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Thanks, Steve. Jefferson Davis did not want a civil war. He wanted the Supreme Court to rule on whether or not secession was legal. I'm no legal scholar, but it seems to me that, if we go back through the original paperwork, the decision to enter the Union is not a once-and-forever thing. Lincoln thought otherwise, and one could probably make the argument that the violence, and certainly the military occupation after, was not really in the spirit of the Union. On the other hand, the Southern states were run by disgusting slaveholding oligarchs who deserve what they got.

New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, northern VA; the Philadelphia region of PA; NH, VT and ME if they want; call it American Coalition of Eastern States, or ACES. We'd have the largest city in the country that's also the financial capital of the Western world, plus West Point and the Naval Academy, plus Langley, plus the Delaware corp system; and probably we could keep DC as the capital.

California, Oregon, Washington, Hawaii -- Pacific American Western Nation, or PAWN.

Let Trump preside from Mar a Lago over the neo-Confederacy. Good luck with that.

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Wait a minute. I live in a blue county and city in a red state - Texas. Do I get to be part of say - PAWN? Asking for a friend.

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Greg completely left out where I live too, which is near Chicago. That would probably be a coalition of Minnesota, Michigan, Wisconsin (if they get their act together!), and Illinois -- and that might only be Northern Illinois, there are some whack jobs in the southern part of the state. The Union of American Heartland States, or UAHS (that would be a national cheer too). "Yoooooaaahhhhh!" Howard Dean would be our first president.

Right now, Illinois is a blue island in a sea of red. Texas would probably have to be subdivided all on its own -- it's already the size of a regular country!

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Could blue St. Louis become part of Illinois, please?

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I live in a red county in a red state. I’d just need to get out. Period.and I would

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