I love Jesus but haven't the slightest expectation of eternal life. This is it. Forgive. Forget. Live long and prosper. Do good to all.


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Amen to that!

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“I have never been a big fan of hope. It’s a demanding emotion that insists on changing you. Hope pulls you out of yourself and into the world, forcing you to believe more is possible. Hate is a much less insistent master; it asks you only to loathe. It is quite happy to have you to itself and doesn’t ask you to go anywhere…”

“…'But it wasn’t just the ugly things that I rejected; I despised beautiful ones as well. At school when teachers tried to help us with inspirational speeches about the power of our minds and our potential to be more than athletes or criminals, we often mocked them. How dare they interrupt our despair with hope?…” - *NYTimes, OPINION by Esau McCaulley

I found this posted by a reader on one of my other Substsacks. I think it offers a glimpse into the community you encountered in Upstate New York. And I think it has a lot to do with a person’s self-esteem. How much do you think you’re worth? How much do you allow yourself to love yourself? Do you allow other people to love and value you? Hope requires all of these things and so much more. Hope is a lot of work but the payoff is like winning the lottery everyday for the rest of your life. I have unwavering hope for Humanity, for Planet Earth, and all of her occupants. Some people will be celebrating resurrection and rebirth today. I say we have the potential for rebirth and renewal every day and every moment we can choose to change our thoughts and change our lives.

*He is a contributing Opinion writer and an associate professor of New Testament at Wheaton College. He is theologian in residence at Progressive Baptist Church, a historically Black congregation in Chicago and author of the forthcoming memoir “How Far to the Promised Land: One Black Family’s Story of Hope and Survival in the American South.”

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Thanks for sharing that. Wonderfully said and so true. Today, let hope be resurrected!

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The Savior wields vengeance upon those who we perceive to have stolen the happiness that we were promised. If you can get a group of people whipped up for revenge, they will follow you anywhere. Jesus was the opposite, but a lot of his followers were probably pissed that he up and died on them without them getting their revenge. 😧 Happy Easter!

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I remember when the Passion of the Christ movie came out, the New Yorker reviewer, maybe Lane, said that as a picture it was flawed because it was just the first act. We are trained in films to watch revenge, and there was no revenge.

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I never thought of that...👿

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WWJD? Answered with insight and just a tinge of sarcasm Ty Greg. I was raised in a catholic family and I’m pretty sure my parents were democrats (Kennedy) but I wonder too if they might have fallen for the trump trap too? The area I live in has lost most of its manufacturing jobs but still reliably vote republican. It’s a phenomenon that can’t be explained. Looking forward to the next 5/8 episodes

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I will never really understand. I man, I understand, but it will never make sense.

We are excited for Friday!

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Propaganda explains all, well, most

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Happy Easter Greg to you and your family. I live in a mostly blue city in NorCal but there are a lot of Trump supporters in them their hills just north of here. Yesterday we saw a caravan of Trump pickup trucks going through town with their stupid flags and wondered what that was all about. Is this the "Second Coming" Easter weekend message of Trumps supporters? I do believe we will need some Divine Intervention for the election next year. I will definitely pray for that on Easter day.

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Thanks, Anita; you too.

The flags are just, I mean, why? They are there to get a rise out of decent people. I don't think it's more than that.

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The magas identify with those flags & symbols & they are proud to belong to the cult that compliments & caters to them. It's about all they have left of the white exclusivity that in my lifetime was the undisputed master of the Universe.

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Happy Easter Greg Olear!

I hope you have a wonderful day.

Trump is their king, there is a trait in some humans that makes them want to obey their king with his faults and all.

They will follow him until the end.

It's way easier to dunk on the other side, make fun of them, than actually change anything.

His tactics are all very primitive. To arouse anger is primitive. But I don't listen to trump anymore and that to me, is glorious.

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You too!

I don't listen either. Most people don't. Those crowd sizes have shrunk shrunk shrunk...

