Hope is hard to find in this morass

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β€˜β€¦Craves what it cannot have, not universal love, but to be loved alone.’πŸ”₯

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As an Auden nerd I’d like to thank you for posting this!

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The first Twitter Header Image I created after Election 2016 included the ENTIRE last stanza of this poem. I love it so much. Thanks for sharing it here today, after the past week of ruthless actions against women, children, and those who don't love guns in Texas. UGH. And did you hear? Salman Rushdie is going to begin publishing here on Substack. You are in some good company, Mr. Olear! https://www.theguardian.com/books/2021/sep/01/i-guess-im-having-a-go-at-killing-it-salman-rushdie-to-bypass-print-and-publish-next-book-on-substack

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Thank you for posting this.

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