Richard Cory, in hindsight, did one thing for his community that our current crop of insane, evil bastards are too cowardly to emulate.

But, as you all know, I have a recurring hope filled dream in which #MangoWanker #Turdking is at a rally, pisses himself, and has a massive stroke...

Disabling and debilitating, unable to type or tweet, incontinent and helpless and unable to speak, fed through an IV and pooping into a bedpan, but fully aware of the prison hospital, for the rest of his life.

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Wait. Only three years? It seems like I haven't known a time when you weren't enriching my worldview. Maybe because of the events of the past three years, it's just seemed SO MUCH LONGER! Happy Anniversary, Greg. Hope to read many more years of your thoughts and insights. And Fridays at 7:00 (CT) have become "Must See YouTube!" Also hope you find more scrolls in jars - "Empress" was an excellent read, the mad kings only too familiar. Have a great week!

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