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That all sounds familiar. I've been looking for a common denominator, a gene promoting Trumpism.

Neither of my parents were "religious," but on holidays, like today, I could choose. Sometimes, I'd go to mass with my dad in our blue-collar south-of-Boston town. I didn't like the spectre of hell fire and, even more frightening, the pious trying to run me down in their haste to leave the parking lot. I preferred my TN-transplant mom's Baptist church with polite smiles and casseroles.

On summer visits to mom's family in TN, there was talk of "Southern Democrats." But today, both my home area and TN vote red.

Both were not well-to-do, with few college grads. The wealthy, degreed communities in the city and West of Boston vote blue. But not just blue -- they go all the way to "open-minded." We just had a good Republican Governor (who elected not to run in 2022). Is logic's common denominator education?

Not entirely. My MFA classmate and some other educated friends are rabid "red."

I wondered whether the root problem might be gullibility, but while one red friend is a "believer" in things mystic and magic cures, others are devout skeptics.

My tentative conclusion is that the cause of Trumpism has to do with conscience and empathy. That so happens to be, according to expert Dr. Robert Hare, the root cause of what he labels "1st dimension psychopathy" including "white collar criminals."

Therein appears to lie a pattern. "Forty-five" et al certanly appear to fit that "white collar criminal" category which Dr. Hare attributes to the incurable state of never having developed a full-fledged conscience. Is Trump what happens when such a person has a "leader" personality?

What of those with "follower" traits? They become Trump voters? If so, the bad news, again, is that according to Hare, as I recall, there is no cure for under-developed conscience.

Cursed with hope, I hope my attempt at logic is way off base. If it isn't, then it would appear that someone needs to develop an instrument and assign power to screen out such people from both government and corporate leadership. Actually, if I recall correctly from "shrink school," Hare did develop a checklist-type instrument. But we may need more related infrastructure to save democracy. I hope, again, I'm wrong, because I don't see that happening. I do see luck and anger about rights abuse possibly helping in the short term, but overall, who and what will protect society from "evil"? I believe Hare may have used that word to describe, in the vernacular, the effects of seriously undeveloped. conscience. Or do I recall incorrectly? School was years ago. I hope I've forgotten. Happy Easter!

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Thanks for this. Hare is probably right. It's not a large percentage of the population, but in this current iteration of capitalism, both the politician and the businessman are rewarded for being sociopaths. We must tweak the system to change that.

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Thinking about Hare's book prompted me to see if it's still in print. I didn't get to the paper version but found reviews on Audible. Some listeners slam Hare for being "too proud of himself." Some dislike the narrator. But apparently, Hare is still recognized as the father of research on psychopaths, and his diagnostic checklist is still a key measure in criminology.

His book is about 25 years old. It's been almost that long since I read it. My "day job" was airline pilot, but I did 4 years of PhD study in existential psychotherapy and white collar criminals (until our corporate wizards, along with Bush and Chase, manipulated finances to terminate our pensions and my education budget.) Although Hare's book is far from perfect, several reviewers describe it as "chilling." It is. And I get the same flavor of chills listening to Trump. If I hadn't read Hare's book, I wouldn't understand why his actions and character are chilling and why the problem isn't politics but a dangerous individual acting without conscience for personal benefit in ways that could destroy democracy.

So I recommend Hare's book, "Without Conscience." It's dated, some don't like his writing style, and there are newer books that deal more with "psychopaths in our daily lives" and less with criminal aspects, but the criminal aspects of Trump et al have become daily news, so I think it's a useful book to read.

Interesting to me, I had the same reaction when I started reading your Substack pieces about Trump. They're chilling. The obvious level of research is remarkable. I hope your writing is being read by people with power to save us. I hope we vote to save ourselves.

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Thanks for all of this info, and all the recs.

I know we will vote in mass numbers. The real question is, is the system already so corrupted that that won't matter?

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A "Trump Gene?" OMG!!

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Machiavellian tactics always work, no genes needed

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This is a beautiful message for all of us this Easter, no matter our personal beliefs.

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Thank you!

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For those not in refugee condition but who know they can never have nice things like the people on TV have, the hope bank has had just 30 years of Democratic stimulus since 1953 & each time has been overdrawn by 40 years of Republican policies calculated to un-do progress & starve many while they & their owners prosper.

On a less unequal playing field hope could regain more of its natural, life-positive advantages over the exhilarated nihilism which is all that Republicans offer via calculated outrage & staged spectacle .

The corporate & plutocratic money allowed by Citizens United is a huge, unfair Republican advantage over the rest of us (the people). Citizens United requires the rest of us to secure an equivalent source of social action for reaching the people's goals of better life for all. That's the only way to make the fight less unfair until Citizens United can be repealed by legislation & all private money is banned from our politics.

The apparent & logical source of social action available to us, the people, is the US government that is foundationally, if not perfectly, conceived as the government by that majority. A government of, by & for the people is not the one that corporate & owner-class money puts into power when it wins elections & which doesn't go away unless the government is committed to keeping it, at least, in check.

So the hope that all our people need to re-kindle, re-conceive & re-dedicate, strongly & simply capable of reaching into the national rust belt of hope in upstate Everywhere, is that in the USA of all places, we can again elect governments that make nihilism the clownish, doomed non-choice that can't be imposed on us like the booby prize it represents.

Which can, should & must mean fighting for our votes without end against all the powers that work to defeat our votes until we have governments. that for a start do more of the right things than than the things that are wrong for us.

Unfortunately, 21st Century neural paths haven't changed much since a French King's officer decided he needed some revolutionary cred and wrote the bloodthirsty La Marseillaise; http://marseillaise.org/english/english.html.

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This is a perfect comment. Thank you.

And my god, I've never read the translated words. Wow.

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The thanks go to you for doing it week in and week out. I wish we'd had these communication forms when I had that kind of energy.

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"Energy" is the wrong word. I think it's a sort of mild panic? But thanks for saying so. : )

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It was a first for me also to read the actual translation...I've always loved the spirit of the song. Then I watched the scene from Casablanca via youtube where it turned out to be the perfect antidote to the Nazis. Damn, it is bloodthirsty.

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I have long held that "Casablanca" is the best film of all time, but it's uncanny how relevant it is to there here and now -- right down to Rick 86ing the Deutsche Bank Nazi from the inner casino.

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I agree that it is one of the best. Great dialogue, no wasted verbiage, great emotional side stories all quite human. Rick feeling sorry for himself revealing his deep sadness and jagged edge despite his hard outer core is rare in its revelation as Sam unmasks his anger.

And, I have laughed out loud at the Deutsche Bank Nazi being rejected by tearing up his card, but 'your credit is still good at the bar.'

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'There are no atheists in foxholes.'

I first heard this when I was very young. It didn't seem logical at the time but then I didn't understand atheists or metaphors or absolutisms. I soon found out there were no foxes in foxholes either, which was even more confusing.

Now, I am old and work on a place frequently where there is a real foxhole where a real grey fox lives, more than one actually. It's at the base of a big cedar tree, within a copse of little live oaks. Looks comfy. However, when I have spied the fox there and tried to approach it, the sonofabitch runs away, he doesn't go back in the hole. I don't know whether I'm a bigger threat physically or philosophically. That sure doesn't say anything good about the safety of a foxhole. It's more like a prayer b'n'b.

I do see a lot of people huddled in foxholes lately, though, but only because I engage in twitter. And some of them damn sure are atheists, 'cause I can read it in their bios. There's a part of me that appreciates the certain symmetry of the situation over time.

Now, I live in a era where some of the key battlefields are literate. Soldiers fighting for the truth but hiding in foxholes, wanting justice and salvation but denying that M. Garland or Jack Smith will do anything, period. Strange. I call it Barr Transliteration Disease. I don't think it is as bad a rabies, but it is infectious. I think it comes from being in the foxholes, directly in the line of fire and finding their hope being depleted. Many think it is 'being realistic.' Being realistic is shooting the sonofabitch with the machine gun shooting at you. As the immortal Tuco said, "If you're going to shoot, shoot...don't talk."

Being inspirational doesn't necessarily dictate what you might inspire.

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As I wrote you, I polished off this piece at my father's desk, staring at a poster of "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly." So...I feel Tuco.

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The very dangerous Harlan Crows of the world use people like the psycho Donald Trump and fanatical Leonard Leo.

Historically i view "Jesus" as a wandering delusional hippie evangelist. He also reminds me of Socrates.

Gods are a man made human evil construct. Practiced by approximately 4500 organized groups.

Will Harlan finance a Trump Tower on Elon Musk's Mars Ranch for Leonard to kneel to his god?




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Harlan Crow is an AVID collector of World War II Nazi memorabilia, and that's not just from The New York Post. https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/clarence-thomas-harlan-crow-hitler-paintings-nazi-memorabilia-1234711860/

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I saw that, and it's certainly true. He collects a lot of weird shit. But that level of interest is...well, it's notable.

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We should send them there to see...

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Amen, brother.

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As long as you brought it up, Greg, yes, the FOLDS in the flags. And they are legion! Look at pictures of Charlottsville, or most any gathering of these miscreants -- FOLDS everywhere. IRON THE GODDAMN THINGS! Get one of the "Nazi-chicks" to do it. Not even enough pride in what they're trying to express to put their best foot forward, even if it IS a Nazi flag or a Gadsden flag. Hitler would have had them in front of a firing squad. HIS flags were always PERFECT -- even those really long ones! Makes me crazy!

Do these Trump supporters STILL think he will be their Savior? I believe they do. There is no evidence to support that, but that has never stopped them from their "faith." In fact, there is evidence AGAINST that, which they choose to ignore or try to argue about. I have lately stopped mea culpaing my intellectual and moral superiority over these basement dwelling Morlocks. I can't, in good conscience do it anymore. In the early years, I really tried to understand their point of view. I read books, I listened to podcasts, I DID MY OWN RESEARCH, and still nothing. None of it made sense. It seems their very reason for being is to own the libs. Their lives and homes sink into the earth, their children go hungry, the cars they drive are from the last century, they work a part-time night shift at the 7-11, and STILL, all they want is to own the libs. I'd say this started around 2009 with the ACA and moved on to the Tea Party, the Republican Congress, Trump, and now huge, waving, UNIRONED flags across the land saying, "FUCK JOE BIDEN!" I'm not easily offended, and these don't offend me, but I have to wonder what they tell their kids when they've just learned to read enough to sound out words, what they say when asked, "Daddy, what does 'FUCK' mean?" Good luck with that.

"On this map, red means death." Well, certainly, on ANY map, red means death, so say the statistics. I am not encouraged though by that deeper blue area around Palm Beach. It bodes trouble.

I'm not much of a biblical scholar (LOL), and I don't think I've posted this before, but it's kind of a fun read for an Easter Sunday afternoon: https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/

Also, allegedly, "SCIENCE can help us make sense of the president's political invincibility." But, not really: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/mind-in-the-machine/201812/complete-psychological-analysis-trumps-support

I've put the Five/8 on my calendar so I don't forget to watch LIVE again. After a few months, the Neuriva might be bullshit! Happy Easter all!

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As always, an excellent comment. Thanks, Steve.

The folds. The lazy. Unreal.

See you Friday!

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I love your writing, Greg, and finally subscribed today so that I can tell you so. The piece about “Saviors” perfectly aligns with my own thoughts at this point in my life about Easter—and the orange anti-Jesus.

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Thanks so much, Earl, for the subscription and the kind words. Much appreciated.

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Well said Greg! We can save ourselves & perhaps save one another in the process.. Happy Easter!

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Let us pray...

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